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Racism Alive and Well in USA

Fuck me. Video footage of someone screaming "nigger" at a guy, and we have apologists on urban imagining possible provocations that might excuse it.

There aren't any.

Fucking depressing.
I don't think anyone has excused racism. Can you point to an example please, before you start labelling people as apologists for racism?
Your words wells: playing the race card. I'm starting to think this latest nice concerned with social justice version of you is a bit of a fraud.
I don't think anyone has excused racism. Can you point to an example please, before you start labelling people as apologists for racism?

I suppose your 'just asking' stuff about what he might have done to provoke her (after all, he didn't seem too angry so he must have done something) could be interpreted in that way by someone less charitable than me. But we definitely do have you focusing not on the racism but on the inexcusible decision of the victim of racial abuse to refuse to help his abuser and instead play the race card and document in the incident. You're nothing if not a fearless speaker of the truth wells.
Your words wells: playing the race card. I'm starting to think this latest nice concerned with social justice version of you is a bit of a fraud.
I'd be more concerned with why you feel the need to constantly stalk my every post. If you weren't an ugly minded cunt desperate to assume the worst about someone for absolutel no discernible reason, I'd be flattered.
I suppose your 'just asking' stuff about what he might have done to provoke her (after all, he didn't seem too angry so he must have done something) could be interpreted in that way by someone less charitable than me. But we definitely do have you focusing not on the racism but on the inexcusible decision of the victim of racial abuse to refuse to help his abuser and instead play the race card and document in the incident. You're nothing if not a fearless speaker of the truth wells.

So the answer to my question is no.
I'd be more concerned with why you feel the need to constantly stalk my every post. If you weren't an ugly minded cunt desperate to assume the worst about someone for absolutel no discernible reason, I'd be flattered.
Of course, a cursory glance at your latest (say the last week) wrong headed gloomings would show this for the lie that it is.
Ok; and your point?

As far as she's concerned her response is a rational one. She's offended a member of an inferior race wasn't sufficiently profuse and abject in his apology.

After all it's her, as she sees it, that's been disrespected.

And was thus hankering for justice to be meted out.

Hence the call to hubby. (And who knows who or what he would bring with him?)

So quite easily this could have ended in a fatality had she the means to hand or/and felt she would have got away with it.

That's my point.

Your's is seemingly to look at it from her point of view.

Bonkers in the head.
No, her point of view is, rightly or wrongly, that her kid nearly got killed by a guy in a car. She clearly has issues with black people. Those issues are not going to be helped by her being put on youtube.

And yes this could have ended in a fatality. So call the fucking cops or drive off. I guess he didn't take that threat seriously, which, compared to the racial abuse, seems the more pressing issue: imminent physical danger over disgusting racist abuse.

So we damn her for all of time then? Once a racist always a racist? Noone can ever change?
The cops/security would have done nothing; and given that he's black, and she apparently knows some of the cops as a result of her stripping activities, a visitation from the cops might have ended up going badly for him.
I remember a case not too long ago where cops beat up a young black guy in a van and he recorded their racist abuse on his phone. Of course, no charges were made, because cops, but without that recording the guy could have been in jail. http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2012/mar/30/police-racism-black-man-abuse

I think phones are about the best thing ever here. You can take audio and video recordings of anything and then send them out to the world immediately.
if thats the case where they're on the phone record saying 'you'll always be a nigger and thats your problem' it did make it to court and the copper got of...unbelievably.. with the bare faced lie that he meant those words in a helping context.
Maybe that's what is going on in the op, it was a bit of tough love, designed to force the lad to sort himself out and stop being one of those words.
No, her point of view is, rightly or wrongly, that her kid nearly got killed by a guy in a car. She clearly has issues with black people. Those issues are not going to be helped by her being put on youtube.

And yes this could have ended in a fatality. So call the fucking cops or drive off. I guess he didn't take that threat seriously, which, compared to the racial abuse, seems the more pressing issue: imminent physical danger over disgusting racist abuse.

So we damn her for all of time then? Once a racist always a racist? Noone can ever change?

'Her kid nearly got killed by a guy in a car'. Really? That's not what even she said initially is it? In the same way that she later accused him of 'filming her kids': constantly looking for a supporting angle to justify what she wanted to have happen. Next thing it would that he tried to run them down deliberately, because he's a racist paedo and so on.

And why are you trying to separate out the racist abuse from the imminent physical danger?

They are inextricably linked. She want's him dead because he's black.

Being forced to 'drive away' from racism or the threat of racist violence might have been considered sound advice even 50 years ago. But inferring that by failing to do so he is the no better than a provocateur is just not very 21st century.
I haven't commented on the stop filming my kids comment; on that I agree with you, it's a cheap and crass thing to say. As are racial slurs. I'm suggesting she's a nice person, but it seems evident she had a lot of issues.bipolar or not, she is clearly damaged. I don't find her to be someone to fear, like doom racists, or even hatred. That's a waste of energy, I think she's pitiful.

If someone was on the phone to their husband to have him come and beat the snot of me I'd worry about that more than her attitude toward my ethnicity. Wouldn't you? I don't think she wants him dead Bette he's black, I think she wants him dead because of what she thinks he's done to her kids. She just also this he's a POS because he's black.

Its not about being forced to drive away, is about what's the most pragmatic course of action. Obviously he should be able to sit in his car and mind his business the same as her, but right now he's being threatens and assaulted verbally. Him not doing so isn't what I mean by provocation; him filming and interacting with a damaged aggressive and threatening woman is.

She is obviously highly agitated and aggressive, she could and should have expressed herself better. Knowing this what is he doing by further interacting with her and filming her? Do you think she's going to wake up to herself and apologise or continue down the path toward the dark side of the force?
I remember a case not too long ago where cops beat up a young black guy in a van and he recorded their racist abuse on his phone. Of course, no charges were made, because cops, but without that recording the guy could have been in jail. http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2012/mar/30/police-racism-black-man-abuse

I think phones are about the best thing ever here. You can take audio and video recordings of anything and then send them out to the world immediately.

In cases like that I agree entirely, just not here.

And some folk just don't like having one stuck in their face, even in a public space.

He could have called the cops. I can't assume they would have been racist just because.
if thats the case where they're on the phone record saying 'you'll always be a nigger and thats your problem' it did make it to court and the copper got of...unbelievably.. with the bare faced lie that he meant those words in a helping context.
Is that the stop and search case in Philadelphia? The guy was on his way to work? If so that was absolutely disgusting behaviour on the part of the cops. No excuse for that at all.
It's amazing the conclusions some people will leap to.

'She's gone off on one in the street so therefore she has a mental illness'

'She's screaming at a stranger in front of her kids therefore their lives are toxic. Quick, call social services'

This is just ridiculous. As I said earlier we simply do not know what happened before the camera was turned on. He could've been a total arsehole beforehand. It certainly doesn't warrant a torrent of racist abuse but it may have warranted her getting angry. People get angry, it's a natural human emotion. It's ugly, one should learn to control it if they get angry a lot over the smallest things, but it's a natural emotion. Classifying things like this as toxic, mental and so on leads to things like 'anger disorder' appearing in the DSM. Yesterday I saw a bloke on a bike tell a cab driver to fuck off because the cab driver honked his horn at him. The cab driver in turn told the bloke on the bike to fuck off. Several words were exchanged aggressively and that was that. Are they mentally ill?

when I said "see above post" did you actually do so? I'll put it in big letters so you won't miss it this time.

The woman herself claimed to have a mental illness, and blamed her over-reaction on that. Not that that automatically excuses anything, I was only clearing up some confusion.
And again please listen to the radio interview. Both of them have their version of what led to the incident, so no, what happened before the recorded part is not completely unknown, for the 3rd time.
when I said "see above post" did you actually do so? I'll put it in big letters so you won't miss it this time.

The woman herself claimed to have a mental illness, and blamed her over-reaction on that. Not that that automatically excuses anything, I was only clearing up some confusion.
And again please listen to the radio interview. Both of them have their version of what led to the incident, so no, what happened before the recorded part is not completely unknown, for the 3rd time.

Yeah that's exactly the point I'm making, numb nuts. She's claiming mental illness in an attempt to get let off the hook for her outburst. She may well indeed have a mental illness of course but my point is there's a tendency to leap to mental illness every time something like this happens (I can be an overbearing loud mouth prick too :thumbs:). Yes what happened before is completely unknown because it's one person's word against another.

Anyway I don't understand why you're responding to me as if I've been specifically singling you out on this thread every time I mentioned mental illness? If I was responding to you specifically I would've quoted you like I am now. Then again you do strike me as a bit of an over sensitive type so I guess it's not too surprising. Now go ahead and accuse me of America bashing or something.

I'm trying to explain to you that you misunderstood.
The only people who mentioned mental illness were me, as far as I'm aware, and some other people commented on it.
It was just stated as a fact, that the woman had claimed to be bipolar. nobody claimed that was the reason for her outburst or an excuse.
you've been ranting about it without understanding the context. Nobody is doing what you're claiming, you just didn't read the thread correctly.
thanks for the cheap shots though :rolleyes:
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