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Racism Alive and Well in USA

Well, how you handle those situations is your business. The only reason he stays in the clip is so he can film her. Had he not had a phone on him that day he'd have just driven off and we'd be none the wiser.
At the risk of further speculation, maybe the black bloke has been on the receiving end of racist abuse many times previously, and on those occasions had walked away - but on this occasion thought, "F--k it, I've had enough of this shit, I'm going to record it."
I understand completely and feel much the same. I had an incident last year with an idiot walking his dog along the local cycle lane out in the fields where the sidings are really high. His dog was off the leash and had gone into the siding. being a small dog I couldn't see where it was until it jumped right out in front of my wheel casuing me to brake suddenly. I remonstrated with the guy who told me I was a twat. I called him a cunt and he almost punched me. Regardless of who's right or wrong, I could have walked away and swallowed my pride.

Maybe I should have filmed it and stuck it on youtube.
But he didn't punch you, and you retained your pride, a good outcome I would say
But he didn't punch you, and you retained your pride, a good outcome I would say
He came charging at me with his fist raised. It was very close and I came away feeling pretty shaky tbh and started thinking, here's someone living in my community (which he does) that I now have bad blood with, where does that go? What consequences could there be?

I didn't feel proud at all. I felt pretty sick, actually. The thought of nearly getting into a fist fight with someone who, for all I know, could easily have kicked the shit out of me. I'm not a fucking MMA superstar!

I certainly didn't walk away from that bursting with self confidence and a sense of victory. I also doubt he went away thinking "you know what, i was wrong", though I can't know for certain. His attitude was far from pennitent.
At the risk of further speculation, maybe the black bloke has been on the receiving end of racist abuse many times previously, and on those occasions had walked away - but on this occasion thought, "F--k it, I've had enough of this shit, I'm going to record it."
Very likely.

I'm not unsympathetic either. No one should have to endure racism, as i have made clear several times despite other twats on this thread deliberately choosing to read into that the opposite (while failing to back up their hateful bullshit). I just don't think that makes it the right course of action. Simple as that. What he chooses to do, as a victim of racism, doesn't become sensible or advisable just because he's a victim.
He came charging at me with his fist raised. It was very close and I came away feeling pretty shaky tbh and started thinking, here's someone living in my community (which he does) that I now have bad blood with, where does that go? What consequences could there be?

I didn't feel proud at all. I felt pretty sick, actually. The thought of nearly getting into a fist fight with someone who, for all I know, could easily have kicked the shit out of me. I'm not a fucking MMA superstar!

I certainly didn't walk away from that bursting with self confidence and a sense of victory. I also doubt he went away thinking "you know what, i was wrong", though I can't know for certain. His attitude was far from pennitent.

Now, imagine that the guy had swore at you not because of an incident with a dog, but because of your skin color; or the color of your eyes or hair. Imagine that it had happened a number of times before, maybe dozens of times, or depending where you live, hundreds of times.
Now, imagine that the guy had swore at you not because of an incident with a dog, but because of your skin color; or the color of your eyes or hair. Imagine that it had happened a number of times before, maybe dozens of times, or depending where you live, hundreds of times.

What do you want me to say? You clearly seem to think I don't have a problem with racism, liek the rest of these cunts on here. Yes. Racism is disgusting. As. I. Have. Fucking. Repeatedly. Said. Now what?
Now maybe comes understanding that if a person is kicked enough times, they might begin fighting back, even though violence isn't a good thing. They might reach a breaking point. They might film something and post it to youtube, to prove that they aren't crazy, to prove that it isn't yet all sweetness and light, and maybe just to give a giant 'fuck you' to a racist cunt, to finally get some satisfaction.
Why do you tink I don't understand his motivation? I simply don't think it's the right way to deal with things.
I've had racist abuse yelled at me in the street - and not just the street. We all have.

In the past, I've tended to do what Wells is saying: walk away. Not because I necessarily thought it was the right thing to do, but because I was afraid that the situation might escalate into violence.

It left me feeling diminished, for two reasons. One, because I'd been racially abused by a stranger, for no reason. Second, because it left me ashamed that I didn't have more courage. I was more concerned about the possibility of some pain, than I was about doing what is right, and standing up for myself.

You make a good point there John lad. The feelings of self-loathing engendered by crapping your pants and backing down is, IMO, ultimately more debilitating than standing up for yourself and getting a slap for your trouble.
Comparing this to the broader cause of anti fascism is beyond ridiculous.

No, the principle is the same. Faced with violence of the threat of violence, the choice is straightforward: stand your ground or surrender it.

You've spent the entire thread basically admonishing a black man for not surrendering ground to a racist.

Now apply the same advice to a historical figure, like say Martin Luther King:

"Run Martin!

You make a good point there John lad. The feelings of self-loathing engendered by crapping your pants and backing down is, IMO, ultimately more debilitating than standing up for yourself and getting a slap for your trouble.

Better to walk away if you can.
Had it the other day. Out for a walk with my auld fella. Get stopped by some knobhead in a Jaguar. Accusing us of wrecking his gate or something. My dad denies it obviously and this cokehead starts being aggressive. This is a twenty odd year old fella talking to me dad who is sixty odd like he's a prick. Tells us to wait where we are and he will be back. Who or what with we didn't wait to find out. I think in that situation we were right in just walking away.

Up to you of course. But some people aren't worth the trouble.
Had it the other day. Out for a walk with my auld fella. Get stopped by some knobhead in a Jaguar. Accusing us of wrecking his gate or something. My dad denies it obviously and this cokehead starts being aggressive. This is a twenty odd year old fella talking to me dad who is sixty odd like he's a prick. Tells us to wait where we are and he will be back. Who or what with we didn't wait to find out. I think in that situation we were right in just walking away.

Up to you of course. But some people aren't worth the trouble.

Nah I agree with that - when I said it's always better to face someone down than to walk I was wrong - Play the situation by ear - You were right to walk there - Fuck getting into some concentremps with some coked up twenty odd year old when you're with your dad.
You've spent the entire thread basically admonishing a black man for not surrendering ground to a racist.
And you have spent it constructing a straw man.

My point was about uploading to the court of YouTube.

Stand your ground isn't a policy that's doing the black community any favours.

All you're doing is romanticising the struggle. What good would it have done if he had remained and her husband turns up and shots him?

Or he could have called the cops.
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Had it the other day. Out for a walk with my auld fella. Get stopped by some knobhead in a Jaguar. Accusing us of wrecking his gate or something. My dad denies it obviously and this cokehead starts being aggressive. This is a twenty odd year old fella talking to me dad who is sixty odd like he's a prick. Tells us to wait where we are and he will be back. Who or what with we didn't wait to find out. I think in that situation we were right in just walking away.

Up to you of course. But some people aren't worth the trouble.
I think you did the right thing in this case, and I reckon I would have done the same. Also, for me, it's about not being forced to change my plans because of a bully/twat. So if someone told me to wait somewhere, then I would do the opposite and walk off. Odds are he wouldn't have been back anyway, was just mouthing off.
You shouldn't have to alter your plans, but you might be well advised to. You don't know for certain the bully isn't going to carry out his threats.

So yes, walking away is advisable. Sad fact of life.

If someone started ranting at me, like the hideous street preachers in Bristol, yes I probably would walk away.

Women should probably avoid going around in short skirts too eh wells? I mean, they shouldn't have to but with all the leery sex pest men they might be best advised to.

Just because you're a pathetic little wet coward doesn't mean everyone else should be.
I understand completely and feel much the same. I had an incident last year with an idiot walking his dog along the local cycle lane out in the fields where the sidings are really high. His dog was off the leash and had gone into the siding. being a small dog I couldn't see where it was until it jumped right out in front of my wheel casuing me to brake suddenly. I remonstrated with the guy who told me I was a twat. I called him a cunt and he almost punched me. Regardless of who's right or wrong, I could have walked away and swallowed my pride.

Maybe I should have filmed it and stuck it on youtube.

Sounds like you put his dog in danger. He should have punched you. If you'd tried to run over my dog I'd have bitten your face off.
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All you're doing is romanticising the struggle. What good would it have done if he had remained and her husband turns up and shots him?

He didn't though did he? Why are you desperately trying to use something that didn't happen and clearly wasn't going to happen to support your case?

Maybe if he'd called the police they'd have kicked the shit out of him and then murdered him in custody - certainly wouldn't be the first time they've done it to a black man. In fact, we know that if he stayed and recorded it the husband wouldn't have turned up and shot him - we know that because he stayed and recorded it and the husband didn't turn up and shoot him - in fact nothing of note happened apart from a racist exposing her vile views to the general public. But we don't know what would have happened if he'd called the police - he might have been kicked to death in the cells then framed for something or other.
Women should probably avoid going around in short skirts too eh wells? I mean, they shouldn't have to but with all the leery sex pest men they might be best advised to.

Just because you're a pathetic little wet coward doesn't mean everyone else should be.
careful now, he'll wish cancer on you
What do you think would have happened if he had called them?

What I think is immaterial; either they turn up and arrest her for threates of violence and assault, or they take her side. If they cops behave as people on her assume they would then he gets them on film and has something much more important to upload than one angry stripper having a very bad day hurling the N word.

The alternative is people taking the law into their own hands.

He is also not confronting her racism either, he's sitting there filming her go steadily more crazy - furthering her anger. That doesn't address the problem at all. Did anyone in their right mind think racism didn't exist prior to this clip?
Oh good god are we really going down that route again?

'Somebody shot a load of Burger King customers/punched a few random strangers/raped several women/shouted at a driver who cut them up/hurled racist abuse in the street/dropped some litter. They must have schizophrenia/depression/bi polar/multiple personality disorder.'

This blaming everything on mental illness is just getting ridiculous. In fact I'd say it's harmful because it makes some people who were previously sympathetic to people with mental illnesses turn the other way because they're sick of everything being blamed on mental illness.

In general I'd agree with you, but in an interview the woman claimed to be bi-polar and blamed her behavior on that.
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