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Racism Alive and Well in USA

Jeremy Bosco
13 hours ago

That woman is a worthless piece of fucking shit. She NEEDS to be fucking executed.

that's more people than have participated in this thread. All agreeing with that statement.

Ugh indeed.
I honestly could not write something more damming or insulting about you than your own words here. Good effort.

Pathetic, more bullying and threats.
If he hadn't been there, how would she have been able to subsequently and repeatedly call him an N?

Walk away, take the power with you. Leave the crazy woman stewing in her own anger. Then she's forced to confront it without someone to lash out at.

Or actually call the cops as was claimed. By not doing so she will think he looks weak; full of shit.

Both of those are infinitely more productiove choices than youtube.
Pathetic, more bullying and threats.
If he hadn't been there, how would she have been able to subsequently and repeatedly call him an N?

Walk away, take the power with you. Leave the crazy woman stewing in her own anger. Then she's forced to confront it without someone to lash out at...
Why the f--k should he? For all we know he has had to endure this sort of shit many times before. Why should he just humbly walk away and allow her to think she has won? How about you start to show some empathy, try putting yourself in his shoes?
Why the f--k should he? For all we know he has had to endure this sort of shit many times before. Why should he just humbly walk away and allow her to think she has won? How about you start to show some empathy, try putting yourself in his shoes?

what on earth are you whining about?

i have suggested he had several options available to him. I never once said he should do any ONE thing, though frnakly walking away probably would have been the best. You have inferred that all those options, bar filming it and uploading it, are justifications for her behaviour and tantamount to racist apologism. This is a childish and stupid position to take and if you can't see past that there is little point continuing.
Well that's what you appear to have suggested the black bloke should have done - don't get involved, don't 'confront', just walk away...
There was more than one way of reading his comment and I'd kind of given him the benefit of the doubt that he meant you were a hypocrite for saying that he should walk away when the fellow who shot the clip shouldn't. After all I don't see how giving up on an argument could be viewed as hypocrisy. But I think given the overall complexity of his argument and habit of getting the meanings of words wrong I think you were right about what he meant.

I earlier asked if he was related to Gmart but that's a massive insult to Gmart who could at least spell and had a serviceable vocabulary. I'm sorry Gmart , wherever you are.
There was more than one way of reading his comment and I'd kind of given him the benefit of the doubt that he meant you were a hypocrite for saying that he should walk away when the fellow who shot the clip shouldn't. After all I don't see how giving up on an argument could be viewed as hypocrisy. But I think given the overall complexity of his argument and habit of getting the meanings of words wrong I think you were right about what he meant.

I earlier asked if he was related to Gmart but that's a massive insult to Gmart who could at least spell and had a serviceable vocabulary. I'm sorry Gmart , wherever you are.
Really? Now we are playing the keyboard grammar nazi card? Go fuck yourself.

Telling me not to post when you are arguing for someone else to upload their clip is hypocrisy.
Twisting what I say just makes you a cunt.
No one has - or has needed to - twist your words. All that's happened is the logic and assumptions contained therein has been exposed. Much like the bloke racially abused did to his abuser in fact. Further highlighting the effectiveness of just such a response and undermining your own wailing against it.
Really? Now we are playing the keyboard grammar nazi card? Go fuck yourself.

Not particularly but when you've reached the point where it's actually difficult to understand what you're saying because you're posts are so full of malapropisms (prevail, cosigned, indispensably etc. that's just the last page or so) then you need to make yourself work from a smaller vocabulary, in your own interests.
I think she shoudl be allowed the opportunity to live this down. Otherwise it's a life sentence and that IMO is disproportionate. People seem to be saying that her crime is deserving of no end of punishment and that no consequence is too harsh.

This is just barking. It's not 'no end' of punishment. She isn't being locked up. She isn't being given corporal or capital punishment. And in a couple of weeks it will be sufficiently distant a memory for people to have forgotten what she even looks like. She'll get some verbal abuse for a week or so - and deservedly so - but the only lasting consequence will be her (and hopefully other racists) realising that 1) the vast majority of people are appalled by this kind of behaviour and 2) she can't commit acts of racial abuse with impunity.

If he'd walked away like a coward, which seems to be your advice, the only lasting consequence would be that the idea that she can do this with impunity would be reinforced.

I hope you're just doing this because you don't want to admit you've fucked up and said something even more stupid than usual. Because if you genuinely believe what you're posting - and believe it passionately enough to spend what must now be hours defending it over 15 pages - it would be hard not to conclude that you have some very dodgy and unsavoury views of your own.
He may also be a soft target.

You see, IMO there you go again thinking about her first and him second. He is the primary target. Other aspects of her potentially being at risk because of him uploading the vid come after the fact that she attcked him. Her actions are the very thing that have put her at risk here, both initially with the attack and now.

The merits of how to respond to racism are relevant to a broader discussion, likewise points are being made about how she is also a victim too, again a broader discussion about racism could cover this. Start a thread, 'Racists are Victims too' I'd certainly contribute.

I think she shoudl be allowed the opportunity to live this down. Otherwise it's a life sentence and that IMO is disproportionate. People seem to be saying that her crime is deserving of no end of punishment and that no consequence is too harsh.

Yes, I know you do...and I don't think anyone here is suggesting she have the experience tattooed on her head and that she be eternally shunned for it.

The fact that a video exists is the unfortunate consequence of her own actions. The world we live in has video and people are using it in this way and others to deal with and highlight the absolutely shitty behaviour of others.

IMO until she, and you in this conversation afford her victim a voice and the right to respond in the way he did, acknowledging that he is the primary victim/target, this conversation will not go anywhere, much less reach a point where her actions become secondary to the possible resolutions, understanding and learning we may all get from this.

I haven't addressed your other points because I am at work and can't give it as much attention as you may expect. I have picked the ones that I think are most important.
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He may also be a soft target.

I don' tunderstand what 'cards stacked in her favour' means here.

Can she get away with it: we don't know what would have happened had he caleld the cops at the time. Their subsequent attitude is unfortunate, but it doesn't mean that, if they'd arrived, they'd have arrested him. In fact their presence might have set her off even more, possibly leading to her assaulting the cops.

Of course it's fucked up. Her behaviour is unnatural and unhealthy. I don't really understand what you mean by 'he has much more to fear'. This is another straw man. I haven't suggested he get out and assault her!

Noone should have to be a victim of racism. I've no idea how I can make that any clearer. But if someone is kicking off then you're already in the situation. It's already happening and you have to deal with it.

It's also possible that, had he walked away in the ifrst instance, she wouldn't have been able to call him names. The only reason we see her shouting abuse is because he's filming it. He could have walked away at first. Why would you hang around for some crazy woman to insult you?

Is Cheektowaga full of racists? If so how many other clips of this kind of experience has he uploaded? Why then is this one called 'racism is alive and well in america', did he previously think otherwise? Who on earth would ever think racism in america had gone away?

I think she shoudl be allowed the opportunity to live this down. Otherwise it's a life sentence and that IMO is disproportionate. People seem to be saying that her crime is deserving of no end of punishment and that no consequence is too harsh.
another victory for stupidity over common sense
You see, IMO there you go again thinking about her first and him second.
I have capacity enough to consider both and frind it rather depressing that you don't. This is not a simple situation and treating it as such does the subject of racism a massive disservice. It is a phenomenon perpetuated by a wide variety of people from all kinds of backgrounds. Treating them the same is as simple minded as saying that, because of this one woman, racism is alive and well in america.

Are we to assume racists are beyond help and shhouldn't be helped to get over their attitude?

He is the primary target. Other aspects come after the fact that she attcked him.

and what does that mean in practice? Beyond saying, repeatedly, that racism is disgusting, her behaviour is disgusting and that noone should suffer racism, what else do I need to say? Either you believe me when I say that, or you joiun the ranks of the tossers that continue to assume otherwise despite refusing to evidence it.

Yes, I know you do...and I don't think anyone here is suggesting she have the experience tattooed on her head and that she be eternally shunned for it.

Then what are people here saying because all I'm hearing is 'YOU ARE NOT SHAMING HER ENOUGH THEREFORE YOU = RACIST!" I thought this was supposed to be a progressive forum where discussions like this could be had productively. Obviously not; some people are as reactionary and bigoted as she is.

The fact that a video exists is the unfortunate consequence of her own actions.

No! It's a consequence of his actions. How is that not the same as victim blaming? (she's a victim of being put on youtube even if he is a victim of a far greater injustice.)

He chose to put it up. Noone else, and it's absolutely incorrect to blame her for his decision. Whether or not you agree with it is immaterial.

The world wee live in has video and people are using it in this way and others to deal with and highlight the absolutely shitty behaviour of others.

Are you stating this as something that happens or something you agree with?

IMO until she, and you in this conversation afford her victim a voice and the right to respond in the way he did and acknowledge that he is the primary target, this conversation will not go anywhere, much less reach a point where her actions become secondary to the possible resolutions, understanding and learning we may all get from this.

Her actions do not deny him his voice. Nor do they prevent him from enacting the choice he made, as is self evident. I have no idea how you think i haven't afforded him any right; this is a nonsense. It makes no sense.

He starts the clip by saying he has her on film (though we do not see it) calling him an N and that he is going to press charges. All of which is perfectly fine and certainly not indicative of experience of a corrupt polioce force. he also works in a business countering racism so if they were corrupt he'd be in a position to know for certain.

So then why choose to stay in your truck and start filming? Film what? What else do you need? You have her on film screaming racist abuse. What more is needed?

Why choose to remain in your truck and film someone who clearly doesn't want to be filmed who then turns their back on you and says nothing. The only time she then interacts with him subsequently, as he continues to film her, is when he speaks. Why do you want to speak to her? She's a racist; her attitude is aggressive and clearly not prone to change in the time you sit there filming? Do you think that she's going to have a moment of clairty, break down and apologise? Is that reasonable - it'd be nice!

Instead he says "might as well take care of your kids don't worry about me", why? Don't you think that is just going to provoke a reaction from the already angry racist lady with whom you have no reason to interact? Just call the cops like you said. Get her in court and maybe they can send her somewhere useful where she will actually be properly educated. Not sit there, wind her up knowing what she's capable of. That's just yanking the ugly tiger by the tail.

Sure he has the right to sit in his truck. There's no suggestion otherwise. Is it advisable? When your'e getting threats of violence? Would that threat have been made had you just driven off and reported her to the cops?

That's not excusing how she reacts to him. That's on her totally. But there are better ways to handle this IMO.

I haven't addressed your other points because I am at work and can't give it as much attention as you may expect. I have picked the ones that I think are most important.

That's fine.[/QUOTE]
Now you're getting close to something albeit from the other side of the window. The bloke who was racially abused has said that he filmed it and uploaded it precisely to show the sort of everyday informal unorganised racism that he and other have to face - and to do away with the idea that racism is KK members in hoods.
And in addition to this, I believe he uploaded the vid in order to show that this sort of everyday racist abuse is not only confined to the Deep South, but can and does manifest in relatively 'liberal' NE states like NY... doesn't he say something along these lines whilst the recording is taking place?
I have capacity enough to consider both and frind it rather depressing that you don't. This is not a simple situation and treating it as such does the subject of racism a massive disservice. It is a phenomenon perpetuated by a wide variety of people from all kinds of backgrounds. Treating them the same is as simple minded as saying that, because of this one woman, racism is alive and well in america.

Given that you haven't actually read my post properly I find it rather depressing that you want to continue this.

I do consider both, nothing I have written tells you otherwise. Suggesting/assuming I am incapable of such completely misrepresents my posts and who I am as a person.

I am not treating this as a simple situation. Racism and any other 'ism' isn't simple and linear. There are limitless complexities, experiences and aspects to consider in a broader discussion.

In this instance, I am suggesting there is a starting point, a place where the primary victim in this is afforded a voice and a right to exist without fear of abuse. That equality also extends to him having a right to respond in the way he did.

Are we to assume racists are beyond help and shhouldn't be helped to get over their attitude?

You have not read my post properly. This is further evidence of that fact.
Are we to assume racists are beyond help and shhouldn't be helped to get over their attitude?
yeah, cos if he had walked away, having been intimidated into doing so, and saying/doing nothing about the incident, that would have helped her get over it so much better.

You appear to have a good deal of empathy for this woman. How about spreading some of that empathy ... for the bloke who was the victim of racial abuse...?
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yeah, cos if he had walked away, having been intimidated into doing so, and saying/doing nothing about the incident, that would have helped her get over it so much better.

You appear to have a good deal of empathy for this woman. How about spreading some of that empathy ... for the bloke who was the victim of racial abuse...?
Again you misread the situation. At the point the clip starts he says he has her abusing him on camera, so how is he intimidated into walking away when he was already leaving and now his only reason to stay is to film her which is having a further negative consequence?

Noone has suggested he say nothing about the incident. Call the fucking cops if you want to deal with it beyond. Anything else is bullshit.
Given that you haven't actually read my post properly I find it rather depressing that you want to continue this.

You said the victim should be considered first. I have considered him by repeatedly saying he should not be subject to racism and by condemning her behaviour.

I am not treating this as a simple situation. Racism and any other 'ism' isn't simple and linear. There are limitless complexities, experiences and aspects to consider in a broader discussion.

They are not being considered here.

In this instance, I am suggesting there is a starting point, a place where the primary victim in this is afforded a voice and a right to exist without fear of abuse. That equality also extends to him having a right to respond in the way he did.

Yes, he has the right to be free from abuse. Unfortunately on that day he encountered some. We all wish he hadn't, but he did. He started his car and scared a kid whose mother happens to be an angry defensive woman with self esteem issues and a propensity for racism.

How he handled that situation was IMO not the best choice since it further upset the angry defensive woman with self esteem issues who has already called you a fucking N. So why then, when you were already leaving, do you want to stay there and film her when doing so also exacerbates her anger?

You have not read my post properly. This is further evidence of that fact.

So you have said, twice.
And in addition to this, I believe he uploaded the vid in order to show that this sort of everyday racist abuse is not only confined to the Deep South, but can and does manifest in relatively 'liberal' NE states like NY... doesn't he say something along these lines whilst the recording is taking place?
I have capacity enough to consider both and frind it rather depressing that you don't. This is not a simple situation and treating it as such does the subject of racism a massive disservice. It is a phenomenon perpetuated by a wide variety of people from all kinds of backgrounds. Treating them the same is as simple minded as saying that, because of this one woman, racism is alive and well in america.

Are we to assume racists are beyond help and shhouldn't be helped to get over their attitude?

and what does that mean in practice? Beyond saying, repeatedly, that racism is disgusting, her behaviour is disgusting and that noone should suffer racism, what else do I need to say? Either you believe me when I say that, or you joiun the ranks of the tossers that continue to assume otherwise despite refusing to evidence it.

Then what are people here saying because all I'm hearing is 'YOU ARE NOT SHAMING HER ENOUGH THEREFORE YOU = RACIST!" I thought this was supposed to be a progressive forum where discussions like this could be had productively. Obviously not; some people are as reactionary and bigoted as she is.

No! It's a consequence of his actions. How is that not the same as victim blaming? (she's a victim of being put on youtube even if he is a victim of a far greater injustice.)

He chose to put it up. Noone else, and it's absolutely incorrect to blame her for his decision. Whether or not you agree with it is immaterial.

Are you stating this as something that happens or something you agree with?

Her actions do not deny him his voice. Nor do they prevent him from enacting the choice he made, as is self evident. I have no idea how you think i haven't afforded him any right; this is a nonsense. It makes no sense.

He starts the clip by saying he has her on film (though we do not see it) calling him an N and that he is going to press charges. All of which is perfectly fine and certainly not indicative of experience of a corrupt polioce force. he also works in a business countering racism so if they were corrupt he'd be in a position to know for certain.

So then why choose to stay in your truck and start filming? Film what? What else do you need? You have her on film screaming racist abuse. What more is needed?

Why choose to remain in your truck and film someone who clearly doesn't want to be filmed who then turns their back on you and says nothing. The only time she then interacts with him subsequently, as he continues to film her, is when he speaks. Why do you want to speak to her? She's a racist; her attitude is aggressive and clearly not prone to change in the time you sit there filming? Do you think that she's going to have a moment of clairty, break down and apologise? Is that reasonable - it'd be nice!

Instead he says "might as well take care of your kids don't worry about me", why? Don't you think that is just going to provoke a reaction from the already angry racist lady with whom you have no reason to interact? Just call the cops like you said. Get her in court and maybe they can send her somewhere useful where she will actually be properly educated. Not sit there, wind her up knowing what she's capable of. That's just yanking the ugly tiger by the tail.

Sure he has the right to sit in his truck. There's no suggestion otherwise. Is it advisable? When your'e getting threats of violence? Would that threat have been made had you just driven off and reported her to the cops?

That's not excusing how she reacts to him. That's on her totally. But there are better ways to handle this IMO.

That's fine.

Jesus fucking christ on a bike
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