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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

There are millions of people who didn't get to go and see their families last Christmas, but did have low key gatherings at workplaces, with the people that they work with every day. The other day I was talking about this downing st party with someone who's a schoolteacher; she said they'd done the same last year, cheese and wine in the staff room on the last day of term and called it a "meeting".
you're talking hyperbollocks
Not sure that there are any Tories with a northern accent. But on the substantive point, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. The only question is when. If I was them I’d wait to knife Johnson until the latest fuck up over omicron can also be pinned on him. So probably next spring/summer
I'm glad to say I don't know how their diseased minds and calculations work, but I'd guess he'll see if 'I won't be leader after the next elections' does the trick at some point. I'm still not convinced the party wants a leadership election, though things are heading in that direction.
I'm glad to say I don't know how their diseased minds and calculations work, but I'd guess he'll see if 'I won't be leader after the next elections' does the trick at some point. I'm still not convinced the party wants a leadership election, though things are heading in that direction.
three years till they have to hold a general election, they might think that it's best to defenestrate the loathsome worm now and hope things are brighter when the sands run out of the parliamentary hourglass
I mean just a few weeks ago Johnson was walking around a hospital without a mask on. A few days before he was sitting next to somebody in their 90s without a mask. He went around shaking COVID patients hands. Him and his gang have, at every turn, shown themselves to be callous maniacs of the highest order. This shit is par for the cause for them.
As Omicron puts massive pressures on the NHS, some of those images of him wandering round hospitals with a chin mask should come back to haunt him.
with johnson you just know that another fuck up, embarasment or scandal is just around the corner. he looks fucked. his authority is shot. his behaviour is increasingly erratic, the public increasingly distrust and loathe him. none of that is going to improve - the direction of travel is only going one way. The torys may want to replace him in a year or so - but Im pretty convinced they will have to get rid far sooner - he is a massive liability.
with johnson you just know that another fuck up, embarasment or scandal is just around the corner. he looks fucked. his authority is shot. his behaviour is increasingly erratic, the public increasingly distrust and loathe him. none of that is going to improve - the direction of travel is only going one way. The torys may want to replace him in a year or so - but Im pretty convinced they will have to get rid far sooner - he is a massive liability.
the only thing he can do to redeem himself is to retire to spend more time with the penguins
three years till they have to hold a general election, they might think that it's best to defenestrate the loathsome worm now and hope things are brighter when the sands run out of the parliamentary hourglass

Or defenestrate / impenguinate soon and call a snap election while the 'new manager bounce' is still there (or before the new leader buggers anything up visibly)

the 'fixed term parliament' thing was always bollocks - no opposition party is going to risk being accused of not wanting / being afraid of a general election...
Or defenestrate / impenguinate soon and call a snap election while the 'new manager bounce' is still there (or before the new leader buggers anything up visibly)

the 'fixed term parliament' thing was always bollocks - no opposition party is going to risk being accused of not wanting / being afraid of a general election...
they said a year ago they'd change it Repealing the Fixed-term Parliaments Act: Major constitutional change needs careful scrutiny, says Joint Committee - Committees - UK Parliament
In 100 years time, this is going to be a fascinating period for gcse history students. It'll be like dissecting a bad sit com.
yeh. the problem will be that on the deletion of whatsapp, telegram and signal accounts so much will be lost to history. no doubt much is also written on post-it notes. there will be something of a void for future historians as so much of the 'born-digital' archival material will be absent.
Or a fridge, like the one he was caught hiding in, that time he was avoiding the public / the press
i have written to boris johnson reminding him that the first prince of antioch escaped from danishmend captivity by faking death and being carried away in a coffin. the coffin is on 24-hour standby to whisk him out of downing street.
Apparently blustercunt is "addressing the nation" at 8pm this evening in a 'recorded piece' to talk about the booster programme.

Clearly his political advisors have told him he has to show his face.

Wonder if he'll kick off with....Question 1. The toffeemen, the toffeemen; which Premier League club....
Apparently blustercunt is "addressing the nation" at 8pm this evening in a 'recorded piece' to talk about the booster programme.

Clearly his political advisors have told him he has to show his face.

Wonder if he'll kick off with....Question 1. The toffeemen, the toffeemen; which Premier League club....
yeh let him show his face

make him show his face

in person, not by tv. a walk around liverpool perhaps or hackney
This isn't all that explosive is it. A picture of Johnson on zoom.

We want CCTV footage of a drunk PM reeling around the room, lights, music, terrible dancing, plates,glasses everywhere, snogging up against the filing cabinets, someone slumped on the photocopier trying to rack up lines, heated argument in the corridorr etc.
Needs moar pig heads.
In 100 years time, this is going to be a fascinating period for gcse history students. It'll be like dissecting a bad sit com.
Q38: Prime Minister Johnson professed a keen interest in making scale models out of discarded wooden crates of which mass transit vehicles?
(a) Particle accelerator pods
(b) Warp transporters
(c) Hover tubes
(d) Hydrocarbon-burning omnibuses
In 100 years time, this is going to be a fascinating period for gcse history students. It'll be like dissecting a bad sit com.
“This you know: the years travel fast, and time after time I done the tell. But this ain't onebody's tell. It's the tell of us all, and you've got to listen and to 'member, 'cause what you hears today you got to tell the newborn tomorrow. ... We got to travel it, and there ain't nobody knows where it's gonna lead.”
I'm glad to say I don't know how their diseased minds and calculations work, but I'd guess he'll see if 'I won't be leader after the next elections' does the trick at some point. I'm still not convinced the party wants a leadership election, though things are heading in that direction.

Thing is with people like Johnson once the collapse in their appeal begins it tends to collapse quickly, it’s the fate of the populist. His value to the Tories is solely based on his presumed popular appeal. Even without this shit show it was hard to see him lasting until the next GE given that most of his own party despise him, now it’s just a matter of when.
“This you know: the years travel fast, and time after time I done the tell. But this ain't onebody's tell. It's the tell of us all, and you've got to listen and to 'member, 'cause what you hears today you got to tell the newborn tomorrow. ... We got to travel it, and there ain't nobody knows where it's gonna lead.”
Not sure where this poster campaign is taking place but it would be a shame if it spread.






ETA Judging by the area code on the 2nd picture it is Bishops Stortford. :thumbs:
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