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Racism Alive and Well in USA

You see, this is the thing about racism. The person doesn't have to be doing anything. A racist is pissed off just because a black person shows up. Just seeing a black person makes them angry. And from that point on, everything the black person does is suspect/bad in their eyes.

If you've ever been in a bar and someone just takes a dislike to your face, and you know there's going to be a fight no matter what you do: that's what it is, except it doesn't have to be in a bar.
He was black?

Yeah that's the likely reason or he could've made a scary face at her kids, scared them and she flipped out and probably more so than usual because he's black. Youtube's awash with videos like this, racial component or no racial component, because the world is awash with people who fly off the handle for little or no apparent reason. I don't really see what's so special about this one? Nothing's gonna happen as a result of it being posted except the usual 'oh isn't terrible' at one end of the scale to 'kill her in the cunt' at the other end, a whole load of stuff in between and then we'll carry on like normal.
Yeah that's the likely reason or he could've made a scary face at her kids, scared them and she flipped out and probably more so than usual because he's black. Youtube's awash with videos like this, racial component or no racial component, because the world is awash with people who fly off the handle for little or no apparent reason. I don't really see what's so special about this one? Nothing's gonna happen as a result of it being posted except the usual 'oh isn't terrible' at one end of the scale to 'kill her in the cunt' at the other end, a whole load of stuff in between and then we'll carry on like normal.

If you're black and an asshole and a jerk, then you should catch shit for being an asshole or a jerk. But if you're walking down the street, it's not right when someone is hating you just because your skin is a different color, and they start yelling names at you because of it, and because they hate everything you do based on your skin.

Racists don't just hate blacks who are assholes or jerks; they hate all of them; and they can and will be abusive even to the ones who are minding their own business; or to children, or old people who are black, not doing anything wrong.
If you're black and an asshole and a jerk, then you should catch shit for being an asshole or a jerk. But if you're walking down the street, it's not right when someone is hating you just because your skin is a different color, and they start yelling names at you because of it, and because they hate everything you do based on your skin.

Racists don't just hate blacks who are assholes or jerks; they hate all of them; and they can and will be abusive even to the ones who are minding their own business; or to children, or old people who are black, not doing anything wrong.

Of course it's not right I'm not saying it is :confused:

I just sometimes question the point of these videos? 'Oh look another racist scumbag' is all it's really saying. It doesn't particularly do anything to challenge racism and instead brings out other prejudices in the comments section, particularly if it's a woman who's being racist.

I only viewed your thread because I thought it was gonna be about a racist policy or a racist comment from a person in power which, IMO, are vastly more significant than some mouthy prick in a car park because it's racist policies and racist people in power that produce mouthy, racist pricks in car parks.
fwiw, this is my assessment of the situation, after listening to both of the radio interviews (woman and man).
The woman is apparently (self-admittedly) bi-polar. Not sure if that's a factor here or not.

The guy happened to start his truck just as she walked by with her kids.
Perhaps one of them was startled by the noise. Perhaps it was her who was startled.
She had words with the guy, and was calling him the n-word from the beginning.
She claims he called her something derogatory also but she "can't remember" what it was and it sounds like she's not telling the truth about that exactly.
When I watched and listened to her, I had such a horrible swamping array of feelings.
I felt the sadness, anger and pity that Doctor Carrot felt, I also felt a strange fear knowing that there are people like her.
Then I felt that I just don't understand.
How can someone be like that ?
How can a mind get like hers ?
It's evil :(
In regards to the queries about what happened prior to his recording - yes, there are too many "what if" factors that went on, before she went all agro on him. Sure, the kids may have jumped if he started his car, but they really didn't seem too hurt or scared when their mother was yelling and screaming and talking on her phone... which, if any one noticed, she turned her back on the guy as she dialed, so who knows if she really called anyone (like her husband or lawyer, like she was threatening). Those kids looked like it was a normal trip to the Dollar General, and this is an every day occurrence. Which just makes it worse if it is, but on the other hand, if they're not too concerned... they don't know any better yet?

Regarding "is he black?" - I was waiting for the end of the video where he puts the camera on himself and you see some middle aged white man or some other ethnicity / colour.
You see, this is the thing about racism. The person doesn't have to be doing anything. A racist is pissed off just because a black person shows up. Just seeing a black person makes them angry. And from that point on, everything the black person does is suspect/bad in their eyes.

If you've ever been in a bar and someone just takes a dislike to your face, and you know there's going to be a fight no matter what you do: that's what it is, except it doesn't have to be in a bar.

I saw this the other day while grocery shopping. There was a Korean immigrant family at the meat counter. This older white man walked past and turned back to look. The hate-stare on his face was incredible. They hadn't done anything more than take a bit of space along the counter.
The woman is apparently (self-admittedly) bi-polar. Not sure if that's a factor here or not.

It wouldn't surprised me. I have relatives who are bi-polar and sometimes the freak-outs are truly spectacular. In the right mood some of them will grab on what ever hurtful thing pops into their mind.

There's a growing number of untreated mentally ill in the US since the 80s. The services just aren't there, are too expensive, and not covered by insurance.
Vile behaviour from the woman in the video but I guess it's progress of a kind that this shit somehow makes news across the US and even internationally - I wouldn't have expected it in western New York so much but I thought these kinds of exchanges must happen a lot in places like Mississippi and Alabama.
It wouldn't surprised me. I have relatives who are bi-polar and sometimes the freak-outs are truly spectacular. In the right mood some of them will grab on what ever hurtful thing pops into their mind.

There's a growing number of untreated mentally ill in the US since the 80s. The services just aren't there, are too expensive, and not covered by insurance.

tbf before that people with any sort of mental illness were just institutionalized in horrible places - out of sight, out of mind.

As far as insurance not covering MH services, that is changing completely under Obamacare

"starting January 1st of 2014, the following "Ten Essential Benefits" must be included under all insurance plans with no lifetime or annual dollar limits:

• Emergency services
• Hospitalizations
• Laboratory services
• Maternity care
• Mental health and substance abuse treatment
• Outpatient, or ambulatory care
• Pediatric care
• Prescription drugs
• Preventive care
• Rehabilitative and rehabilitative (helping maintain daily functioning) services
• Vision and dental care for children"
Oh good god are we really going down that route again?

'Somebody shot a load of Burger King customers/punched a few random strangers/raped several women/shouted at a driver who cut them up/hurled racist abuse in the street/dropped some litter. They must have schizophrenia/depression/bi polar/multiple personality disorder.'

This blaming everything on mental illness is just getting ridiculous. In fact I'd say it's harmful because it makes some people who were previously sympathetic to people with mental illnesses turn the other way because they're sick of everything being blamed on mental illness.
I don't think I like this youtube society.

I like youtube - who doesnt enjoy a cat falling off a chair - but this attitude of holding everything and everyone to some sort of self imposed accounting, just because you have a videophone, is not right.

Whatever the truth of the cause of all this, and however ugly this woman's behaviour is from the footage we can see (which I do not condone), she will have to live with that forever. There's no chance of redemption and the more that people watch this shit the more that they will, as a result of their own issues and anger, coem to hate her. Again, forever. This is not right.
Oh good god are we really going down that route again?

'Somebody shot a load of Burger King customers/punched a few random strangers/raped several women/shouted at a driver who cut them up/hurled racist abuse in the street/dropped some litter. They must have schizophrenia/depression/bi polar/multiple personality disorder.'

This blaming everything on mental illness is just getting ridiculous. In fact I'd say it's harmful because it makes some people who were previously sympathetic to people with mental illnesses turn the other way because they're sick of everything being blamed on mental illness.


see above post. thanks.
also, to get a clearer picture of the situation, the radio interviews are pretty helpful.
Im saying that to everyone who hasn't listened the them, not just you. :)
I've no idea if she has bipolar, nor if the guy in the car actually called her, as she has allaeged, a cracker. If she has flipped out for no good reason then isn't it likely she does have a mental health disorder? She's clearly troubled; going off on some massive racist rant threatening a guy with violence in front of your kids is not what sane people do. In contrast the guy seemed quite calm about it, as if it didn't bother him, so why didn't he just walk/drive away? He could have left at any time. I'm not justifying her foul abuse - she could have done likewise.

I'm not really sure anyone really wins in this case and America seems to me a really fucked up place these days. There was a social experiment conducted by some US TV channel into perceptions of crime. They chained up a bike and had two separate people try and break into ti - in broad daylight - one was white and one was black. The results were dismally predictable. They even tried it with a white girl and she got offers of help! Meanwhile the cops are chucking flashbangs into the cots of babies and busting into people's homes shooting first almost every day!
I don't think I like this youtube society.

I like youtube - who doesnt enjoy a cat falling off a chair - but this attitude of holding everything and everyone to some sort of self imposed accounting, just because you have a videophone, is not right.

Whatever the truth of the cause of all this, and however ugly this woman's behaviour is from the footage we can see (which I do not condone), she will have to live with that forever.

Just wait for Google Glass.:D

I understand what you're getting at; but the maker of the video has to live with random people calling him nigger from time to time, forever. Maybe she and others will think twice about acting like an asshole - just like cops have started to tone it down a little ever since Rodney King and the various videos that have followed.
Just wait for Google Glass.:D

I understand what you're getting at; but the maker of the video has to live with random people calling him nigger from time to time, forever. Maybe she and others will think twice about acting like an asshole - just like cops have started to tone it down a little ever since Rodney King and the various videos that have followed.

I'm not condoning her behaviour. But if we want people like her to change and not be racist then it's possible that the consequence of being immortalised as CRAZY YOUTUBE RACIST BITCH might be to further polarise her behaviour. It might even lead to her kids being bullied at school.

Were she a cop then I think that's a different story. I have no problem with cops being held to account and some of the stuff you seem them do on youtube is terrifying. It's not a simple issue.

There's that Charlie Veitch guy, over here, who's entire youtube channel is solely him provoking a reaction on camera. I don't know what he's trying to achieve, yet he talks about freedom and liberty and a whole bunch of new age crap.
I'm not condoning her behaviour. But if we want people like her to change and not be racist then it's possible that the consequence of being immortalised as CRAZY YOUTUBE RACIST BITCH might be to further polarise her behaviour..

Maybe. But maybe it will make others think twice.
And let's not forget: she's staring into the camera phone - leaning in to it, in fact - as she verbally abuses him. When he stuck a camera in her face, she had the option to stop calling him nigger, and not get recorded.
He also had the option to call the cops/shop security staff and walk away. Instead he whipped out his phone and reported her to the Court of Youtube. Is that the better solution?
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