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Privileged people calling less privileged people "stupid" doesn't seem to be working...

I heard Streeck lecture again the other night, and at one point he alighted on the (genuine) debates that the elites have entered into regarding 'helicopter £' as a last resort. He said that you can tell that they've lost the plot completely when their debate centres upon the question of whether, once the notes 'have hit the ground', the people would use them to pay off their debt or fulfill their 'social duty to consume'.
I though when GW Bush tried it there was a massive spike in purchases of pornography
Yes, he did better with white men than expected, white women too. What now? Is the answer to tell them they are scum, perhaps genetically inferior as David Brooks put it?

I'd say that's kind of a big leap.

A more measured response might be to acknowledge that there continues to exist a wide gap between the races in the US - economically, socially, and, it would seem, politically.

The president-elect got to be that way by pandering to that divisiveness, and to the fears and misconceptions of the white majority.

Perhaps something good will come of this election if people of vision begin to realize that the only way forward for the United States, is by working to create a unified nation, working to reduce the real and perceived differences in the position of the races.

Because imo, pandering to division, and ultimately widening the gap, will lead to the eventual destruction of that country.
Clearly a large proportion of American citizens—not as many as voted for Hillary Clinton, but still, under our strange system, enough—wanted Trump as their president and now hope that he fulfills the loud promises he repeatedly made to the country.

But those promises are the problem. Donald Trump ran on a platform of relentless, thoroughgoing rejection of the Constitution itself, and its underlying principle of democratic self-government and individual rights. True, he never endorsed quartering of troops in private homes in time of peace, but aside from that there is hardly a provision of the Bill of Rights or later amendments he did not explicitly promise to override, from First Amendment freedom of the press and of religion to Fourth Amendment freedom from “unreasonable searches and seizures” to Sixth Amendment right to counsel to Fourteenth Amendment birthright citizenship and Equal Protection and Fifteenth Amendment voting rights.

Like an admissions officer at Trump University, he offered Americans a bag of magic beans and asked them in exchange to hand over their rights and their form of government.

Smiling, nearly 60 million complied.

Donald Trump Has Broken the Constitution
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The neo libs certainly need to 'log out' & see that their shit like Uber & Deliveroo that they claim are 'disrupters' is nothing compared to the 'disrupters' now kicking back at them.
I'd say that's kind of a big leap.

A more measured response might be to acknowledge that there continues to exist a wide gap between the races in the US - economically, socially, and, it would seem, politically.

The president-elect got to be that way by pandering to that divisiveness, and to the fears and misconceptions of the white majority.

Perhaps something good will come of this election if people of vision begin to realize that the only way forward for the United States, is by working to create a unified nation, working to reduce the real and perceived differences in the position of the races.

Because imo, pandering to division, and ultimately widening the gap, will lead to the eventual destruction of that country.

Exactly. Pandering to it is not the answer. "Listen to the voices of the forgotten" , ok. Don't call them stupid or racist, ok. But what if the voices are the commentators in the DM? Or my crazy auntie in Florida ? Does that mean what they want is what should happen next - build the wall, deport the illegal terrorist immigrant hordes etc?
I meant, her public statements since she got the job appear to be designed to pander to the idea that stopping freedom of movement and reducing immigration is more important than anything else, because that's what she thinks she heard in the voices of the leave vote. Just like Trump must know the wall will never happen, but the idea of it appealed to the people who would vote for him.
The people who voted for him ranked immigration and terrorism as their top concerns, remember, not the economy or inequality.
I agree that calling people stupid is stupid, but think pandering to racism and xenophobia is stupid too, and that's happening, for want of any alternative.
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One of the sad realities of democracy is people collectively are often stupid and hopefully reckless. Animated by easily stirred petty hatreds more than striving ideals. That does not just apply to the under educated or dim. The idea crowds uniformly make wise decisions is essentially a comforting superstition on a par with believing in the Little People. Democracies work because much constitutional clutter gets in the way of the fluttering animal spirits of the people. They're perhaps less prone to catastrophic errors. Being wealthy developed counties they often can get away with burst of utter daftness just ending up a little less sleek and no less smug rather than chastened in poverty.

The US elected a patrician Texan governor twice despite him making a colossal strategic error invading Iraq. The Brits reelected PMs who were enthusiastic passengers in that. They barely blinked at a reckless No 10 being one of the main authors of a smaller cock up in Libya. Now the US has elected the first President without any legislative or military experience at a time when the Presidency has almost Kingly powers. He is essentially a wilful conspiracy theorist with a vulgar gift for marketing himself as a saviour. He will be unrestrained by a Hill dominated by the GOP who are terrified of his far right base. I hope the old scoundrel will surprise us in a good way. Men do rise to office. I doubt far more interesting times lie ahead.
He will be unrestrained by a Hill dominated by the GOP who are terrified of his far right base.
This is the thing. What if 'the people', the ones that nobody can call stupid or racist, are perceived to be mainly energised by targets for deportations of foreigners, and in paying less tax, or banning Muslims etc. Those out of touch elites have been chastened by their failure to 'listen' so if they want to keep their jobs they'd better start deporting.
There is a lot wrong with that IMO. The left, what the fuck does that even mean? Ridiculing safe spaces? A bastard trick. What's his political standpoint? How does he get to speak from outside of it all? Truth is he can't. I could go on but am at work so suppose I better do some.
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There is a lot wrong with that IMO. The left, what the fuck does that even mean? Ridiculing safe spaces? A bastard trick. What's his political standpoint? How does he get to speak from outside of it all? Truth is he can't. I could go on but am at work so suppose I better do some.

I think it's an overstatement to suggest that he's "ridiculing safe spaces". He's making the point that, a lot of what now passes for the left (not really left at all, in my opinion, but liberal identity politics freaks) seems to have given up on anything other than talking to itself. Whether that's through trying to silence those with whom they disagree e.g. no platforming, shouting then down, or trying to get them to shut up by smearing them.

And, whilst I don't agree with everything he says, there's some truth in that point. It's not an effective tactic for any meaningful change.
Thing is like brexit this isn't an overwhelming majority for trump it was about half of those that bothered to vote voted for trump.

due to the the rather strange system the yanks have with the electoral college it looks like a massive vote for trump.

So good news at least half the US doesnt vote for racist shitbags :D
Unfortunatly half that does gets out to vote:mad:

Unfortunatly every fuckwit who cant be bothered to vote or decides in a two horse race to be an "extra special snowflake"and vote for a third choice you get trump:mad:
There is a lot wrong with that IMO. The left, what the fuck does that even mean? Ridiculing safe spaces? A bastard trick. What's his political standpoint? How does he get to speak from outside of it all? Truth is he can't. I could go on but am at work so suppose I better do some.
I think you might not understand him because you seem to be one of those he's talking about.
Everybody's failing.

What you've attempted here is to back peddle after a pointless, snidey dig at me.

I preferred it when you seemed to be arguing that there is only one perspective, you know, the one that you and JP have but others don't. I preferred that because I truly believe you think like that, hence you rushing to condescend to me, like you can tell me who I am or not. Pretty ironic given the title of this thread.
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