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Prince Andrew, Duke of York, named in underage 'sex slave' lawsuit

the BBC website currently has a story about Maxwell, including the fact that Epstein sent her emails in 2015 saying she'd done nothing wrong.

So that clears that up then.

(the point of the story is actually that it disproves her claim she hadn't discussed things with him)
Or maybe getting it on the record that he wishes her no harm, for future reference.
Yeh he'll go all Bart Simpson when she gets rubbed out

And Trump asked about G Maxwell says... "I wish her well"
Is that code for "keep your mouth shut and you'll be fine"?
I don't think so Trump would just say "Keep your mouth shut or I will have you assassinated" then he would go on to deny he ever met any woman that Maxwell might suggest he might have met and even if he did he didn't do anything wrong.
The possibility that He Who Cannot Sweat might have lobbied on Epstein's behalf several years after he claimed to have last seen him is very interesting though since it implies that HWCS knew or suspected (which he flat out denied) that Epstein was a bad un.
So far I can only find this story in the Torygraph behind a paywall, but the headline tells you everything you need to know...

I think there's a couple of free pages per month or something. I'll see whether copy and paste works.

Prince Andrew allegedly lobbied the US government on Jeffrey Epstein’s behalf for a "favourable" plea deal in a underage prostitution case in Florida in 2008, it has been claimed in newly unsealed court documents.
The trove of documents, published for the first time after an appeal to keep them secret by Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell’s lawyers was rejected this week, highlights the relationship between the Duke and the disgraced late financier.
They are part of a 2015 civil lawsuit brought against Epstein and Ms Maxwell, 58, by Viriginia Roberts Giuffre, who claims she was forced by the millionaire to sleep with Prince Andrew and others when she was 17.
The Duke has strenuously denied Ms Giuffre’s allegations.
Two unnamed victims of the financier, identified only as Jane Doe 1 and Jane Doe 2, allege that he relied on help from Prince Andrew and other high-profile friends to secure a reduced sentence from the US Attorney for South Florida.
Epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting a minor for prostitution in 2008 as part of a controversial "sweetheart deal" with federal authorities in Florida.
He served 18 months in prison, though he was allowed out on work release for 12 hours a day, six days a week.
The Does were appealing for the release of documents in the case which they said would prove the royal's involvement.
"(They are) seeking documents regarding Epstein’s lobbying efforts to persuade the government to give him a favorable plea arrangement, including efforts on his behalf by Prince Andrew and former Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz," they claim.
"They have alleged these materials are needed to prove their allegations that, after Epstein signed the non-prosecution agreement his performance was delayed while he used his significant social and political connections to lobby the justice department to obtain a more favorable plea deal."
The Duke has claimed he moved to distance himself from his former friend after the conviction, meeting with him on only one occasion in New York in 2010 to formally cut ties.
In another part of her deposition, Ms Giuffre is asked by her lawyers in 2016 if Prince Andrew would have "relevant information" that could help investigators.
"Yes, he would know a lot of the truth," she said of the Duke. "I don’t know how much he’d be able to help you with, but seeing as he’s in a lot of trouble himself these days I think he might, so I think he might be valuable."
Ms Giuffre, now 36, claims that she was forced to have sex with Epstein, who in turn forced her to have sex with a number of his associates.
"Epstein instructed Jane Doe to give Prince Andrew whatever he demanded and required her to report back to him on the details of the sexual abuse," the lawyers said. "Maxwell faciliatated Epstein’s acts of sexual abuse by acting as a madam."
Ms Giuffre in other parts of the testimony says the now famous photo of Prince Andrew with his arm around her waist in a London mansion was taken by Epstein on her Kodak camera.
She says she gave the picture to the FBI during their investigations in 2011.
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The sex offender Jeffrey Epstein allegedly tried to gather incriminating material against Prince Andrew by forcing an underage girl to have sex with him, according to newly released court documents.

The papers released by a court in New York say the alleged encounter took place on the late US financier’s private island in the US Virgin Islands. A document claims Epstein instructed the girl, referred to as Jane Doe #3, to “give the prince whatever he demanded and report back to him on the details of the sexual abuse”.
transporting young uns across borders for sex is really bad vuggum in the USA- this could explode (hopefully)

using the youngsters transported is just as bad- if it can be proved that no sweat andy did have sex with one of them, then hes going down for a long time (hopefully)

irrespective of HRH , still cannot get my head around a grown man actually participating in such things, does my head in
irrespective of HRH , still cannot get my head around a grown man actually participating in such things, does my head in

This is a man who has had the world handed to him on a plate, not surprising that a man who has lived with servants at his beck and call, plus spooks shadowing his every move doesn’t remember just another body sent his way to service his desires. Ffs, he and his ‘team’ genuinely thought the Maitlis interview went well. They are all living on another sodding planet.
This is a man who has had the world handed to him on a plate, not surprising that a man who has lived with servants at his beck and call, plus spooks shadowing his every move doesn’t remember just another body sent his way to service his desires. Ffs, he and his ‘team’ genuinely thought the Maitlis interview went well. They are all living on another sodding planet.

I know, but this isnt like copping off at ritzy at 1.45 Am when the commodores comes on. Its totally immoral. still cannot comprehend it
I have a feeling there are going to be quite a lot of prominent names cropping up in this case.
I agree, but probably some cropping up and being roundly defended by friends all singing in fine chorus "but he would never do a thing like that".

Also, likely some names that turn up but only in a very quiet way and then to be hushed up quickly. Quickly to the power of VERY.
What bothers me the most is that things like this are only really recently becoming "big news". What a shame no one came out at the time Jimmy Saville was everybody's favourite person and a blind eye was turned. Many years later more and more people are showed up to be cockroaches on humanity and everyone who was there at the time pretends to be astounded. Sickening
from the guardian article- an allegation at this stage but..

" A friend of Prince Andrew said: “The US federal appeals court said in 2019 these allegations should be treated with ‘extreme caution’. Allegations are not the same as facts, which is the essential premise on which justice works. Let’s see if these allegations stand up, because precious few about the duke do – where’s the proof?” "

i.e. yeah but wacha gonna do about it ?
transporting young uns across borders for sex is really bad vuggum in the USA- this could explode (hopefully)

using the youngsters transported is just as bad- if it can be proved that no sweat andy did have sex with one of them, then hes going down for a long time (hopefully)

irrespective of HRH , still cannot get my head around a grown man actually participating in such things, does my head in

known as the Mann Act
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