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Racism Alive and Well in USA

Oh wow yes. Let's not do anything then.

You realise that it's one or the other? Exposure or not exposure? The guy can show the video on youtube or he can't? Well maybe there's a middle way, I'd be interested to hear what that might be.

There's better ways to expose it I feel. Of course he can show it on youtube and he already has. Again though what exactly is it gonna achieve? Can you tell me how it's practically going to tackle racism? How it's going to challenge people's views? If it's just to make us feel good temporarily by saying 'oh look what a racist' ok fine but don't pretend it's anything more than that and don't display faux concern for the kids when they're in the video and plastered all over the Internet against their will (by you I don't mean you specifically).
There's better ways to expose it I feel. Of course he can show it on youtube and he already has. Again though what exactly is it gonna achieve? Can you tell me how it's practically going to tackle racism? How it's going to challenge people's views? If it's just to make us feel good temporarily by saying 'oh look what a racist' ok fine but don't pretend it's anything more than that and don't display faux concern for the kids when they're in the video and plastered all over the Internet against their will (by you I don't mean you specifically).
So what - he shouldn't put it on YouTube, or he should?

It's going to tackle racism by exposing (a) that it happens routinely - yes, people don't believe this - and (b) it happens for no reason, there's no justification, it's just racism.
Perhaps you should look at the quoting system - it's pretty clear. The answer to my question was "no" by the way.
I'm still waiting for you to justify your accusation that I'm a racist with facts because I find that, and you, pretty fucking offensive. You are a very selfish creature indeed.
Fucking hell. I'm not necessarily defending AW's position but whatever one thinks of friggo's shortcomings as a mod, well they pale into insignificance beside his absolute fucking woefulness as a poster. The guy is one of those thick people who lacks either the nouse or decency to realise he's thick. His school fees were a waste of money, nothing's surer.
So what - he shouldn't put it on YouTube, or he should?

It's going to tackle racism by exposing (a) that it happens routinely - yes, people don't believe this - and (b) it happens for no reason, there's no justification, it's just racism.

I already said he shouldn't because there's kids in it and they don't deserve the grief that will come from this. He said he feels sorry for the kids and yet has no trouble plastering them online? Doesn't square really but ok. What could he have done differently? he could've video blogged about it, he could've written about it in a blog, he could've tweeted it, facebooked it, started a hashtag trending and so on. Everyday sexism seems to have done a reasonable job in exposing everyday incidents of sexism so why can't there be the same for every day racism?

Personally I think everyone's entitled to a private life (to an extent), no matter how vile they are, kids more so but that's just my view. But putting all that aside I just don't see what good this particular video will do in tackling racism? A far better way is to tackle racist policies, racism in the media, racist institutions and so on because these are the things that actively create people like this woman.
I already said he shouldn't because there's kids in it and they don't deserve the grief that will come from this. He said he feels sorry for the kids and yet has no trouble plastering them online? Doesn't square really but ok. What could he have done differently? he could've video blogged about it, he could've written about it in a blog, he could've tweeted it, facebooked it, started a hashtag trending and so on. Everyday sexism seems to have done a reasonable job in exposing everyday incidents of sexism so why can't there be the same for every day racism?

Personally I think everyone's entitled to a private life, no matter how vile they are, kids more so but that's just my view. But putting all that aside I just don't see what good this particular video will do in tackling racism? A far better way is to tackle racist policies, racism in the media, racist institutions and so on because these are the things that actively create people like this woman.
Hold on - he posted it on YouTube which is exactly the same as posting about it on a tweet or Facebook or whatever. I'm not sure of your point here.
He isn't doing nothing; he's filming an angry woman, an action that isn't helping either of their causes. His goal is to shame her. You think that will solve the race relations problems of America, I don't.

We don't know what caused her to flip out. We assume she's wrong because of her reaction, we assume he's not scared her kids because he's calm. I don't know that. He could well be the worst driver in america. He could have had his attention elsewghere for that second and very nearly knocked one of her kids over. Again, as I've said, we don't know. All we know is her reaction and that he's conmtent to film her, which is clearly provoking her even further, and upload it to get his revenge. Clearly the threat of internet shame didn't stop her being racist and seems to have had the opposite effect.

Playing the race card like this just makes you looks incredibly petty.

You fucking twat. Playing the race card? She's racially abusing him. In front of her children. Which she claims he's scared somehow. Yet carries on there, whilst he's sat in his car, calm and detached.

I don't give a fuck if she's mentally ill. Shouting, being aggressive, sure, that's something someone under mental stress might do. THe fact she reaches for racist epithets tells you something. Whether she's consciously racist or not. That tells you something. Maybe he's mentally ill too. Maybe he's sick of being racially abused. Let's speculate.

Like that tram woman. She was depressed etc. Well so fucking what. Who hasn't been depressed. There' are loads of people with bipolar who don't pull the racist card. That's her BTW, the womin the video she made it a racist thing. Yes and those abusing her on Youtube for being a stripper or whatever. They're filth too.
Come on? Really? You're not getting this?
No, I am absolutely not getting it. You say
yet has no trouble plastering them online? Doesn't square really but ok. What could he have done differently? he could've video blogged about it, he could've written about it in a blog, he could've tweeted it, facebooked it, started a hashtag trending and so on
So he could have "video blogged" (on some other place than YT? and that would have had the exact same effect) or written about it etc (presumably not mentioning the kids - though they're pretty significant there).
No, I am absolutely not getting it. You say

So he could have "video blogged" (on some other place than YT? and that would have had the exact same effect) or written about it etc (presumably not mentioning the kids - though they're pretty significant there).

OK by video blog I mean he could've been a talking head, probably should've made that clearer. Writing about it he could've mentioned it was in front of the kids. Saying 'today this happened to me from a woman in a car park and all in front of her kids' is a lot different from showing the video with the kids faces in full view. Frankly, had she been on her own, I'd still have a few reservations but a lot less so.

Yes and those abusing her on Youtube for being a stripper or whatever. They're filth too.

I guess there's an argument to be made for getting all the ugly racism and misogyny out in the open with a video like this but then personally that would just make me depressed :(
OK by video blog I mean he could've been a talking head, probably should've made that clearer. Writing about it he could've mentioned it was in front of the kids. Saying 'today this happened to me from a woman in a car park and all in front of her kids' is a lot different from showing the video with the kids faces in full view. Frankly, had she been on her own, I'd still have a few reservations but a lot less so.

I guess there's an argument to be made for getting all the ugly racism and misogyny out in the open with a video like this but then personally that would just make me depressed :(

How would any of that have changed anything?
Changed anything about what? Racism? Probably not a lot and neither will this video. I don't think you're quite getting the bit about the kids being in the video. That's the bit I mainly object to tbh.
What bit about the kids in the video, and how does that affect the whole thing?
Changed anything about what? Racism? Probably not a lot and neither will this video. I don't think you're quite getting the bit about the kids being in the video. That's the bit I mainly object to tbh.

Maybe she should have just taken them away from the scary man sat in his car then.
What bit about the kids in the video, and how does that affect the whole thing?

Wow, OK....

I don't think it's right for the woman's kids to be uploaded to youtube by this bloke. Why should they get a load of shit from other kids at school, people online and so on just because a: their mum's a racist shit bag and b: the bloke decided to upload a video to youtube so everyone can go 'oh look what a racist shit bag.' I can't really be any clearer than that.
As I say, of course her kids and herself shouldn't get abuse from strangers via interwebs. But you know ifyou're gonna shout and abuse peple in the street and you have children with you, that's kinda your look out.
Yeah of course but he didn't have to upload it to youtube did he? If he feels sorry for the kids why plaster them all over youtube?

Because he was pissed off. He didn't want to get aggressive back to her. He didn't want to meakly just drive off and pretend it's all OK. He wanted to show someone else what's going on. Why didn't she move her children and fuck off herself if she was so concerned
I don't know how we went from "you cannot be arrested in the US for verbal harassment, ever, because of freedom of speech" and me arguing that wasn't the case to me implying that "the US is the only country where police racism/ tolerance of racism doesn't exist"
in fact, most people who know my views on things would find it laughable that I would imply anything of the sort.
Of course it depends on the circumstances, and of course there is a great deal of racism inherent in the legal system as well as amongst the police here.
doesn't change the fact that the woman could have been arrested/ charged

You seemed to be implying it was a foregone conclusion that if he'd reported it they'd have done something about it - sorry if that wasn't the case.
Those are not the only two options and if the cops refuse to get involved in what is clearly, or certainly should be, an offence then that is a separate issue.

I think it's preffy 'fucking incredible' that people think they have the right to hold court of others as video vigilantes. This isn't merely an issue of shaming someone, the purpose of which is to promote correct behaviour, it's about plasteringt hem all over the internet so they can forever more be sneered at by people who may well be equally nasty minded themselves. How does this video help end racism?

Why does the video have to 'help end racism'? Does everything black people do have to help end racism for you to approve of it or something?
I'm still waiting for you to justify your accusation that I'm a racist with facts because I find that, and you, pretty fucking offensive. You are a very selfish creature indeed.

Has anyone ever told you that you're the most irritating sanctimonious prick in the world?
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