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Racism Alive and Well in USA

I don't care, i've had 20 pages of being attacked, insulted, abused and labelled as a racist and an apologist (much the same thing tbh). All ciompletely unprovoked and all without evidence by a group of cowards who can't even operate on the assumption that people contributing to this site aren't racists anyway.

You're still doing this then? Taking argument against your words as personal attacks. Whilst denouncing every as <insert current adhominin>

remarkable lack of self awareness.
I'm not having a go at you, i'm just fucking tired of the arrogant snide bullshit on this site. I thought, wrongly it seems, this was a progressive place that was interested in notions of social justice. But it's just a place for sad old class warriors and stoners with no clue about anything to hide behind innuendo and arrogance. I'm tired of this shit. Seriously tired. The rules are frequently ignored to suit these idiots and the moderators are off up their own arses.

I am not a sad old class warrior or a stoner BTW. There's your adhominon right there you hipocritcal twat.
I'm not having a go at you, i'm just fucking tired of the arrogant snide bullshit on this site. I thought, wrongly it seems, this was a progressive place that was interested in notions of social justice. But it's just a place for sad old class warriors and stoners with no clue about anything to hide behind innuendo and arrogance. I'm tired of this shit. Seriously tired. The rules are frequently ignored to suit these idiots and the moderators are off up their own arses.
Reading back from the start of the thread, it seems to me that you were the one who started the personal stuff, saying to JC3 "Playing the race card like this just makes you looks incredibly petty" and advising him to "grow up". It's as if you were looking to start something.
I don't care, i've had 20 pages of being attacked, insulted, abused and labelled as a racist and an apologist (much the same thing tbh). All ciompletely unprovoked and all without evidence by a group of cowards who can't even operate on the assumption that people contributing to this site aren't racists anyway.
If everyone, including those who are oftern arguing with each other, are telling you are wrong and are a dickhead it is possible you are being bullied, it is also very possible you are wrong and a dickhead. It would be nice for you to show a bit of self reflection and consider the second possibility, but I doubt you will.
I'm not having a go at you, i'm just fucking tired of the arrogant snide bullshit on this site. I thought, wrongly it seems, this was a progressive place that was interested in notions of social justice. But it's just a place for sad old class warriors and stoners with no clue about anything to hide behind innuendo and arrogance. I'm tired of this shit. Seriously tired. The rules are frequently ignored to suit these idiots and the moderators are off up their own arses.

You got some good advice about your ESA assessment though so it's not all bad on here.
Same old urban. We should all be united in the face of racism but still we manage to tear each other to shreds.

You'll probably get on with this one Awesome Wells - he's a tedious whining little tosser as well.

I'm not having a go at you, i'm just fucking tired of the arrogant snide bullshit on this site. I thought, wrongly it seems, this was a progressive place that was interested in notions of social justice. But it's just a place for sad old class warriors and stoners with no clue about anything to hide behind innuendo and arrogance. I'm tired of this shit. Seriously tired. The rules are frequently ignored to suit these idiots and the moderators are off up their own arses.

Why don't you do everyone a favour and fuck off then?
If everyone, including those who are oftern arguing with each other, are telling you are wrong and are a dickhead it is possible you are being bullied, it is also very possible you are wrong and a dickhead. It would be nice for you to show a bit of self reflection and consider the second possibility, but I doubt you will.
That just sounds to me like "I think you're adickhead and by not agreeing with me that you're a sickness, even though I refuse to explain why, that just proves it".

You font give me anything to reject on and I'm not open to self abuse right now.
Reading back from the start of the thread, it seems to me that you were the one who started the personal stuff, saying to JC3 "Playing the race card like this just makes you looks incredibly petty" and advising him to "grow up". It's as if you were looking to start something.
Jesus, he accused Johnny of 'playing the race card'?

I've only ever heard racists come out with that before. Seems an odd choice of inflammatory language for an apparent anti-racist.
indeed, that's what makes the trolling so sad.
There was very little trolling on this thread. A bit of abuse maybe but mostly frustration from people who tried to engage with you and got pissed off with your complete inability to a) conduct a debate in any sort of reasonable manner and b) your frequent abuse directed at people who disagreed with you who you saw as 'trolling'. You're a hysterical little joke of a man and you need to go back read your own posts, try and connect them to the posts you intended them to answer and try and work out why everyone got so pissed off with you. You claim empathy with the woman the thread's about (though you never considered the possibility she's just a racist shitcunt) yet you can't manage even a little with all the posters you wound up on this thread. Until you can there's very little point in you trying to take part in debates on these boards.
Ahhh, is that what he thought? Would explain the deranged response.

Awesome, I absolutely did not threaten you in any way whatsoever if that's what you're thinking. Please at least do me the courtesy of re-reading what I did post just to clear this up, and I apologise if my posts led you to think that's what happened (though re-rereading them myself I can't see how you'd have thought that).

Perhaps someone who's not on his ignore list could quote the above so he sees it. If there's anyone left.
Spymaster threatening people again. Been on the sherbets whilst posting again ;)
There's one thing urban is good for-that's a pack mentality. Rightly it wrongly you post anything on urban that has maybe three plus people disagreeing with then it's like a feeding frenzy.
Hey, I didn't even know about this thread until awesome started another one whining about how badly he'd been treated on it. I'd rather not have seen it tbh. But - as I've asked elsewhere - what are we to do? Nominate someone to disagree and the rest stay back? If someone is so wrong everyone disagrees with them shouldn't they know that, rather than thinking it's just one or two people against them?
There's one thing urban is good for-that's a pack mentality. Rightly it wrongly you post anything on urban that has maybe three plus people disagreeing with then it's like a feeding frenzy.
Me, Pickman's Model and Butchersapron of course are best mates and well known for agreeing with each other about everything and being very nice to each other at all times.
Blimey, you still around? Thought you'd been eaten by lizards years ago!
Occasional lurker and occasional poster. The concept of arguing the toss with a complete stranger that I'm never likely to meet again and being called a cunt/or calling someone a cunt has lost it's sheen spy.

I do find the forums useful for the photography section and the new urban parents forum is great so not quite lizard food yet.

How's fong these days? He around?
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