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Racism Alive and Well in USA

Can I get on it too please you deluded little cunt?
i'm not remotely deluded. you fucking asked me a question you thick fuck, I answered! What part of that don't you get? Then you said 'you aren't worth it', obviously not since you continue responding? Twat.
one glorious day, we'll all be on his ignore list.
Because they are two completely different statements and quite frankly I'm not wasting my time explaining how they are different to people who should know better.

Why don't you humour me?

That's absurd and you fucking know it is. Don't even bother trying to justify such a stupid assertion; to attempt to impose such a ludicrous burden of proof is beneath contempt and completely irrelevant when the driver himself says "i'm calling the cops"! If he thought the cops were racist/useless then why even suggest it? Why would you even contemplate such a thing if you know directly that the cops are going to at best not help?

Reviewing the video again, he doesn't say "I'm calling the cops" he says "please call the cops" while she's on the phone. All that says is that he's not expecting a negative response from her calling the cops, not that he's expecting them to do anything substantial on his behalf. And of course, he could very well be wrong about a lack of negative response from the cops.

The only way you're going to get proper justice for this is if you call the cops; that's the only reasonable option. That doesn't mean he should get harassed or attacked by the cops either - and you haven't provided any proof that would happen yourself, so don't lecture me about levels of proof.

If you think i'm going to spend my time researching cop behaviour in Smalltown USA you're off your nut.

So you think he should call the police despite admitting you're not up to finding out what they're actually capable of?
[QUOTE="NoXion, post: 13209538, member: 25664"

Reviewing the video again, he doesn't say "I'm calling the cops" he says "please call the cops" while she's on the phone.[/QUOTE]
He says that he will definitely be filing charges. So there is no reason to assume that he doesn't want to call the cops or have them involved, if indeed the local pd are racist. From other clips of him being interviewed I see no evidence to think he would have had problem if they had been called.
So you think he should call the police despite admitting you're not up to finding out what they're actually capable of?

research is irrelevant, we are discussing his actions and his response. It is he who has said he wants to file charges and that he wants the cops called. Its his decision that you are commenting on, not mine.
He says that he will definitely be filing charges. So there is no reason to assume that he doesn't want to call the cops or have them involved, if indeed the local pd are racist. From other clips of him being interviewed I see no evidence to think he would have had problem if they had been called.

research is irrelevant, we are discussing his actions and his response. It is he who has said he wants to file charges and that he wants the cops called. Its his decision that you are commenting on, not mine.
You could read his comment about filing charges as just a threat, in the same way as the woman says she is getting her husband down there to sort him out. It doesn't mean either of them are going to follow through with their respective threats.

He also says, several times, "racism is alive and well", and, at the very end, something along the lines of "this is what we have to deal with" - which makes it, to me, all the more likely that one of his aims in posting it up onto Youtube was to draw this (the continued prevalance of racism in 21st century USA) to the attention of a large number of people. Calling the cops wouldn't have had this effect.
You do realise that Spymaster's "punching his fucking lights out" comment wasn't directed at you, don't you? It wasn't a threat directed towards you :confused:

Ahhh, is that what he thought? Would explain the deranged response.

Awesome, I absolutely did not threaten you in any way whatsoever if that's what you're thinking. Please at least do me the courtesy of re-reading what I did post just to clear this up, and I apologise if my posts led you to think that's what happened (though re-rereading them myself I can't see how you'd have thought that).

Perhaps someone who's not on his ignore list could quote the above so he sees it. If there's anyone left.
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Awesome, I absolutely did not threaten you in any way whatsoever if that's what you're thinking. Please at least do me the courtesy of re-reading what I did post just to clear this up, and I apologise if my posts led you to think that's what happened (though re-rereading them myself I can't see how you'd have thought that).

Quoted for Awesome Wells in case Spymaster is on his ignore.
Spymaster: "Awesome, I absolutely did not threaten you in any way whatsoever if that's what you're thinking. Please at least do me the courtesy of re-reading what I did post just to clear this up, and I apologise if my posts led you to think that's what happened (though re-rereading them myself I can't see how you'd have thought that)."

Quoted for Awesome Wells in case Spymaster is on his ignore.
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Sorry to keep harping on about this, but the bloke's remark at the start of the clip saying he is going to file charges could just have been bravado (as I suggested earlier, e.g. "I'm calling my husband/mates/Dad, and then you'll be sorry")

On the other hand, he may have been genuinely intending to file charges, but maybe, having thought about the cost of hiring lawyers, and all the attendant time/grief he'd be put through in the courts, instead may have thought it would be far cheaper and easier to stick it up on Youtube.

( I am assuming that by "filing charges" he meant "bring a lawsuit" against the woman, in the litigious tradition of the USA, and, of late, the UK too).
Wow, this thread has certainly taken a novel turn since I last read it....

Not entirely sure how you managed to conflate Spymaster 's statement about punching out racists with a direct threat upon your person, Awesome Wells. TBF, that is a pretty major leap of logic and a spectacular misreading of his post...
I don't care, i've had 20 pages of being attacked, insulted, abused and labelled as a racist and an apologist (much the same thing tbh). All ciompletely unprovoked and all without evidence by a group of cowards who can't even operate on the assumption that people contributing to this site aren't racists anyway.
a) I was confident I'd win, and

the older one grows the less I rate myself. Or maybe its the growing distance between when I last had a proper slap that makes itseem worse in my head? former glories eh
Same old urban. We should all be united in the face of racism but still we manage to tear each other to shreds.

this post was bought to you in association with battered acoustic guitars and bad but earnestly done folk music
I don't care, i've had 20 pages of being attacked, insulted, abused and labelled as a racist and an apologist (much the same thing tbh). All ciompletely unprovoked and all without evidence by a group of cowards who can't even operate on the assumption that people contributing to this site aren't racists anyway.
when you say 'without evidence' you mean 'without evidence apart from my posts'
I don't care, i've had 20 pages of being attacked, insulted, abused and labelled as a racist and an apologist (much the same thing tbh). All ciompletely unprovoked and all without evidence by a group of cowards who can't even operate on the assumption that people contributing to this site aren't racists anyway.
Fair enough, you don't care. I was merely pointing out that, in the case of claiming Spymaster threatened you, you misread his post and the context of his argument. Feel free to care, or not, as you see fit -but that is all I was doing.
Fair enough, you don't care. I was merely pointing out that, in the case of claiming Spymaster threatened you, you misread his post and the context of his argument. Feel free to care, or not, as you see fit -but that is all I was doing.

I'm not having a go at you, i'm just fucking tired of the arrogant snide bullshit on this site. I thought, wrongly it seems, this was a progressive place that was interested in notions of social justice. But it's just a place for sad old class warriors and stoners with no clue about anything to hide behind innuendo and arrogance. I'm tired of this shit. Seriously tired. The rules are frequently ignored to suit these idiots and the moderators are off up their own arses.
I'm not having a go at you, i'm just fucking tired of the arrogant snide bullshit on this site. I thought, wrongly it seems, this was a progressive place that was interested in notions of social justice. But it's just a place for sad old class warriors and stoners with no clue about anything to hide behind innuendo and arrogance. I'm tired of this shit. Seriously tired. The rules are frequently ignored to suit these idiots and the moderators are off up their own arses.
where's the social justice in your litany of 'blame the victim' rhetoric throughout this thread?
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