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Prince Harry

He has lots of charity work. Done a lot of good etc but I do not want to know that he gets pissed up and doped up and talks to the bin or the toilet.
I dunno, that sounds the most fun bit! :D
What is obvious is that he is now overexposed and there's no come back from that. Hidng for 10 years might be a good idea now
That would be one huge “morning after regret”! Though I would argue that both the media and public have short memories. His family, maybe not so much.
I dunno, that sounds the most fun bit! :D

That would be one huge “morning after regret”! Though I would argue that both the media and public have short memories. His family, maybe not so much.

Yeah...I edited that bit.
It woukd have been funny had the reader not realised he was extremely depressed.
He does make fun of himself at times. He is probably his own biggest critic. I nearly felt sorry for him but theh he'd walk himself into the next door.

Hopefully you're right and people forget.

For mostcof the book he is pretty kind re his dad & brother. He obviously loves them but has more expectations of them than they give back to him. That's sad. He comes across as trying to please them a lot. Seeking approval. Its clear that his mother dying left a massive hole in his development and his dad was incapable of helping him. The royals come off as too busy to deal with Harry. Nobody seems to have been there for him. Off to boarding school and then army. Almost like nobody wanted to sit with him and listen.
He comes across as trying to please them a lot. Seeking approval. It’s clear that his mother dying left a massive hole in his development and his dad was incapable of helping him. The royals come off as too busy to deal with Harry. Nobody seems to have been there for him. Off to boarding school and then army. Almost like nobody wanted to sit with him and listen.
And of course he was those two or three years younger than his brother when his mum died. It doesn’t seem much but those few years can be significant. From a wider child psychology perspective, William would have been reaching that adolescent stage of beginning to separate from family in developing his identity, whilst Harry wasn’t there yet. That’s not to say that William wouldn’t have been devastated and still have emotional scars, but it could make a difference in how much it impacts the developing sense of self. Plus different personalities, the heir and the spare thing etc.

From admittedly quite old research I remember a huge risk factor for adult depression being losing your mum before the age of 10. He was just over that age iirc but not much. :(
The other thing that comes across is that he had so much internal dialogue going on for most of his life and nobody was aware of it. His own family were not listening.

He also comes across as someone who loves physical hard work. Is happiest outdoors preferably doing stuff. Not sat at a desk. He is at his happiest working on building projects for charities in Africa or working on a farm in Australia or training hard in the army.
And of course he was those two or three years younger than his brother when his mum died. It doesn’t seem much but those few years can be significant. From a wider child psychology perspective, William would have been reaching that adolescent stage of beginning to separate from family in developing his identity, whilst Harry wasn’t there yet. That’s not to say that William wouldn’t have been devastated and still have emotional scars, but it could make a difference in how much it impacts the developing sense of self. Plus different personalities, the heir and the spare thing etc.

From admittedly quite old research I remember a huge risk factor for adult depression being losing your mum before the age of 10. He was just over that age iirc but not much. :(

Yes you're right.
He is constantly drawn back to thinking about his mother and wishing her back into existence.
He says at one point that he has a lock of her hair next to the bed and asked her to help him and Meghan get pregnant as they both wanted to start a family quickly.

She is very much there at every turn.
The description of him asking to be driven through the tunnel in Paris is very sad. He comes out the other end with more questions than answers. 65kmph. Short tunnel. How did the accident happen. Why were the paps not prosecuted.
He says he and William wanted to reopen the enquiry into their mother's death.

He's never going to come to terms with it because in his mind it doesnt make sense that she died.
I liked him at one stage but I am increasingly bored stiff with his waaaah waaaah they did this and I felt this.
Yeah this, I had nothing against him (other than the usual parasite stuff) but at the moment I just want everyone to shut the fuck up about this spoiled rich kid who really thinks he's hard done to poor boy. I'd swap lives with him in the blink of an eye, he's so lacking in self awareness and we're lapping it up like the little serfs we are.
Yeah this, I had nothing against him (other than the usual parasite stuff) but at the moment I just want everyone to shut the fuck up about this spoiled rich kid who really thinks he's hard done to poor boy. I'd swap lives with him in the blink of an eye, he's so lacking in self awareness and we're lapping it up like the little serfs we are.
Yes, imagine the genuine struggles of a single parent abuse survivor getting this sort of sustained attention.
Yeah this, I had nothing against him (other than the usual parasite stuff) but at the moment I just want everyone to shut the fuck up about this spoiled rich kid who really thinks he's hard done to poor boy. I'd swap lives with him in the blink of an eye, he's so lacking in self awareness and we're lapping it up like the little serfs we are.

I wouldn't want his life.
Yes, imagine the genuine struggles of a single parent abuse survivor getting this sort of sustained attention.
Fair point..

I get the impression from the book that he doesn't want to be part of the Royal Machine at all. He is very critical of it.
I want to add one other thing, this whole unedifying soap opera is a massive shit in the face to anyone that's spent years writing an imaginative, informative, interesting, inspiring etc book that gets rejected by publishers time and again and sells twenty copies to mates. When this cunt has some whinging crap ghostwritten for him and breaks sales records all over the place not because it's imaginative, informative, interesting or inspiring but because he got born in the right family.

What's the point in having actual ideas when this is the shit that sells like hot cakes? I dunno, it shows us up in a pretty ridiculous light tbh. And that's not hazza's fault, that's just our world.

I wouldn't want his life.
Nor would I choose it in a free choice, there are a million better lives to live. But as a straight swap for the one I struggle in, yeah in a moment. And I'm not alone there, in fact I suspect that's one of the reasons this book has sold as it has.

Anyway I've already posted too many times here given how I feel about it.
Fair point..

I get the impression from the book that he doesn't want to be part of the Royal Machine at all. He is very critical of it.
But only because he thinks he’s hard done to by it. It isn’t a principled objection to monarchy.

As soon as we discovered that Harry’s book was called “Spare”, it was clear what his main gripe was. He is bitter not to be the heir. He’s made it clear he still believes in the monarchy, and it’s clear that his problem is that he’ll never be it.

He could easily have had some purpose in life outside of the Firm. He could, for example, have coached injured ex-service people in sports. That’s something he claims to care about. It would have been a worthwhile and honourable occupation. He could have faded into obscurity and done this quietly, which would have earned him my respect, or, if he was determined to maintain a public profile, also use what celebrity he had to advocate for that cause.

The Royal Family missed a trick in not keeping Meghan on-side. As someone with mixed race heritage, an American, a trained actor, a liberal, she could have helped them modernise their image. It’s also very obvious that race played a part in her alienation from the family, and it definitely played a part in the tabloid treatment of her. Anyone arguing otherwise is being wilfully blinkered.

So, they’re right: the press and others were racist and misogynist towards Meghan. But they’re still hugely privileged, hugely wealthy, and with the kind of power, influence and clout very few people have. Their self-pity is unedifying. They could easily have played this with far more dignity. Even letting it drop after the Netflix series would have achieved that. But Harry has now over-shared to a degree that it has lost him many who were basically sympathetic towards him.

There’s little else this thread needs to discuss about his book. We could either discuss the case against monarchy, or use this wide-ranging thread to discuss one or more of the many interesting topics raised from TK Maxx to the way the rest of the world pronounces J wrong.
From admittedly quite old research I remember a huge risk factor for adult depression being losing your mum before the age of 10. He was just over that age iirc but not much. :(

Would imagine having your dad vaporized by a toff who's flown in from the other side of the world just to kill your fellow countrymen might lead to the misogs too.
One thing that is going to have to change if the monarchy is going survive is this 'never complain never explain' shit. William etc are gonna have to say something at some point

I'm not sure, I think the only way they maintain their absurd mystique is by keeping shtum. Its when they talk that we all get to see how they're stupider and less interesting than anyone we know personally, the more they talk the less respect they command IMO
The Sun had an editorial saying that Charles shouldn't invite him to the coronation because it wasnt just a family affair. Not really up to them imo
William should offer him a straightener at Wembley done up to look like a giant dog's bowl. Pay per view would be massive.

:cool: :thumbs:

MTV really need to bring that show back for a one off special :D
The Sun had an editorial saying that Charles shouldn't invite him to the coronation because it wasnt just a family affair. Not really up to them imo
They don’t seem to understand the point of using heredity to choose a head of state, do they? The point is it is a family affair for as long as we accept there is a magic family from whose number the head of state is selected, and from whom “sovereignty” emanates.
One thing that is going to have to change if the monarchy is going survive is this 'never complain never explain' shit. William etc are gonna have to say something at some point
Worse possible thing they can do...gives the media more opportunity to feed off it...give it a year or so and it'll burn itself out (with possible reprise when Charles dies)
On the subject of how the monarchy are got rid of the answer is simple, Parliament will pass a law abolishing it. It has run down the power of the monarchy slowly over a very long time it is capable of taking the final step if enough people want it.
It clearly isn't going to happen any time soon but if William V dies in the 2060's (He's currently 40) and by then the bulk of public opinion support abolition then abolition there will be. There isn't (sadly) ever going to be a revolution and we hang them so abolition will happen when the regnant one dies and his successor (I don't think there will ever be another regnant queen) does not accede to the throne.
Chucky is going to make it into the 2030's (2040's at a pinch) so there just isn't enough time for the populace to turn far enough against him to want abolition yet. But now that Brenda is propping up the foundations of Windsor Abbey I can't see any path for them but down. The bulk of the Commonwealth is mostly little islands with 5 decent sized countries, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Jamaica plus the UK of course. Jamaica will definitely be a republic by the time Chucky carks and I expect at least Australia and NZ to be on the way (I believe Canada will have to change its constitution so will take longer, they may have to wait for us to get rid).
The only sad thing about this is that I'm not going to get to see it. Oldest grandson was 6 last Monday so I shall put some money away for him and his brother to raise a glass and declare "Grandad was right all along about this, may he rest in peace"
Worse possible thing they can do...gives the media more opportunity to feed off it...give it a year or so and it'll burn itself out (with possible reprise when Charles dies)

Yeh.. agree with this. He's surely run out of dirt to dish by now. Not much serious damage done. Seems to have toned down his claims of racism anyway.
‘Honestly. You believe this’.

Honestly, Magnus McGinty, I don’t. I don’t even know what you’re talking about - do you?
I'm sure we can be a bit more inventive.
Best stick to the purely legislative route. Violent revolutions eat their own - it might all be fun and games when it’s them on the scaffold, but soon enough it’ll be you. Your execution will go on to be someone’s else’s bread and circus, only by the time it gets to you, the blade will be blunt and you’ll have a worse time than those who went ahead.
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