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Racism Alive and Well in USA

There's no threat or bullying in that post, but how about you keep telling yourself there is, follow your own advice and walk away.

Martyr complex. He's the sort who makes deliberately offensive and provocative remarks then whines like a pathetic little worm when he gets the reaction he wanted.
Again you misread the situation. At the point the clip starts he says he has her abusing him on camera, so how is he intimidated into walking away when he was already leaving and now his only reason to stay is to film her which is having a further negative consequence?

Noone has suggested he say nothing about the incident. Call the fucking cops if you want to deal with it beyond. Anything else is bullshit.
Yes, I know he wasn't intimidated into walking away. He didn't walk away. If he had listened to your sage advice he would have walked away. That's the point. Aarrrghhhhh
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...and now his only reason to stay is to film her which is having a further negative consequence?

Who is saying it had a negative consequence? On this thread, only you. Personally I think it had a positive consequence- he didn't resort to abuse or violence, he stood up for himself, he uploaded the vid which demonstrated that in post-Obama USA, and especially in supposedly 'liberal' eastern states, racism is still around. It might make people less complacent. And - at the very least - he got his own back. Is that so wrong?

On the other hand, he could have chosen not to film it, and called the cops instead. And maybe got nicked. And then we'd never have heard about it, and the woman would have had a good old laugh about it and then done it again some time later.
How he handled that situation was IMO not the best choice since it further upset the angry defensive woman with self esteem issues who has already called you a fucking N. So why then, when you were already leaving, do you want to stay there and film her when doing so also exacerbates her anger?
Because this may have happened to him before. Perhaps many times. Perhaps not - I don't know (but neither do you).
And because maybe he thought first of all "I'll just avoid trouble and walk away" and then changed his mind, thinking,"f00k this, why should I walk away, I'm not the guilty party here?"

Have you never changed your mind in the heat of the moment?
It appears that wells, in addition to feeling more sorry for the racist than the victim, thinks that the only legitimate means of resolving any kind of conflict is via the police - and that to not do so (even when the reaction to the racist is perfectly legal, as in the case of him putting this up on youtube) is 'taking the law into your own hands'.

I want people to take the law into their own hands. I think we deal with things better than the police when we have the chance. And of course, this complete opposition to taking the law into your own hands is in essence an argument against social change - after all, what is revolution if not society taking the law into its own hands in the most profound way imaginable?

You're basically just a conservative wells. The worst kind of hand wringing liberal pro-status quo conservative.
Or just walked away. Which is Wells preferred option. Just walked away. After failing to get rid of general racism and not bothering to cure this racists specific ills.

Astonishing stuff, days of it.
You're basically just a conservative wells. The worst kind of hand wringing liberal pro-status quo conservative.

Nah, I'm way more right wing than Wells. What's impressive here is that he's managed to create a position which has united people of all persuasions, politics, personal beliefs and backgrounds to tell him he's talking complete and utter shite.
He, in fact, is an example of the everyday non kkk stuff that people have to face. And some choose to respond in a way that the people doling it out don't like or don't see as legitimate. Tough shit really.
Nah, I'm way more right wing than Wells. What's impressive here is that he's managed to create a position which has united people of all persuasions, politics, personal beliefs and backgrounds to tell him he's talking complete and utter shite.

He's an ultra-authoritarian conservative liberal - it's clear from everything he posts. The lack of faith in ordinary people, the constant demands for various things to be banned (which is inseparable from his assertion that only the authorities should be allowed to deal with things - if we can't oppose things socially that's the logical conclusion). He'll come out as a Cameronite Tory within 5 years.
He, in fact, is an example of the everyday non kkk stuff that people have to face. And some choose to respond in a way that the people doling it out don't like or don't see as legitimate. Tough shit really.

Fear that it could be used against him some day maybe? If he's willing to use sexist terms of abuse on here (see anti-homeless studs thread) and defend racists - just imagine what he's like when he doesn't feel he needs to temper his comments.
Fear that it could be used against him some day maybe? If he's willing to use sexist terms of abuse on here (see anti-homeless studs thread) and defend racists - just imagine what he's like when he doesn't feel he needs to temper his comments.
Well we do know that under another name he has a long record of anti traveler and anti 'chav' abuse. He is just a bouncing ball of hatred and social prejudice really. I blame bill hicks, Chris Morris and country living.
Because this may have happened to him before. Perhaps many times. Perhaps not - I don't know (but neither do you).
And because maybe he thought first of all "I'll just avoid trouble and walk away" and then changed his mind, thinking,"f00k this, why should I walk away, I'm not the guilty party here?"

Have you never changed your mind in the heat of the moment?

I understand his reasoning and I'm not condemning him. I am simply saying the decision was wrong. Not agreeing isn't the same as not understanding.
That's an out and out lie and you know it. Do you really need me to dig up the quotes cause I'm losing motivation and patience here.
You can do what you like. I have condemned her behaviour over and over again. Is there a quota that I haven't met for that or something? I have said, repeatedly (and i've said that repeatedly too), that her behaviour is disgusting and that noone should have to suffer racism, and i've said it again just there.

You are confusing understanding with excusing. I have said that I think she is damaged and has underlying problems that need to be addressed because I would like her to correct her attitude toward black people. Wouldn't you?

You have also confused my saying that his actions are provoking her emotionally with thinking that his actions are justifying her response. How she chooses to respond is on her; she could have handled her response to him scaring her kid, which he admits later, very differently. Sadly she didn't and here we are, and seeing that is how she acts he chose to stay and interact with her further.
Saying that somsone is damaged is a figure of speech.
And one that you use quite a bit. Along with "damaged goods". I suggest that this particular figure of speech can be bigoted depending on the context. When I see you use it, I think "bigot".
Of cancer?
In your case, I don't give a shit. Pick a way. I'm tired of you. Fucking so very tired. Every thread I participate in or start you haunt. For the last 8 months since I started posting on here again all you have done is smear me, insult me and insinuate the nastiest shit you can about me, even going so far as to try and reference posts from 5 years ago. You are a theoughly nasty piece of work and i have repeatedly told you to knock it off, yet here you are, a fucking gain. You don't give a fuck how upsetting your behaviour is, you think you're on some moral crusade to drive me off this site. Even putting you on ignore doesn't help since the threads lose their continuity and every page is filled with 'you are ignoring messages from so and so'. What the fuck is wrong with you? This unprovoked shit has gone on long enough. Leave me the fuck alone you disturbed cunt. Get the fucking message in your stupid dumb cunt head ffs.
And one that you use quite a bit. Along with "damaged goods". I suggest that this particular figure of speech can be bigoted depending on the context. When I see you use it, I think "bigot".
I use it quite a bit to remain consistent. If there is a better phrase then I'm more than happy to use it.

Arguing that it is 'bigoted' is ridiculous and desperate.
I use it quite a bit to remain consistent. If there is a better phrase then I'm more than happy to use it.

Arguing that it is 'bigoted' is ridiculous and desperate.
I've seen you call 4 women "damaged" or "damaged goods". I can't think of an acceptable context.
In your case, I don't give a shit. Pick a way. I'm tired of you. Fucking so very tired. Every thread I participate in or start you haunt. For the last 8 months since I started posting on here again all you have done is smear me, insult me and insinuate the nastiest shit you can about me, even going so far as to try and reference posts from 5 years ago. You are a theoughly nasty piece of work and i have repeatedly told you to knock it off, yet here you are, a fucking gain. You don't give a fuck how upsetting your behaviour is, you think you're on some moral crusade to drive me off this site. Even putting you on ignore doesn't help since the threads lose their continuity and every page is filled with 'you are ignoring messages from so and so'. What the fuck is wrong with you? This unprovoked shit has gone on long enough. Leave me the fuck alone you disturbed cunt. Get the fucking message in your stupid dumb cunt head ffs.

Ah, get this, relate it to this thread:

You don't give a fuck how upsetting your behaviour is

It's your responsibility to help me ffs. Why don't you just walk away. Posting about it isn't helping me.
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