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Prince Harry

According to a wiki entry on the Spencers

In the late 16th century, the latter Sir John Spencer's grandson Sir Robert Spencer (1570–1627) represented Brackley in Parliament. In 1601, he was made a Knight of the Garter, and created Baron Spencer, of Wormleighton, in the Peerage of England in 1603. During the reign of King James I he was reputed to be the richest man in England. The humble origins of the Spencers as sheep farmers once caused a heated exchange of words between wealthy yet then upstart Spencers with the more established Howards whose FitzAlan ancestors had been the Earls of Arundel since the 13th century. During a debate in the House of Peers, Lord Spencer was speaking about something that their great ancestors had done when suddenly the Earl of Arundel cut him off and said "My Lord, when these things you speak of were doing, your ancestors were keeping sheep". Lord Spencer then instantly replied, "When my ancestors as you say were keeping sheep, your ancestors were plotting treason."[8]

Tanya1982 :eek:
Something I've been thinking about. A lot of middle class people talk about "them and us" meaning the royals and everybody else like the rest of us are all in it together, but a lot of people don't see the middle class as anything like them. To many of us, the gulf between MC and working class people feels as big as that between MC and royalty. It might not be in actual mathematical terms, but it might as well be. So while some MC people are looking at the likes of Harry and the rest of the Windsors and thinking how incredible and another world it all is, plenty of other folk would see them in the same way: Imagine being able to own your own home and go on holiday abroad etc. 😛
Further details required! And pics, if appropriate (ie. no pics if it was underwear or something!)
I took my son out for tea this evening. He's split up with his girlfriend. Apparently it was a "Toxic relationship dad". Poor lad. So I picked him up from his Ma's dragged him round Tesco whist I did the weekly shop whilst he told me all about the break-up of his teenage love affair. Then I took him to KFC so he could have some comfort food. I had a coffee and watched as he ate his bodyweight in fried products.

Then I took him to TXMaxx and got him some new threads to cheer him up. I got a True Religion T-Shirt, Some Dickies socks and a lip balm for the wife.

Fuck all for me in there.
Something I've been thinking about. A lot of middle class people talk about "them and us" meaning the royals and everybody else like the rest of us are all in it together, but a lot of people don't see the middle class as anything like them. To many of us, the gulf between MC and working class people feels as big as that between MC and royalty. It might not be in actual mathematical terms, but it might as well be. So while some MC people are looking at the likes of Harry and the rest of the Windsors and thinking how incredible and another world it all is, plenty of other folk would see them in the same way: Imagine being able to own your own home and go on holiday abroad etc. 😛

Honestly I have shopped at Ikea when times have been a bit better for me, but right now the idea of furnishing my flat with stuff I had the money to buy is living the dream.
Rather than something to complain about.

Apparently, William is in charge of making sure there are no 'archaic, feudal or imperial' elements at the coronation. Think its going to be quite short in that case :D
why would they entrust that role to someone so devoid of talent they made him president of the fa and he's managed to cock that up too?
Apparently her family went much further back...compared with Charles'

[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.95)]She has more English royal blood in her veins than does Prince Charles, her 16th cousin once removed. All of it flowing from illegitimate unions. Four of her ancestors were mistresses to English Kings. Three dallied with Charles II (1630-85), a compulsive philanderer whose amorous activities produced more than a quarter of the 26 dukedoms in Great Britain and Ireland. The fourth royal paramour, Arabella, daughter of the first Sir Winston Churchill, was a favorite of James II (1633-1701) and bore him a daughter. In short, while Diana’s blood may run blue, even purple, scarlet women and black sheep have added to its color…
Others of Diana’s kinsmen made their mark in worldly affairs, many as great statesmen. George Washington is an eighth cousin seven times removed, and through the wife of an eccentric American great-great-grandfather, Diana is related to Presidents John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Calvin Coolidge, Millard Fillmore, Rutherford B. Hayes, Grover Cleveland and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Sir Winston Churchill (middle name: Spencer) is a cousin, as is former Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home. Scholarly limbs include Historian Henry Adams, Philosopher Bertrand Russell and Lexicographer Noah Webster. Theatrical boughs: Humphrey Bogart and Lillian Gish.
That’s bollocks though. It only goes back further because the Windsors are the female line, whereas the Spencer’s are the unbroken male line. It’s pure misogyny. The Windsors are also direct descendants of James VI and I (and therefore the oldest English, Scottish, Welsh, and other European royal lines) - but via his daughter rather than his son. So, lesser, but equally related. Misogynist bollocks.

Eighth cousin seven times removed? lolz I am actually related to George Washington distantly. I mean it might be ninth cousins 10 times , removed or something. It is true but I don’t know the exact details. But it’s not exactly worth mentioning is it.

Apparently, William is in charge of making sure there are no 'archaic, feudal or imperial' elements at the coronation. Think its going to be quite short in that case :D
If he or any Royal in any Royal family across the world were really interested in making their monarchies less feudal, the first thing he ought to do is publicly do away with the practice of curtsying before them, even if nowadays it’s not compulsory (though still frown upon by the bootlickers of course). The cunts still embrace a protocol system that elevates Royals to superior beings, ffs. And sadly there are far too many fucking idiots all too happy to comply.
Apparently her family went much further back
This is like something Harry is reported to have said about his family being “one of the most ancient”. Every living being on Earth’s lineage is just as ancient as every other’s. We may not all be able to recite our family trees, but my parents had parents who had parents who had parents all the way back until the parents weren’t Homo sapiens, and before that all the way back until they weren’t hominids, and all the way back and back and back through mammals, reptilians, and amoeba, to the dawn of life in the primordial soup probably near a volcanic vent.

Just saying.
Four of her ancestors were mistresses to English Kings. Three dallied with Charles II (1630-85), a compulsive philanderer whose amorous activities produced more than a quarter of the 26 dukedoms in Great Britain and Ireland.
Hang on, isn’t an ancestor somebody you’re directly descended from? Which would suggest Charles II had at least one child with both his daughter and daughter/granddaughter within his life time :hmm:

Edit: oh hang on, I’ve got it now. At that distance back we’d all have a silly amount of direct ancestors. Ignore me!
I don’t think it, I know it. I don’t think it’s important, but it’s true. The Spencer’s are considered a higher class of earls, because they are simply Earls Spencer. They stand on their own name rather than relying on a geographical designation.

Example - Raine Spencer left the Earl of Dartmouth for Earl Spencer - she couldn’t get shot of the first fast enough, when the chance for a title without an of came up. Ditched the Dartmouth title without a backwards glance, despite her own children being born of that marriage. So proud of the higher Spencer title, she kept it, despite remarrying after his death. She remained known as ‘Countess Spencer’ which was her highest title - all three husbands were titled, two were British earls, but one was higher than the other.
When Charles first met Diana he had to bow. Honestly. You believe this.
If he or any Royal in any Royal family across the world were really interested in making their monarchies less feudal, the first thing he ought to do is publicly do away with the practice of curtsying before them, even if nowadays it’s not compulsory (though still frown upon by the bootlickers of course). The cunts still embrace a protocol system that elevates Royals to superior beings, ffs. And sadly there are far too many fucking idiots all too happy to comply.
Yeah I don't think it makes sense as the whole thing is feudal:D
Air New Zealand has taken a pop at him now for claiming Meghan booked a first class ticket for her dad from Mexico for the wedding. Slight problem is that a) AIr NZ doesn't fly from Mexico to the UK, and b) they dont have first class.

'Introducing #SussexClass. Apparently coming soon,' the airline wrote on Twitter.
Christ. Just seen his overnight US talkshow stuff (featuring Tom Hanks and him shooting tequila on stage), where he blames the British media for 'misinterpreting' his 'number' of killing 25 Aghans. It's there in black and white Haz. You signed off on it.

How can you possibly misinterpret that? I realise he's probably too thick to realise it, but the irony of actually increasing the revenues of the UK tabloids with his clickbait 'revelations' about his dick, Nandos, how much he hates his evil stepmother etc etc is staggering.

We are all suckers for narrative especially when we hump so much cognitive bias around :D

Air New Zealand has taken a pop at him now for claiming Meghan booked a first class ticket for her dad from Mexico for the wedding. Slight problem is that a) AIr NZ doesn't fly from Mexico to the UK, and b) they dont have first class.

'Introducing #SussexClass. Apparently coming soon,' the airline wrote on Twitter.

They no longer fly to Europe at all, but at the time of the wedding they flew from LA to London and United had flights from many places in Mexico to LA that carried NZ flight numbers, so it was possible to book ANZ from Mexico to London. Their business class is called business premier and is their highest class of service, often reported as first class, (Mexico to LA would have been in a cabin called first class on United).

So yeah, they should be shot.
Ok. So I've read most of the book.
Its a tome that is well written but..
I am so sick of him saying this phrase " it was xxxx or maybe it was yyyyy....Either way it was zzzz and I was blah blah".

I liked him at one stage but I am increasingly bored stiff with his waaaah waaaah they did this and I felt this. He just has written too much. Someone should have cut out 1/3 of the book. He tells way too much and shows just how priveledged he is jetting around the world yet complaining about his accommodation at various palaces.

He devotes a good chunk of chapters to his army years. That's where he comes off as at his happiest. It's also where he doesn't get too self pitying. Arguably the best part of the book alongside his Botswana chapters...

He has lots of charity work. Done a lot of good etc

He writes a lot abouf getting pissed up and doped throughout his life.
The whole talking to the bin and the toilet In his friend's friends place was surreal.

HIS descriptions of meeting Meghan are frankly not nuanced enough to make me feel anything other than lust was going on.
He says they talked for ages but doesnt elaborate... that would have been interesting but there's no takeaway from their communication. However I still have some way to go in that section and may change my mind.

What is obvious is that 4 interviews netflix series and book are all pretty much the same tone.. he is now overexposed and there's no come back from that. Hidng for 10 years might be a good idea now
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