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Prince Harry

Got it off libgen last night, I’m about 40 pages in. Looks as if there’s been some attempts to take it down off there as it took me a bit of hunting through the mirrors because there were a ton of dead links.
it starts off horrible with his mother dying and the total absence of love and hugs, upper classes are so fucked up in this way, just ship the kids off somewhere. Brush any trauma under the carpet.
I’ve heard these stories before from other families and I shared a house as a student with a girl from an upper class family, daughter of a wing commander, she just seemed so old and cold and her room was like an antiques centre. She married a working class scouse bloke in the end. funnily enough was listening to Trinny Woodhall on a podcast earlier and she talked about being shipped off to boarding school aged 6 and how it fucked her up.
The whole thing needs to go in the bin, it’s doing nobody any good carrying on in this way. Can’t see the point of any of it.
Being a Royal opens doors. Both Andrew and William were helicopter pilots neither of which strike me as particularly bright especially the former. Modern helicopters have whizz bang gizmos that assist with the trickier aspects although true you need to be proficient without them.

You don’t have to be bright to be a competent pilot ( thank god) but you do need to be bright to operate a system like Apache.
daily mail link: but they've gone through the book with a fine toothcomb as you'd expect from a paper which rabidly detests harry and meghan, and picked out a range of factual inaccuracies: A forensic analysis of the inaccuracies in Prince Harry's book 'Spare'
At this point (and long before, in fact), they're doing more harm than good to their cause with such desperate pieces. Anyone who regularly reads the Mail will have long ago formed their opinion on Harry and Meghan. And to anyone else with more than two brain cells who might casually stumble upon such articles and had not made their mind up either way about them, such desparate naked attempts at painting them as the devil incarnate are more likely to tilt them the other way. That's how I would react, anyway.

also, I don't particularly record any in-depth analysis in the Mail about the numerous infinitely more farcical claims made by Andrew the Nonce in the last couple of years. But that's fine I guess.
daily mail is the most read ‘news’ site in the country, and Harry’s book the best seller, so there must be a big overlap where the same people are buying it having spent years lapping up the DMs endless obsessive attacks on him & his mrs. Quite an odd phenomenon, probably a bit awkward for the daily mail.
Bored of the cunt now. Murder-suicide of him, spouse and kids would make for a post-Covid bounce in sales of the Sunday papers tomorrow.

Come on Harry, England Expects Every Man etc...
Henry Mance reviews Spare in the FT

Spare by Prince Harry — complain and explain​

The memoir is arguably the most insightful royal book in a generation, yet still leaves readers with many questions about the monarchy unanswered

This leapt out at me, which I hadn't come across before:
As a boy, Harry learnt that he was there to provide organ donations should his older brother require. He found his status increasingly demeaning.
paywall busted:
Henry Mance reviews Spare in the FT

This leapt out at me, which I hadn't come across before:
As a boy, Harry learnt that he was there to provide organ donations should his older brother require. He found his status increasingly demeaning.
paywall busted:
Not as good as the Weekly Worker article (I’d give this one 3 out of 5 stars) but this is my favourite quote of the piece. :thumbs: :D

Reading Spare, I felt nostalgic for medieval times when Harry could simply have raised an army and marched on his father and brother — instead of pointedly leaving them out of the dedication.
The whole thing needs to go in the bin, it’s doing nobody any good carrying on in this way. Can’t see the point of any of it.
Here's what you gotta do:
1. Blag some moody shooters off a dodgy bloke in the East End.
2. Lead your citizen's militia in an armed takeover of your local post office.
3. Arrange to be tied to a chair and executed by firing squad, while the Royal Navy shells your entire town to the ground.
4. ????????
5. Republic!
Here's what you gotta do:
1. Blag some moody shooters off a dodgy bloke in the East End.
2. Lead your citizen's militia in an armed takeover of your local post office.
3. Arrange to be tied to a chair and executed by firing squad, while the Royal Navy shells your entire town to the ground.
4. ????????
5. Republic!
Out post office is in the local Spar. Does that make any difference?
Out post office is in the local Spar. Does that make any difference?
It needs to be a big post office. And people have to die in it. And it needs to be on a street you can rename in honour of a national hero. Also cool if you can get a statue of them. And there’s going to be a civil war on your own side.

It’s really not a very good template, to be honest. I’d find another plan. There’d be some good tunes, though.
Here's what you gotta do:
1. Blag some moody shooters off a dodgy bloke in the East End.
2. Lead your citizen's militia in an armed takeover of your local post office.
3. Arrange to be tied to a chair and executed by firing squad, while the Royal Navy shells your entire town to the ground.
4. ????????
5. Republic!
Is 4 where the kingdom of the home counties of england seperates from the republic of the rest of england? :hmm:
Is 4 where the kingdom of the home counties of england seperates from the republic of the rest of england? :hmm:
To be strictly analogous, the capital would stay in the republic, but the place where actual industry, manufacture and the most advanced part of the economy was would be retained by a neighbouring state. (London, despite its delusions, is not the powerhouse of the economy, but is in fact heavily subsidised by everywhere else).
but anyway I was wondering whyis his real name Henry? What’s wrong with Harry as a name? apparently he’s a Henry. Makes no sense. It’s all ridiculous of course. But Harry Henry what.
Henry - Harry - Hal
William -Bill/Billy
Margaret - Peggy
Mary-Ann - Polly
Charles - Chuck

My great-aunt Polly was really Mary Ann, which I thought was a family nickname but Polly Peachum in the Beggars' Opera was also a Mary-Ann and that was written 170 years before my Great Aunt was Born.
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