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Racism Alive and Well in USA

I didn't deny those words. I denied the statement in quotation marks. Criticising me on the basis of that statement is using a straw man because you are judging me on the basis of what i didn't say.

And I'm saying the two statements are to all intents and purposes identical. And the purpose of a straw man is that you can use an argument to defeat it, no argument needed as both versions are obviously wrong and offensive. You've utterly failed to point out where the two statements differ so haven't proved it's a straw man, you've just said it's a straw man, just like you've said you're not defending racists, right after you've defended a racist. You need to actually refute the opposing argument rather than just deny it to have a debate.

By all means continue ignoring what I actually say just so you can carry on your self righteous crusade to 'out' the racist sympathiser lurking in your mist. The one who actually advoctated a sensible response and criticised the woman's behaviour more times than anyone else.

Is that toning mist? Get a fucking dictionary if you want to make sense Mrs Malaprop.
It's unfortunate, it's awful that it happened to them and it shouldn't - a fact i've expressed more than anyone else in this 'discussion' - but that's life. People get picked on and they react, in this case poorly.
According to you. No-one else on this thread apparently agrees. I, for example, think the bloke's reaction was superb. Why do you suppose this thread is heading for 20 pages? Is it because we're all bullies, and members of a PC monothought clique?

I think I can see where you are coming from, in that you are opposed to what you see as the 'mob rule' of Youtube or a desire for revenge over justice.

Where I disagree with this (if I have understood your POV correctly) is that I don't see calling the cops to have been a viable option in this case - if it was the UK, I would think they are far too busy to come out to calls like that, and there is also the possibility that they may have sided with the woman.

Secondly, what is so wrong with revenge? It was done in a non-violent way. For all we know, this bloke may have endured this sort of shit on numerous occasions previously - I don't think it fair to expect him to rationally, dispassionately think through the consequences of uploading the clip.

Thirdly, his intention may also have been to highlight the fact that racism is still alive and kicking in Obama's USA, in a supposedly liberal state.
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Quoted for AW's benefit as I believe he has Butchersapron on ignore.

Why do you think everyone's against you on this thread Awesome Wells ?

I'm not really interested in that kind of speculation. you aren't really serious about what I have to say as you've completely ignored the answers I gave to the questions above. Any further discussion seems pointless bordering on ad hom.

and yes, i have Butchersapron on ignore, he's a nasty little troll that has, constantly, since November stalked me on these forums. Unfortunately the people that could do something about his ridiculous behaviour would rather ignore it.

I am quite happy to answer questions that actually have to do with what i've said and the topic at hand. I'm not interested in anything else.
I'm not really interested in that kind of speculation. you aren't really serious about what I have to say as you've completely ignored the answers I gave to the questions above. Any further discussion seems pointless bordering on ad hom.

I've ignored nothing. All you did was ignore my question and claim to have said things while ignoring criticisms of what you did say. You said that you didn't say what Spymaster summarised you as having said but weren't able to point to any difference in meaning between that and an exact quote of yours from an earlier post. You've said that you're 'the only one who advocated a sensible response' without providing any evidence that anyone in the US has been successfully prosecuted for racist harassment alone or providing any evidence that New Jersey police are in the habit of turning up to such calls. And you've said that you've criticised the woman's behaviour more than anyone else on the thread while neglecting to mention that that's because you've made more than 4 times as many posts as anyone else or that you also made a lot of excuses for her behaviour. That's not debating, it's completely dishonest, disrespectful to people who have bothered to engage with you and is why most of those who have have got frustrated and resorted to abuse. If you ever did have a point to make (which I disagree with) it was about Youtube but you completely ignored that in favour of repeatedly writing long posts lying about 'what you did say' when anyone can go back and read the beginning of the thread and see what you actually said.

You're really not worth it anymore.
I've ignored nothing. All you did was ignore my question and claim to have said things while ignoring criticisms of what you did say.


Seriously. You're just being ridiculous telling me I'm ignoring you.

If you don't like what i say, that's too bad, but don't tell me I'm ignoring you when I answer you directly.

You said that you didn't say what Spymaster summarised you as having said but weren't able to point to any difference in meaning between that and an exact quote of yours from an earlier post.

Because they are two completely different statements and quite frankly I'm not wasting my time explaining how they are different to people who should know better. If you think you're smart enough to bandy about accusations of racism to someone - without any evidence (despite my inviting at least 3 people to do so) - then you should be smart enough not to misquote and misrepresent what someone says. If you can't even do that, don't expect me to take you seriously while you continue to accuse me of being worse than the woman in that clip.
You've said that you're 'the only one who advocated a sensible response' without providing any evidence that anyone in the US has been successfully prosecuted for racist harassment alone or providing any evidence that New Jersey police are in the habit of turning up to such calls.

That's absurd and you fucking know it is. Don't even bother trying to justify such a stupid assertion; to attempt to impose such a ludicrous burden of proof is beneath contempt and completely irrelevant when the driver himself says "i'm calling the cops"! If he thought the cops were racist/useless then why even suggest it? Why would you even contemplate such a thing if you know directly that the cops are going to at best not help?

The only way you're going to get proper justice for this is if you call the cops; that's the only reasonable option. That doesn't mean he should get harassed or attacked by the cops either - and you haven't provided any proof that would happen yourself, so don't lecture me about levels of proof.

If you think i'm going to spend my time researching cop behaviour in Smalltown USA you're off your nut.

And you've said that you've criticised the woman's behaviour more than anyone else on the thread while neglecting to mention that that's because you've made more than 4 times as many posts as anyone else or that you also made a lot of excuses for her behaviour.

Wrong again, it's because i've been called out by people, including professional trolls who only came to this thread because they saw my name and saw a chance to stir the shit. Plenty of people actually agreed with my original post about uploading youtube. THat point has not changed at all and is entirely the point I've made. Nothing more. If you're content to be led up the garden path by cunts like butchersapron, a fuckwinkle so stupid he continues posting knowing full well i have him on ignore, then more fool you.

That's not debating, it's completely dishonest, disrespectful to people who have bothered to engage with you and is why most of those who have have got frustrated and resorted to abuse.

This is just bullshit. Defending myself from constant snide remarks and insinutations of some of the nastiest behaviour a human can engage in - despite NO evidence of such in my character - is what's dishonest and disrespectful. I have responded to almost every post with honesty and truthfulness; you're just sour because you don't like the response. Don't lecture me about my behaviour when you aren't even courteous enough to read the response you get when you ask me a question. Pull shit like that and you can join cunts like Butchers in the fucking phantom zone.

If you ever did have a point to make (which I disagree with)

This doesn't even make sense. Either I have a point or I dont - turns out I do since you acknowledge that I've made on by saying you disagreed with it. Fine, that's up to you. But don't be a cunt about it.

it was about Youtube but you completely ignored that in favour of repeatedly writing long posts lying about 'what you did say' when anyone can go back and read the beginning of the thread and see what you actually said.

I haven't lied about anything and this kind of disingenuous snide wank is exactly the sort of behaviour i've just outlined. The sort of intellectual cowardice that even moderators engage in. pathetic. This site purports to be progressive and broad minded, it certainly implies as much. This thread demonstrates that's very far from the truth and that there are too many cowards and self righteous arseholes who haven't an ounce of wit intellect or integrity and have nothing better to offer a discussion than their own petty little schoolyard prejudices.
Nothing that fella did could be remotely considered a poor or inappropriate response. Had it been a bloke delivering that tirade of filth I'd favour yer man getting down and punching his fucking lights out. As it was his response was just about perfect.

Says it all really.

Big man on the internet, boxing gloves instead of a keyboard. You wouldn't stand a chance you pussy little coward.
Eh? I didn't say I'd do it. :confused:

I wouldn't, unless a) I was confident I'd win, and b) I was sure I'd get away with it.

But I'm wholeheartedly in favour of other people knocking out racist scumbags.

It should be decriminalised.

Spoken like a true coward. You're a fucking big man aren't you, sitting on the internet making snide insinutations. Ridiculous; you have no evidence to back your pathetic little assertions up, you and the rest of the troll brigade. The only reason this thread turned nasty was because these fucking arseholes, following me around like a fart that refuses to die, can't help themselves. I didn't start on at anyone, I didn't start by lashing out at someone, I made my point and got jumped by fuckwit cunts like you too stupid to even think for just five seconds "hey maybe this guy isn't a racist - after all there's no evidence for it" - and despite challenging various of you dimwits to provide evidence, all you've got is 'punch his lights out' and the constant endless ad hom bullshit accusations. How the fuck woudl you feel if i went around threatening you and calling you a racist, just because? Stupid fucking selfish cunt!
I meant it when I said you're not worth it. Take a look at yourself ffs.
Fuck off then. You asked a question, I gave you an answer. YOu ignored it and started with your ad hom bullshit. Then, like all true internet cowards, decide to piss and whine when you couldn't provide anything more intellectual.

I'm quite happy to have a sensible discussion. Grandme Death posted in a sensible way so I answered. You didn't and now you don't like it so you're chucking your toys out the pram. I've consistently defended myself on this post and in so doing i'vebeen more critical of the woman's behaviour than anyone else. Yet dpesite no evidence to back it up you and the rest of the braindead zombies are just happy to shout 'racist!'. This is all you can do in lieu of actually having a mature sensible conversation, which this was until the troll brigade appeared.
Ridiculous; you have no evidence to back your pathetic little assertions up ....

Which ones would they be?

The only reason this thread turned nasty was because these fucking arseholes, following me around like a fart that refuses to die, can't help themselves. I didn't start on at anyone, I didn't start by lashing out at someone, I made my point and got jumped by fuckwit cunts like you too stupid to even think for just five seconds "hey maybe this guy isn't a racist - after all there's no evidence for it" - and despite challenging various of you dimwits to provide evidence, all you've got is 'punch his lights out' and the constant endless ad hom bullshit accusations. How the fuck woudl you feel if i went around threatening you and calling you a racist, just because? Stupid fucking selfish cunt!


Well I can't speak for anyone else but I don't think you and I have had any interaction before. I certainly haven't been stalking you as I've been "away" for 2 months. I got back a couple of days ago, began reading this thread yesterday and can honestly say that I thought you we're trolling at first. I certainly haven't called you a racist. I picked you up on a particularly odd assertion and beyond my calling you a fucking idiot, which I stand by, the only person throwing around ad hominem between us, has been you. ;)
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Which ones would they be?


Well I can't speak for anyone else but I don't think you and I have had any interaction before. I certainly haven't been stalking you as I've been "away" for 2 months. I got back a couple of days ago, began reading this thread yesterday and can honestly say that I thought you we're trolling at first. I certainly haven't called you a racist. I picked you up on a particularly odd assertion and beyond my calling you a fucking idiot, which I stand by, the person throwing the ad hominem between us, has been you. ;)
he'll definitely wish you cancer now :(
Which ones would they be?


Well I can't speak for anyone else but I don't think you and I have had any interaction before. I certainly haven't been stalking you as I've been "away" for 2 months. I got back a couple of days ago, began reading this thread yesterday and can honestly say that I thought you we're trolling at first. I certainly haven't called you a racist. I picked you up on a particularly odd assertion and beyond my calling you a fucking idiot, which I stand by, the person throwing the ad hominem between us, has been you. ;)

I haven't said anything remotely ad hominem. I'm quite direct and have no problem telling people what I think of them. I'm sure Pickman will LIKE that, as he likes threats of violence.

I don't really give a shit for teh rest of your response; you make threats of violence you can go to hell.
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