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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

In London last Christmas the cops were at train stations stopping people travelling out of the city / home. My mate is a manager at a local pub and he had to put up several of his staff as they were turned away at the station.

Travel has been banned on several occasions.
Actually travel was effectively only really banned for public transport users, whilst car owners continued to do what they wanted.
Not entirely true at least in Wales. In the early weeks of the lockdown there was a very noticeable reduction in traffic. The OB were at one point stopping drivers on the A470 going into Cardiff to ask purpose of travel. I was stopped and showed my ID (support worker) and was allowed to carry on no problem. I drove to Aberystwyth a couple of times and saw very little traffic indeed.
Actually travel was effectively only really banned for public transport users, whilst car owners continued to do what they wanted.

I'm also trying to find the cunt who got pulled over for a hundred mile trip to pickup dog food but google isn't bringing it up.
I said car owners continued to do what they wanted. For many of them that meant not going anywhere especially at the beginning, when we enjoyed perhaps 2 or 3 weeks of unusually empty roads.

There may have been a scattering of fines and police stops in the early days.

However, as time went on it was increasingly the case that those with cars were feeling free to drive around for leisure purposes while there was quite strong messaging that we shouldn't be doing this on public transport.
Not entirely true at least in Wales. In the early weeks of the lockdown there was a very noticeable reduction in traffic. The OB were at one point stopping drivers on the A470 going into Cardiff to ask purpose of travel. I was stopped and showed my ID (support worker) and was allowed to carry on no problem. I drove to Aberystwyth a couple of times and saw very little traffic indeed.

Wales also had the border thing as well; by nature of their commute and geography, a friend of the family crossed the england/wales border twice on their way to work (medical oxygen QA, so thoroughly in the "essential worker" category) and was stopped multiple times both for travelling and at the border crossing.

Rubbish, traffic fell noticeably in the early days of the lockdown. I remember the roads of Crystal Palace been really empty and it was a joy to go for a walk.

The roads were certainly much emptier than usual at first but there was also an unhealthy contingent of absolute wankers who saw that as carte blanche to go as as fast as possible. I nearly got flattened when some pillock overtook a bus at a bus stop without looking to see if there was anyone occupying the opposite lane.
As it happens I went on a walk around crystal palace during that quiet time and this was one of the scenes asking the way

Yowzer, I managed to miss that when it happened (think I would have still been in the office at the time), was that the cause of all the building work that blocked the road there? Looked like it took out a fair chunk of the bricks.

P.S. Just in case people are forgetting, I'd like to remind everyone in the last few pages that Boris Johnson is still a monster twat. A bellend of utterly gargantuan proportions. A mutated speck of smegma that, through gorging on misery, pain and stupidity has somehow grown to near-sentience.

not sure sleeping with someone else when your wife has cancer is following 'teaching of Jesus Christ', nor bearing false witness for most of his adult life. Perhaps he should go, give all he has to the poor and generally fuck off, hypocritical preachy git.
People really, really, really hate making the sacrifices that everybody has been ordered to make, and then finding out others didn't make them . It taps right in to toddler-level emotion of "IT'S NOT FAAAAAAAAIR".

And then you have this situation, in which the sacrifice being made was really very serious -- not seeing your own dying relatives.

And then you have them laughing about it.

And as for the idea that "most people" weren't obeying -- I'd say that's bollocks. Most people have always gone alone with what they have been told to do. Sure, there is always a minority that don't, but don't let their visibility fool you into thinking that's anything but a minority. One of the things that's taken me by surprise in each lockdown is just how laser-focused almost everybody seems to be on the exact letter of the law for each and every rule.
Aye, pretty much this.

All the other stuff - the NHS, the Policing bill, welfare, etc - is either too complicated, too boring, too easy to blame some mythical bogeyman, or simply too "well, I'm alright, Jack".

But something like this, almost everyone has direct experience of the sacrifices, whether that's something truly painful such as loved ones dying, or simply not being able to do "what I want, when I want", and missing out on mates, and parties and good times (which I'm generally ok with but other people really seem to feel hard).

So to then see the people who told us to make all those small and large sacrifices not making them themselves, the reaction is just very instinctual and visceral.

Plus, hypocrisy specifically really seems to infuriate people to a very high degree. Whenever they decide they actually see it, of course... :hmm:
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