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Racism Alive and Well in USA

I've been away a couple of days and I come back to find this - everything exactly the same as it was when I left - I can't leave you cunts for 5 minutes :mad:

I think people who murder babies are probably nice deep down and just have troubles and if the babies tried to help and be nice to them instead of crying and shitting in their nappies they'd not murder them. We shouldn't be focusing on the murder of the babies, we should be focusing on what the babies might have done to provoke the murder (crying and shitting the nappies being a good place to start) and on any kind of nasty or prejudiced comments people people direct towards the baby murderer on daily mail articles.

BTW: If you disagree or call me an apologist for baby murder you're a disgusting fucking bully and I'm gonna report you and start a thread about what nasty bullies you are :mad::mad::mad:
Now you're delibnerately being ontuse.

This one incident doesn't necessarily represent the entirety of their development of home environment. We don't know that. All we can say is that bearing witness to her five minute outburst is toxic. We cannot assume that's representative of their home life. Parent's lose their shit all the time, she's a human being. I'd rather see her rehabilitate than demonised forevermore. If that's not possible than that's sad for everyone, especially her kids and we can only hope they grow up and away from that. But youtube isn't the solution, in fact it's possible it could be the opposite. He can see she's getting more agitated by filming her and could easily have driven off. He chose not to. That doesn't excuse how she expresses her agitation nor does it excuse him being racially abused. That video will outlive any prison sentence she might have gotten.
With the greatest of respect using racist terminology and using profanities as much as she did would suggest, on balance, that the kids may well be living in some sort of bad environment. We can all debate as to how bad that is but she's lost her rag, claims that this is about the kids but is threatening him with violence, swearing and using racist terminology in front of the kids. That by any measure doesn't suggest good parenting. No matter how angry you get that's not good modelling behaviour.
Also, effectively using your kids as the sole justification for going on some unhinged racist hatefest is totally not fucking on. Whichever you look at it, that woman was clearly in the wrong -on multiple levels. Her bahaviour is completely unjustifiable.
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With the greatest of respect using racist terminology and using profanities as much as she did would suggest, on balance, that the kids may well be living in some sort of bad environment. We can all debate as to how bad that is but she's lost her rag, claims that this is about the kids but is threatening him with violence, swearing and using racist terminology in front of the kids. That by any measure doesn't suggest good parenting. No matter how angry you get that's not good modelling behaviour.
I don't think anybody suggested her behaviour was good parenting. Clearly screaming abuse in front of your kids is not a good example.
I never said "Posting a video of a shitty racist hurling abuse on youtube is as bad as being the shitty racist hurling abuse".
Please elaborate on the vast difference in meaning between

a)"Posting a video of a shitty racist hurling abuse on youtube is as bad as being the shitty racist hurling abuse"


b)"What justice is he getting from youtube other than mealy mouthed vengeance? That's just as bad IMO" (your exact words)
Please elaborate on the vast difference in meaning between

a)"Posting a video of a shitty racist hurling abuse on youtube is as bad as being the shitty racist hurling abuse"


b)"What justice is he getting from youtube other than mealy mouthed vengeance? That's just as bad IMO" (your exact words)

Im not interesting in discussing a straw man.

I never said he was getting any other kind of justice from youtube. If you aren't prepared to read my comments correctly then either ask respectfully for clarification or fuck off. I'm not here to be your dancing monkey just so you can feel smug.

If the best you can do, in your crusade to 'out' the racist sympathiser is misquote what he says, then you are a sad sort indeed.

Being a victim of racism doesn't grant your subsequent actions or responses immunity from criticism nor does it preclude the victim from making bad decisions. Conversely criticising a poor response doesn't mean you excuse the racism either. If you can't understand these two things then you are simply not paying enough attention and really ought to zip it.

It's unfortunate, it's awful that it happened to them and it shouldn't - a fact i've expressed more than anyone else in this 'discussion' - but that's life. People get picked on and they react, in this case poorly.

If you want justice, and I doubt you do because it's far easier to pick on someone online than to actually contribute something more thoughtful it seems, then you should be advocating that he call the cops - which is what he himself originally claimed he was going to do. Anything else after that is a poor choice. This is hardly unmaksing the local KKK grand wizard; it's 'exposing' an angry troubled mother in front of her kids after already intending to leave the scene and call the cops. That is not justice, it's revenge. You might be ok with that. I am not.
Im not interesting in discussing a straw man.

And I'm not interested in teaching you what a fucking straw man is (cause that certainly isn't one), I'm asking why you denied having said words equivalent to statement a) in the above post when I consider it a reasonable summary of the idea expressed in statement b) and I think most reasonable people would. I thought you may be able to elaborate a nuance of meaning which separated the two statements but obviously fucking not.
And I'm not interested in teaching you what a fucking straw man is (cause that certainly isn't one), I'm asking why you denied having said words equivalent to statement a) in the above post when I consider it a reasonable summary of the idea expressed in statement b) and I think most reasonable people would. I thought you may be able to elaborate a nuance of meaning which separated the two statements but obviously fucking not.

I didn't deny those words. I denied the statement in quotation marks. Criticising me on the basis of that statement is using a straw man because you are judging me on the basis of what i didn't say.

By all means continue ignoring what I actually say just so you can carry on your self righteous crusade to 'out' the racist sympathiser lurking in your mist. The one who actually advoctated a sensible response and criticised the woman's behaviour more times than anyone else.
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