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Racism Alive and Well in USA

I don't think going on a racist bender is anything other than the action of someone with issues. It's not just the racism either. Clearly she's venting.

That's not how racism works. Racists abuse people of different race because of their racist belief. It forms part of their personality makeup.

I'll go out on a limb here and suggest that every black adult in the US, and probably in the UK as well, has been in a situation where someone on the street has verbally racially abused them.

I suppose it's true, though: people who do this do have issues. Their issue is that they're racist, and don't consider the objects of their abuse to be entitled to the same level of common respect or courtesy.
freedom of speech is not freedom to verbally harrass, use hate speech, and threaten people, and is not interpreted that way by the law. he definitely could have called the police/ pressed charges

The threats came after the filming. Were he have to called the cops rather than filmed her it could only have been on the basis of what happened prior to the filming. I seriously doubt he would have got anywhere calling the police and saying 'some woman just called me a n-----'.
Because of the tremendous amount of public attention to the video, Cheektowaga police conferred with the Erie County District Attorney’s Office before issuing a statement Friday saying that the woman will not face charges of harassment or anything else for her tirade against the driver, Narvell Benning.

Police say they watched the video and spoke to Benning about the matter before making their decision.

Speyer said Benning did not come forward with a complaint but that when contacted by police, “He indicated that if it was deemed appropriate, he wouldn’t mind if we pressed charges.”

In the end, investigators concluded that, although the woman’s comments were “highly offensive, it did not reach the threshold of constituting a crime.”
According to the Young Turks channel (which i watch) and their piece on this, her barrage of abuse constitutes assault and a threat to have him attacked is terrorism!

I don't know if that's true since I'm not a US lawyer, but at the very least threatening to have someone kick your ass I'm sure isn't legal.

Is that parking lot a public place, or the property of the shop? If someone were to have an accident from, say a loose paving slab, in that parking lot who would be liable for damages?

Yes. He should have called the police. Had he done so there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that she would have been charged with terrorism. Definitely. That would have happened.

Also, I don't think the 'which I watch' was necessary - given that you're telling us what they said it would be more surprising to hear that you didn't watch it.
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The threats came after the filming. Were he have to called the cops rather than filmed her it could only have been on the basis of what happened prior to the filming. I seriously doubt he would have got anywhere calling the police and saying 'some woman just called me a n-----'.

yes, he would have. it's racial harassment/ hate speech.
I'm a US citizen. I do have some idea of what I'm talking about.
The threats came after the filming. Were he have to called the cops rather than filmed her it could only have been on the basis of what happened prior to the filming. I seriously doubt he would have got anywhere calling the police and saying 'some woman just called me a n-----'.
The threats came during the filming otherwise we wouldn't have seen them.

He could have called the cops and said "ive been threatened with assault" or some such. He needn't have given out his ethnicity over the phone either. Why should he?
Sounds like the Erie County District Attorney's office doesn't agree.

oopsy, you're right. :oops: the whole hate speech thing is still being debated. I thought that had changed in recent years. In any case, I still think someone directly verbally harassing and threatening someone would warrant an arrest (and often does)
Sounds like the Erie County District Attorney's office doesn't agree.
And this guy did everything the apologists always say. He was calm and collected and didn't insult anyone - christ knows I would have. And yet _amazingly enough_ nothing happens. Hey, he should be happy he didn't get arrested himself, like if he'd been an angry black man or something.
And this guy did everything the apologists always say. He was calm and collected and didn't insult anyone - christ knows I would have. And yet _amazingly enough_ nothing happens. Hey, he should be happy he didn't get arrested himself, like if he'd been an angry black man or something.

Thank god for his sake he wasn't wearing a hoodie. :eek:

I'd like to hear the views of an African American who's tried to get police assistance in a similar context - because examples of where the police do something about it tells you nothing about how often they don't.

I suspect, much like the UK, it depends on where you are in the country and even who the individual copper is who takes the call. Two examples from my own experience - copper called out after a friend had the shit kicked out of him by an Asian lad - copper referred to him as a 'paki'. Another one where a black friend was racially abused by a pub landlord, in front of horrified customers - did the square root of fuck all.

I'm not suggesting the police in the US are necessarily worse than elsewhere, but equally I find it just about impossible to believe it's the only country where police racism/tolerance of racism doesn't exist.

Charged with harassment, disorderly persons, criminal trespassing and related offenses, he was being racist but that's not why he was arrested.

Though he did serve seven days for assault, the jury refused to convict of a hate crime and that conviction was overturned on appeal four years later.

2nd answer is most illuminating:

some lawyer on the internet said:
If your threat is deemed by the authorities as a threat of harm to this person, the fact that you used racial slurs can elevate it to a hate crime.

That is the racial slurs are not considered a hate crime in themselves.

She was certainly arrested. Can't find any evidence at all that she was succesfully charged. Can't find any evidence that she went to court.

It's certainly changed over the last twenty years but it's not standard in the US for people to be arrested and certainly not standard for them to be prosecuted for using racial epithets.
I'd like to hear the views of an African American who's tried to get police assistance in a similar context - because examples of where the police do something about it tells you nothing about how often they don't.

I suspect, much like the UK, it depends on where you are in the country and even who the individual copper is who takes the call. Two examples from my own experience - copper called out after a friend had the shit kicked out of him by an Asian lad - copper referred to him as a 'paki'. Another one where a black friend was racially abused by a pub landlord, in front of horrified customers - did the square root of fuck all.

I'm not suggesting the police in the US are necessarily worse than elsewhere, but equally I find it just about impossible to believe it's the only country where police racism/tolerance of racism doesn't exist.

I don't know how we went from "you cannot be arrested in the US for verbal harassment, ever, because of freedom of speech" and me arguing that wasn't the case to me implying that "the US is the only country where police racism/ tolerance of racism doesn't exist"
in fact, most people who know my views on things would find it laughable that I would imply anything of the sort.
Of course it depends on the circumstances, and of course there is a great deal of racism inherent in the legal system as well as amongst the police here.
doesn't change the fact that the woman could have been arrested/ charged
Charged with harassment, disorderly persons, criminal trespassing and related offenses, he was being racist but that's not why he was arrested.

Though he did serve seven days for assault, the jury refused to convict of a hate crime and that conviction was overturned on appeal four years later.

2nd answer is most illuminating:

That is the racial slurs are not considered a hate crime in themselves.

She was certainly arrested. Can't find any evidence at all that she was succesfully charged. Can't find any evidence that she went to court.

It's certainly changed over the last twenty years but it's not standard in the US for people to be arrested and certainly not standard for them to be prosecuted for using racial epithets.

ok, this is silly. you claimed that you couldn't be arrested in the US for anything that involved words rather than actions. that's simply not true. it's always been a grey area, and judged on a case by case basis.
ok, this is silly. you claimed that you couldn't be arrested in the US for anything that involved words rather than actions. that's simply not true. it's always been a grey area, and judged on a case by case basis.
And you claimed that he would have got help from the police because it would have constituted hate speech/harrassment and that you knew this to be true because you were a US citizen. Your own evidence certainly doesn't support that position.
And you claimed that he would have got help from the police because it would have constituted hate speech/harrassment and that you knew this to be true because you were a US citizen. Your own evidence certainly doesn't support that position.

yes, and I admitted my mistake. have you admitted your own?

eta: you most certainly can be charged with harassment/ threatening here. that was never in question.
And this guy did everything the apologists always say. He was calm and collected and didn't insult anyone - christ knows I would have. And yet _amazingly enough_ nothing happens. Hey, he should be happy he didn't get arrested himself, like if he'd been an angry black man or something.
Again, what apologists?
I find it pretty fucking incredible that there's some argument going on here about whether people engaging in racist abuse should be publicly humiliated or just left alone.
Those are not the only two options and if the cops refuse to get involved in what is clearly, or certainly should be, an offence then that is a separate issue.

I think it's preffy 'fucking incredible' that people think they have the right to hold court of others as video vigilantes. This isn't merely an issue of shaming someone, the purpose of which is to promote correct behaviour, it's about plasteringt hem all over the internet so they can forever more be sneered at by people who may well be equally nasty minded themselves. How does this video help end racism?
Again, what apologists?

You. And your first response wasn't that he should have called the police. You only thought of that later. Your first response was that he should have just walked away:

Awesome Wells said:
She's clearly troubled; going off on some massive racist rant threatening a guy with violence in front of your kids is not what sane people do. In contrast the guy seemed quite calm about it, as if it didn't bother him, so why didn't he just walk/drive away? He could have left at any time.
Of course we know. We know what has had even with everything on youtube - nothing.
We can only guess that.

It's also a separate issue. If the cops don't want to get involved or would not have, had they been called, then that is ill informed. It doesn't mean they shouldn't have been called and guessing what they would have done had they been so is stupid. You don't know.
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