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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

At the time, for three people to be in an office together without breaking the law, they would have had to have been doing work that couldn't be done from home. Social gatherings were expressly forbidden.
The photo doesn't show what he's doing.

It's there to illustrate the narrative below. It's the narrative that's the killer, not the photo unless it can actually be tied to the narrative.

Story is here, btw.

ETA: apologies for being pedantic.
At the time, for three people to be in an office together without breaking the law, they would have had to have been doing work that couldn't be done from home. Social gatherings were expressly forbidden.
Yep; Official guidance also stated: “You must not have a work Christmas lunch or party, where that is a primarily social activity and is not otherwise permitted by the rules in your tier.”
The photo doesn't show what he's doing.

It's there to illustrate the narrative below. It's the narrative that's the killer, not the photo unless it can actually be tied to the narrative.

Story is here, btw.
They've already shot themselves in the foot by saying it was a [virtual] quiz.
So the photo is of the PM joining a zoom call for 15 minutes to host a quiz. He's presumably joining from an office somewhere and is sitting with a couple of people he probably works with every day. I'm sure it can be shown to technically break various bits of guidance, but it's hardly a bombshell. Will most people consider a group of workmates completely out of order for doing a quiz in the evening at the end of the day? It's stretching the definition of a party a bit.
So the photo is of the PM joining a zoom call for 15 minutes to host a quiz. He's presumably joining from an office somewhere and is sitting with a couple of people he probably works with every day. I'm sure it can be shown to technically break various bits of guidance, but it's hardly a bombshell. Will most people consider a group of workmates completely out of order for doing a quiz in the evening at the end of the day? It's stretching the definition of a party a bit.
The 'event', whatever you call it, breached Tier 2 rules. The fact that he wasn't physically present is irrelevant, he's the bloke responsible for Covid responses and their policing and he was facilitating a breach of the regulations. The other teeny weeny issue is that he's responsible for the deaths of 10s of thousands of human beings, so fuck him.
The 'event', whatever you call it, breached Tier 2 rules. The fact that he wasn't physically present is irrelevant, he's the bloke responsible for Covid responses and their policing and he was facilitating a breach of the regulations. The other teeny weeny issue is that he's responsible for the deaths of 10s of thousands of human beings, so fuck him.
Plus, I think there's more to come ( hoping).
They do like to drip the revelations out like they did with Mr Magoo.
Some people get the idea, the concept. Others however don't, and just vent, which is fine.
Because he doesn’t say anything interesting or nuanced or informative. There is no reason to watch any of his vids cos you know what he’ll say. Why spend time listening to people say stuff that everyone else thinks already?
He’s just part of an echo chamber
Because he doesn’t say anything interesting or nuanced or informative. There is no reason to watch any of his vids cos you know what he’ll say. Why spend time listening to people say stuff that everyone else thinks already?
He’s just part of an echo chamber
He does an odd paper review. How would you know what he is going to say unless you have already read all the papers?
I understand you are not a fan but seem unable to understand that others are.
Would you feel differently if you learned he sits down to have a piss?
Bale picks up on a small detail hidden away in the Mirror copy and, as we've discussed elsewhere, the revelations of their 'black humour' in our darkest hours is what eats away at me.

Rayner's scum doesn't come close...

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