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Racism Alive and Well in USA

He also had the option to call the cops/shop security staff and walk away. Instead he whipped out his phone and reported her to the Court of Youtube. Is that the better solution?

The cops/security would have done nothing; and given that he's black, and she apparently knows some of the cops as a result of her stripping activities, a visitation from the cops might have ended up going badly for him.
The cops/security would have done nothing; and given that he's black, and she apparently knows some of the cops as a result of her stripping activities, a visitation from the cops might have ended up going badly for him.
They may well have done nothing. We don't know.

What justice is he getting from youtube other than mealy mouthed vengeance? That's just as bad IMO.

For all we know he could well have been driving without due care and attemtion and she might have a legitimate case for getting angry. Unfortunately for her she chose to express that in the nastiest way.

But he seemed curiously un phased by it. Why? If someone had accused me, regardless of race, of nearly killing their kid when I had driven carefully (for all we know she might have been at fault, not looking where her and her kids were going as he pulled out), i'd be pretty upset. I certainly wouldn't calmly sit there and film it in an almost calculated manner.
If someone had accused me, regardless of race, of nearly killing their kid when I had driven carefully (for all we know she might have been at fault, not looking where her and her kids were going as he pulled out), i'd be pretty upset..

Uh oh: here's another transgression.

The man..... didn't lose his temper.

Black, starting cars, remaining calm: this man needs an ASBO.
He isn't doing nothing; he's filming an angry woman, an action that isn't helping either of their causes. His goal is to shame her. You think that will solve the race relations problems of America, I don't.

We don't know what caused her to flip out. We assume she's wrong because of her reaction, we assume he's not scared her kids because he's calm. I don't know that. He could well be the worst driver in america. He could have had his attention elsewghere for that second and very nearly knocked one of her kids over. Again, as I've said, we don't know. All we know is her reaction and that he's conmtent to film her, which is clearly provoking her even further, and upload it to get his revenge. Clearly the threat of internet shame didn't stop her being racist and seems to have had the opposite effect.

Playing the race card like this just makes you looks incredibly petty.
And let's not forget: she's staring into the camera phone - leaning in to it, in fact - as she verbally abuses him. When he stuck a camera in her face, she had the option to stop calling him nigger, and not get recorded.

She's the aggressor. He's the target. She truly hates him. Not too long back, with just a little embellishment, she may have been minded to fashion up a lynching.
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This is where we differ: even if he's the worst driver in America, I don't think it justifies screaming 'nigger' at him. 'Asshole!' 'Watch the fuck where you're going!' Ok. But I'm not sure what the color of his skin has to do with some alleged driving offence.
You're not listening: I didn't say it justifies her screaming racist abuse at him. In fact I've made that point clearly more than once. Are you trying to argue with me or yourself?
We don't know what caused her to flip out. We assume she's wrong because of her reaction, we assume he's not scared her kids because he's calm. I don't know that. He could well be the worst driver in america. He could have had his attention elsewghere for that second and very nearly knocked one of her kids over. Again, as I've said, we don't know. .

How is any of this relevant?
How is any of this relevant?
Because I would like to know what happened.

And because noone just decides to flip out. She clearly has issues and I would like to think that the best way to deal with those issues is to help her, if only so her kids don't grow up in a toxic environment. This is not served by stickgin her up on youtube so the whole world can laugh at her - or worse. Do her kids deserve to get picked on as a result of this? Does she deserve to be attacked physically for instance? How does perptuating the cycle of violence solve anything?

I don't care about her or him, I care that this trial by youtube shit is the way people think problems in society are going to get solved, when clearly they aren't. So her life gets ruined, with knock on effects for her family, and the internets washes her hands of it. Great. That's sorted racism then!
Because I would like to know what happened.

And because noone just decides to flip out. She clearly has issues and I would like to think that the best way to deal with those issues is to help her, if only so her kids don't grow up in a toxic environment.

With no video, no one would know about the toxic environment that her kids are growing up in.

Maybe now, she will seek out some much-needed help. Anger management classes would be good for starters.
We don't know that they are growing up in a toxic environment!

Did he upload the video to social services?

I don't think youtbue are going to help her.
If you are saying that I don't think it's toxic for those kids to bear witness to that then we're done here.

see above post. thanks.
also, to get a clearer picture of the situation, the radio interviews are pretty helpful.
Im saying that to everyone who hasn't listened the them, not just you. :)

I dunno why you :facepalm: because I wasn't directing the comment at you specifically.

By we I mean we, people, humans, great apes etc. Was making a comment about this increasing tendency to blame every single incident on mental illness.

Do you agree it's an overused scapegoat?
He isn't doing nothing; he's filming an angry woman, an action that isn't helping either of their causes. His goal is to shame her. You think that will solve the race relations problems of America, I don't.

We don't know what caused her to flip out. We assume she's wrong because of her reaction, we assume he's not scared her kids because he's calm. I don't know that. He could well be the worst driver in america. He could have had his attention elsewghere for that second and very nearly knocked one of her kids over. Again, as I've said, we don't know. All we know is her reaction and that he's conmtent to film her, which is clearly provoking her even further, and upload it to get his revenge. Clearly the threat of internet shame didn't stop her being racist and seems to have had the opposite effect.

Playing the race card like this just makes you looks incredibly petty.

'Playing the race card' lol

The card was played when she called him a nigger - to suggest this can be discussed without reference to race - without 'playing the race card' is bonkers.

I doubt he filmed her with the aim of improving race relations in the USA. I expect he was pissed off and wanted to record it, possibly with the intention of getting his own back. Can't say I blame him.

The trial by youtube stuff is distasteful but don't try and pin the whole thing on him.
Then I guess we agree that the kids are growing up in a toxic environment?
Now you're delibnerately being ontuse.

This one incident doesn't necessarily represent the entirety of their development of home environment. We don't know that. All we can say is that bearing witness to her five minute outburst is toxic. We cannot assume that's representative of their home life. Parent's lose their shit all the time, she's a human being. I'd rather see her rehabilitate than demonised forevermore. If that's not possible than that's sad for everyone, especially her kids and we can only hope they grow up and away from that. But youtube isn't the solution, in fact it's possible it could be the opposite. He can see she's getting more agitated by filming her and could easily have driven off. He chose not to. That doesn't excuse how she expresses her agitation nor does it excuse him being racially abused. That video will outlive any prison sentence she might have gotten.
I dunno why you :facepalm: because I wasn't directing the comment at you specifically.

By we I mean we, people, humans, great apes etc. Was making a comment about this increasing tendency to blame every single incident on mental illness.

Do you agree it's an overused scapegoat?
What if she is mentally ill? Is that helped by being plastered over the ineternet? Is it fair to film someone having a breakdown so you can get a reaction online?
It's amazing the conclusions some people will leap to.

'She's gone off on one in the street so therefore she has a mental illness'

'She's screaming at a stranger in front of her kids therefore their lives are toxic. Quick, call social services'

This is just ridiculous. As I said earlier we simply do not know what happened before the camera was turned on. He could've been a total arsehole beforehand. It certainly doesn't warrant a torrent of racist abuse but it may have warranted her getting angry. People get angry, it's a natural human emotion. It's ugly, one should learn to control it if they get angry a lot over the smallest things, but it's a natural emotion. Classifying things like this as toxic, mental and so on leads to things like 'anger disorder' appearing in the DSM. Yesterday I saw a bloke on a bike tell a cab driver to fuck off because the cab driver honked his horn at him. The cab driver in turn told the bloke on the bike to fuck off. Several words were exchanged aggressively and that was that. Are they mentally ill?
What if she is mentally ill? Is that helped by being plastered over the ineternet? Is it fair to film someone having a breakdown so you can get a reaction online?

No I think I've already made my views clear on the pointlessness of videos like this and how they create more trouble on the first page.
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