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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

So the photo is of the PM joining a zoom call for 15 minutes to host a quiz. He's presumably joining from an office somewhere and is sitting with a couple of people he probably works with every day. I'm sure it can be shown to technically break various bits of guidance, but it's hardly a bombshell. Will most people consider a group of workmates completely out of order for doing a quiz in the evening at the end of the day? It's stretching the definition of a party a bit.
He has been forced backwards, step by tiny step on this party business. The mistake he has made has been to deny everything on the basis of the evidence produced at that moment, and that evidence has been a continual stream of steadily more specific and incriminating events. Now, something which directly ties him, albeit slightly tenuously, to the party he first insisted hadn't happened, and then insisted he knew nothing about, has appeared. And, no doubt, he'll take another tiny step backwards. Until the next revelation, which will presumably be him snorting coke from Gove's armpit, or similar.

On its own, it's not very much. Cumulatively, unless you have eyes that swivel enough to squint past it all, it's not a good look, and sooner or later, even the most credulous voter is going to have to admit that they've been made fools of.

One of the links there is to cases won in 2021
Has The Good Law Project or whatever they're called actually sued anyone yet, let alone successfully?
While there haven't been many conclusive Big Wins, they have successfully forced the Government to back down on several issues, and - crucially - to produce evidence, eg., of WhatsApp conversations that demonstrate the lies they have told about procurement of PPE.
He has been forced backwards, step by tiny step on this party business. The mistake he has made has been to deny everything on the basis of the evidence produced at that moment, and that evidence has been a continual stream of steadily more specific and incriminating events. Now, something which directly ties him, albeit slightly tenuously, to the party he first insisted hadn't happened, and then insisted he knew nothing about, has appeared. And, no doubt, he'll take another tiny step backwards. Until the next revelation, which will presumably be him snorting coke from Gove's armpit, or similar.

On its own, it's not very much. Cumulatively, unless you have eyes that swivel enough to squint past it all, it's not a good look, and sooner or later, even the most credulous voter is going to have to admit that they've been made fools of.
If there was a party where a load of people from different departments gathered in a room with drinks and music and whatever, that's one thing. If a load of people, working together in person daily, sat in their offices doing a zoom quiz, at the end of a work day, with some Christmas decorations and drinks at their side, then that's something different, and it seems hard to get outraged about. For people who like BJ it won't be seen as a big deal.
If there was a party where a load of people from different departments gathered in a room with drinks and music and whatever, that's one thing. If a load of people, working together in person daily, sat in their offices doing a zoom quiz, at the end of a work day, with some Christmas decorations and drinks at their side, then that's something different, and it seems hard to get outraged about. For people who like BJ it won't be seen as a big deal.
I'm sure Boris Johnson is glad to have you in his corner
If there was a party where a load of people from different departments gathered in a room with drinks and music and whatever, that's one thing. If a load of people, working together in person daily, sat in their offices doing a zoom quiz, at the end of a work day, with some Christmas decorations and drinks at their side, then that's something different, and it seems hard to get outraged about. For people who like BJ it won't be seen as a big deal.
It's quite possible, though, that for the millions of people who had to do without their Christmas fun, the idea that the very politicians who mandated against that fun were carrying on "having fun" regardless, is quite offensive.
This isn't all that explosive is it. A picture of Johnson on zoom.

We want CCTV footage of a drunk PM reeling around the room, lights, music, terrible dancing, plates,glasses everywhere, snogging up against the filing cabinets, someone slumped on the photocopier trying to rack up lines, heated argument in the corridorr etc.
Only 39% of conservative voters apparently feel that, if there were parties at Downing Street, then the police should definitely investigate what went on. That’s worse than I expected.
What actually is a stalking horse anyway. Something to do with hunting, I know JFGI.
"In hunting, it refers to a horse, or a figure of a horse, behind which a hunter hides when stalking game."
Only 39% of conservative voters apparently feel that, if there were parties at Downing Street, then the police should definitely investigate what went on. That’s worse than I expected.
39% of Conservative voters want that to happen and are happy to tell a survey. ;)
It's quite possible, though, that for the millions of people who had to do without their Christmas fun, the idea that the very politicians who mandated against that fun were carrying on "having fun" regardless, is quite offensive.
There are millions of people who didn't get to go and see their families last Christmas, but did have low key gatherings at workplaces, with the people that they work with every day. The other day I was talking about this downing st party with someone who's a schoolteacher; she said they'd done the same last year, cheese and wine in the staff room on the last day of term and called it a "meeting".
There are millions of people who didn't get to go and see their families last Christmas, but did have low key gatherings at workplaces, with the people that they work with every day. The other day I was talking about this downing st party with someone who's a schoolteacher; she said they'd done the same last year, cheese and wine in the staff room on the last day of term and called it a "meeting".
This isn't all that explosive is it. A picture of Johnson on zoom.

We want CCTV footage of a drunk PM reeling around the room, lights, music, terrible dancing, plates,glasses everywhere, snogging up against the filing cabinets, someone slumped on the photocopier trying to rack up lines, heated argument in the corridorr etc.
Fingers crossed for next Sunday.

(Actually, I can do without seeing him snogging anyone.)
If there was a party where a load of people from different departments gathered in a room with drinks and music and whatever, that's one thing. If a load of people, working together in person daily, sat in their offices doing a zoom quiz, at the end of a work day, with some Christmas decorations and drinks at their side, then that's something different, and it seems hard to get outraged about. For people who like BJ it won't be seen as a big deal.
It's quite possible, though, that for the millions of people who had to do without their Christmas fun, the idea that the very politicians who mandated against that fun were carrying on "having fun" regardless, is quite offensive.
I imagine (with little actual evidence or knowledge, as ever) that many people who will use that defense for Johnson will be those who were outraged at seeing healthcare workers dancing or otherwise having fun in their workplace.

Personally, it does feel like "Zoom quiz flanked by people you were already working with" is different to "festive piss up". However, it may indeed still have some legs if it is the party, in whatever form, that he claimed not to know about and didn't happen.

Maybe he'll try and pull "oh, that party? Well, I didn't really think of that as a party, more a pandemic-appropriate workplace social event to support the wellbeing of very hard working colleagues".
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