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Prince Andrew, Duke of York, named in underage 'sex slave' lawsuit

Somebody help me out here: I can see that the release of the court papers will greatly worry windsor and the details provide context in terms of maxwell's grooming of the girls. But do they provide any further evidence or testimony or is it really another retelling of Giuffre's own evidence? I might add that I believe her entirely, even if there may be a bit haziness around dates (not unexpected given the situation she was in). I'm just wondering whether it actually puts him anywhere nearer to an interview room, never mind a court room?

A random thought: not going to happen, but could he be prosecuted for sex tourism? Giuffre herself may not have been under UK age of consent, but was trafficked. But the other abused girls at the 'orgy' on paedo island included were reported to be under age.
Somebody help me out here: I can see that the release of the court papers will greatly worry windsor and the details provide context in terms of maxwell's grooming of the girls. But do they provide any further evidence or testimony or is it really another retelling of Giuffre's own evidence? I might add that I believe her entirely, even if there may be a bit haziness around dates (not unexpected given the situation she was in). I'm just wondering whether it actually puts him anywhere nearer to an interview room, never mind a court room?

A random thought: not going to happen, but could he be prosecuted for sex tourism? Giuffre herself may not have been under UK age of consent, but was trafficked. But the other abused girls at the 'orgy' on paedo island included were reported to be under age.

Perhaps at some point between now and her trial in twelve months time it may dawn on her that she is fucked. Last week she tried some sneaky manoeuvre that was no doubt advocated by her lawyers and it was spat out without a seconds thought by the courts. At some point, unless she is thicker than the thickest of pig shit she will understand that once the US decides to go for you, they will get you unless you are whiter than white (not just skin colour) and can prove it. At some point she may think that spending all but the very last years of her life in prison is not something she fancies very much and that spilling her guts on who did what and when may be a good way of substantially reducing the number of those years. Right now, perhaps her arrogance may make her think protecting her powerful mates is the way forward, that view may well change when it dawns on her that the choices are life without the privileges of powerful mates vs prison until late 80’s...
Perhaps at some point between now and her trial in twelve months time it may dawn on her that she is fucked. Last week she tried some sneaky manoeuvre that was no doubt advocated by her lawyers and it was spat out without a seconds thought by the courts. At some point, unless she is thicker than the thickest of pig shit she will understand that once the US decides to go for you, they will get you unless you are whiter than white (not just skin colour) and can prove it. At some point she may think that spending all but the very last years of her life in prison is not something she fancies very much and that spilling her guts on who did what and when may be a good way of substantially reducing the number of those years. Right now, perhaps her arrogance may make her think protecting her powerful mates is the way forward, that view may well change when it dawns on her that the choices are life without the privileges of powerful mates vs prison until late 80’s...
On a slightly different point, does going in hard on maxwell/windsor mean also going after alan dershovitz? The evidence is different against him - for example he wasn't there at Tramp's - but if Giuffre is credible on one she surely is on the other. Dershovitz would be a major headache for any prosecution team willing to take him on, not just his aggressive counter tactics but also his connections. Very messy.

Anyway, fuck the lot of them, fucking nonces.
I have no idea about all the other sleezebags involved with Epstein, but it seems that Maxwell is in it up to her neck and that grassing is the only way to avoid the rest of her meaningful life in stir.

know nothing much about her either, but she seems to appear with a creepy smile in the background of a lot of pictures with sleezebags, always in the background, always with a smirk...
I'm fairly certain that the only person on the planet who might even remotely believe the Woking Pizza Express story is his mum Brenda
Derailing the thread slightly Pizza Express have announced they are closing about 60 outlets, one wonders if the Royal one is amongst them
I'm fairly certain that the only person on the planet who might even remotely believe the Woking Pizza Express story is his mum Brenda
Derailing the thread slightly Pizza Express have announced they are closing about 60 outlets, one wonders if the Royal one is amongst them
I actually discovered this story after spotting today's other Pizza Express story and googling "Prince Andrew Pizza Express" to remind myself of which branch he'd claimed he was in, so I could check if that was one of the ones to close.
Disgusting how the Mirror refer to him as "disgraced American financier" and her as "British socialite". It feels like they are still looking up to them as important and special people.
Ironically in the middle of the Mirror article is a box to put your email in to receive 'royal' news straight to your inbox. To further add to the irony the picture attached it is one of his daughters (I can never remember which one is which) on her wedding day.
Whilst otherwise of firm republican leanings, I am starting to feel sorry for his daughters.
Ironically in the middle of the Mirror article is a box to put your email in to receive 'royal' news straight to your inbox. To further add to the irony the picture attached it is one of his daughters (I can never remember which one is which) on her wedding day.
Whilst otherwise of firm republican leanings, I am starting to feel sorry for his daughters.
I'm not. Fuck the lot of them.
Yeah, Beatrice and Eugenie were roughly the same age as Virginia Guiffre when she met Andrew, he used that fact to try to make conversation with her in the nightclub where he was absolutely not sweating.

Also, not sure the age of consent stuff is helpful to the debate. These young women were sex trafficked and raped. That's it.
Yeah, Beatrice and Eugenie were roughly the same age as Virginia Guiffre when she met Andrew, he used that fact to try to make conversation with her in the nightclub where he was absolutely not sweating.

Also, not sure the age of consent stuff is helpful to the debate. These young women were sex trafficked and raped. That's it.
It is perfectly possible to be at Pizza Express in Woking at 5pm and at Tramp at midnight. Woking to Waterloo is 27 minutes, Tramp is less than 15 minutes walk from Waterloo...
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Not going to click on that fucking link. What's the gist of it?

Davies acted as an air stewardess on the flight and described being shocked when Clinton boarded the plane, saying he was 'charming and sweet'.

Davies, now in her early 40s, said of the massage pictures: 'Although the image looks bizarre, President Clinton was a perfect gentleman during the trip and I saw absolutely no foul play involving him.'

...The star-studded group – which included actors Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker – visited the countries of Ghana, Nigeria, Rwanda, Mozambique and South Africa during the five-day humanitarian trip.
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