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Racism Alive and Well in USA

Those are not the only two options and if the cops refuse to get involved in what is clearly, or certainly should be, an offence then that is a separate issue.

I think it's preffy 'fucking incredible' that people think they have the right to hold court of others as video vigilantes. This isn't merely an issue of shaming someone, the purpose of which is to promote correct behaviour, it's about plasteringt hem all over the internet so they can forever more be sneered at by people who may well be equally nasty minded themselves. How does this video help end racism?
How does it help end racism? By publicly humiliating a racist.

Your alternative - not to put it on YouTube - means someone engaging in racist abuse can do so without any comeback.

It's one or the other. Which one are you going for?
You. And your first response wasn't that he should have called the police. You only thought of that later. Your first response was that he should have just walked away:
I have never apologised for racism. Not here, not anywhere. If you're too stupid to learn to read then I can't help you. If you choose to read the exact opposite into someone's comments then you're a troll. Either way you have nothing remotely valid to contribute.

Walking away would have defused what could have veebn a violent situation. Who in their right mind hangs around waiting for someone to turn up and beat them up? That's your definition of apologist? You're moron!
We can only guess that.

It's also a separate issue. If the cops don't want to get involved or would not have, had they been called, then that is ill informed. It doesn't mean they shouldn't have been called and guessing what they would have done had they been so is stupid. You don't know.
We can't "only guess that" - that's what's happened. It was reported to the cops. Nothing happened.

And it's not a separate issue (oh wow it's suddenly supposed to be a separate issue now). Your last sentence is just garbled shite.
I have never apologised for racism. Not here, not anywhere. If you're too stupid to learn to read then I can't help you. If you choose to read the exact opposite into someone's comments then you're a troll. Either way you have nothing remotely valid to contribute.
How does it help end racism? By publicly humiliating a racist.

Your alternative - not to put it on YouTube - means someone engaging in racist abuse can do so without any comeback.

It's one or the other. Which one are you going for?
Again, public humiliation of racists on yourube didn't stop her.

And again you assume that the only way to deal with racism is to put pepople on youtube forever branding them throughout their lives as racist. So what will compel her to change her behaviour, or do you wash your hands of it because you think you're superior?
We can't "only guess that" - that's what's happened. It was reported to the cops. Nothing happened.

And it's not a separate issue (oh wow it's suddenly supposed to be a separate issue now). Your last sentence is just garbled shite.
It was reported to the cops after the fact, therefore it was a different situation.

If my sentence is garbled it's because this website is delaying my text when I type. I don't know how to change that or why it's doing it.
Again, public humiliation of racists on yourube didn't stop her.

And again you assume that the only way to deal with racism is to put pepople on youtube forever branding them throughout their lives as racist. So what will compel her to change her behaviour, or do you wash your hands of it because you think you're superior?

What do you think stops people doing stuff?

What do you think stops people doing stuff?

Publicly humiliating the racist's kids too? They're also in the video. I don't see how that helps matters? Imagine the shit they're gonna get at school? 'You're mum's a stripper whore, you're mum's a racist' etc. I think there's better ways to tackle racism.
Publicly humiliating the racist's kids too? They're also in the video. I don't see how that helps matters? Imagine the shit they're gonna get at school? 'You're mum's a stripper whore, you're mum's a racist' etc. I think there's better ways to tackle racism.
So we should not post on YouTube?

What do you think stops people doing stuff?

punishment and rehabilitation I would hope, one or the other or both. Enacted by the authorities who are not above the law. Where is the rehabilitation if this woman ends up losing her job or her kids get bullied at school? Is that ok then, or is that another 'apologist' concern? Videos of people being racist on youtube clearly haven't stopped her from being racist have they.
So we should not post on YouTube?

No, frankly. As I said on the first page I don't see what good it does? I think it creates more aggro than it solves. Racists have been publicly humiliated for decades, as have racist organisations, there's been race relations laws and so on. None of these things have ended racism but they've certainly helped matters, however slightly. I just don't see how a video of one incident serves any other purpose than to induce 'oh look what a racist cunt' from people.
punishment and rehabilitation I would hope, one or the other or both. Enacted by the authorities who are not above the law. Where is the rehabilitation if this woman ends up losing her job or her kids get bullied at school? Is that ok then, or is that another 'apologist' concern? Videos of people being racist on youtube clearly haven't stopped her from being racist have they.
It's already been indicated that the "authorities" are not doing anything. Which was _entirely predictable_.

You think there should be no comeback at all - that the woman should be free to say whatever and nothing should happen. You've said that explicitly.
No, frankly. As I said on the first page I don't see what good it does? I think it creates more aggro than it solves. Racists have been publicly humiliated for decades, as have racist organisations, there's been race relations laws and so on. None of these things have ended racism but they've certainly helped matters, however slightly. I just don't see how a video of one incident serves any other purpose than to induce 'oh look what a racist cunt' from people.
It's already been indicated that the "authorities" are not doing anything. Which was _entirely predictable_.

You think there should be no comeback at all - that the woman should be free to say whatever and nothing should happen. You've said that explicitly.
_entirely predictable_ is your bias which is making it far harder than it should be to have a reasonable discussion. It might have been likely, even very likely. I would certainly concede that, but that is not an excuse.

You keep putting words in my mouth. You need to stop that.
_entirely predictable_ is your bias which is making it far harder than it should be to have a reasonable discussion. It might have been likely, even very likely. I would certainly concede that, but that is not an excuse.

You keep putting words in my mouth. You need to stop that.
I don't need to do anything you rude little pixie.

You're just posting a load of racist apologist shite. You can deal with it, or you can do the whole avoidance thing. I don't care - it's entirely obvious to everyone reading this.

I hadn't originally thought of it connected with you but eh things change.
I don't need to do anything you rude little pixie.

You're just posting a load of racist apologist shite. You can deal with it, or you can do the whole avoidance thing. I don't care - it's entirely obvious to everyone reading this.

I hadn't originally thought of it connected with you but eh things change.
I haven't been remotely rude to you, despite your arrogance. I asked you to back up your foul little accusation, and you haven't. You repeatedly want to tell me what I'm saying when I haven't said it and then refuse to back it up with anything more than a fallacious appeal to the crowd. Get a life, 'pixie'.

So presumably you think it's great her kids will get grief too? All the calls to 'shoot her in the cunt' that will inevitably come in the comments section, that great too? Who else shall we publicly humiliate? What if, and it's a big if, but what if she genuinely thinks nigger means 'ignorant person?' which is possible as she did call him 'a racist nigger' without a hint of irony. Is public humiliation likely to educate her? Sure she may think twice from now on before racially abusing people in the street but I doubt it's gonna change her views, in fact it may well have made them worse. If I was a racist and a black person uploaded a video of me ranting at them, a video that had my kids in no less, it's hardly going to make me think 'hey, ya know what? Them black folk are alright.' This video can make us all feel better temporarily by calling her a racist whatever but it serves absolutely no positive benefit in a wider context as far as I can see.
I have never apologised for racism. Not here, not anywhere. If you're too stupid to learn to read then I can't help you. If you choose to read the exact opposite into someone's comments then you're a troll. Either way you have nothing remotely valid to contribute.

You clearly excused it. And no I'm not trolling.

Walking away would have defused what could have veebn a violent situation. Who in their right mind hangs around waiting for someone to turn up and beat them up?

Someone who believes they are a victim of an injustice and wants to stand up to it. I guess you just shit your pants and run away.
Oh shut up you miserable little racist.
Are you going to actually answer my question? You're the one making accusations, now you don't have the guts to back your accusations up.

And you have the fucking nerve to call me rude? Look in the mirror, 'pixie'.
You clearly excused it. And no I'm not trolling.

Someone who believes they are a victim of an injustice and wants to stand up to it. I guess you just shit your pants and run away.
No, I'd use my phone to call the cops. People that practice violence and those that threaten it should be prosecuted. Don't you think? Or are you going to make excuses now?

Saying 'you clearly excuses it' is not evidence. Telling people that their posts mean the exact oppposite of what they actually say is trolling.
So presumably you think it's great her kids will get grief too? All the calls to 'shoot her in the cunt' that will inevitably come in the comments section, that great too? Who else shall we publicly humiliate? What if, and it's a big if, but what if she genuinely thinks nigger means 'ignorant person?' which is possible as she did call him 'a racist nigger' without a hint of irony. Is public humiliation likely to educate her? Sure she may think twice from now on before racially abusing people in the street but I doubt it's gonna change her views, in fact it may well have made them worse. If I was a racist and a black person uploaded a video of me ranting at them, a video that had my kids in no less, it's hardly going to make me think 'hey, ya know what? Them black folk are alright.' This video can make us all feel better temporarily by calling her a racist whatever but it serves absolutely no positive benefit in a wider context as far as I can see.
Oh wow yes. Let's not do anything then.

You realise that it's one or the other? Exposure or not exposure? The guy can show the video on youtube or he can't? Well maybe there's a middle way, I'd be interested to hear what that might be.
Oh wow yes. Let's not do anything then.

You realise that it's one or the other? Exposure or not exposure? The guy can show the video on youtube or he can't? Well maybe there's a middle way, I'd be interested to hear what that might be.
So it is ok for her kids to cop grief then? You're not answering the question.
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