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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

The moment I realised how and why this Christmas party story is a Big Deal was when I happened to hear a few minutes of ultra-middle-England Radio 4 “satire” Dead Ringers on Friday. They were doing an impression of Allegra Stratton, in which the impressionist was saying, “I am resigning to spend more time with my family, unlike you with your Mum who died alone whilst we were all having a party in Downing Street.”. I honestly don’t think I’ve heard that level of anger against the Tories from an establishment conservative middle-England show before, and as a one-liner it perfectly encapsulated why that anger exists. It was at that point I understood how this really is cutting through beyond the usual Westminster bubble. The more things that come out and keep the anger rumbling along, the more damaged they will be, for once.
Thatcher was a driven ideologue, who knew what her goals were and how to achieve them.
This shower will jump on any passing bus that provides fleeting prominence and gets them in front of a camera.
Sadly they never fall under one whilst doing so.
TBF, they do keep falling into the path of the bus, but some cunt in CCHQ keeps making the fucking thing swerve out of the way :mad:
The moment I realised how and why this Christmas party story is a Big Deal was when I happened to hear a few minutes of ultra-middle-England Radio 4 “satire” Dead Ringers on Friday. They were doing an impression of Allegra Stratton, in which the impressionist was saying, “I am resigning to spend more time with my family, unlike you with your Mum who died alone whilst we were all having a party in Downing Street.”. I honestly don’t think I’ve heard that level of anger against the Tories from an establishment conservative middle-England show before, and as a one-liner it perfectly encapsulated why that anger exists. It was at that point I understood how this really is cutting through beyond the usual Westminster bubble. The more things that come out and keep the anger rumbling along, the more damaged they will be, for once.
Dead Ringers was pretty much wall to wall anti-Tory/Boris Johnson on Friday (apart from a rather lame Starmer/Rayner skit and the appearance of Corbyn in an Andrew Neil dream). Not that unusual maybe, but what was really striking was the 'gloves off' (well for Radio 4 at least) nature of some of the jokes including one where Gove protests that he hasn't bought the coke for the party, merely scraped it off the gents in the house of commons.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Surprises me that this bunch of inbred nonces giving each other the rona at their Herod Genocide bash angers people more than any of the other horrendous shit they do. Tory voting scum are very strange people.

I don’t think many people give a toss what the Tories get up to. The anger relates to the hypocrisy: ordering the rest of us to stay at home and not see our families and friends while they were on the piss. It’s not too hard to see why that might anger people is it?
Tbh I think the police thing is a dead end in that the context of this is that they made next to no effort to police any of it, and certainly aren't investigating any other parties from last year. Obviously if they can be pressed to investigate I'd enjoy that it puts more pressure on the twat but I don't see the whole 'they're only not doing it because it's the PM' thing really.
Tbh I think the police thing is a dead end in that the context of this is that they made next to no effort to police any of it, and certainly aren't investigating any other parties from last year. Obviously if they can be pressed to investigate I'd enjoy that it puts more pressure on the twat but I don't see the whole 'they're only not doing it because it's the PM' thing really.
The MET police statement said the main reason they're not going to be doing any investigating is because theres a lack of evidence. That is the bit i'd have thought people would focus on, that completely crazy claim.
Trouble is Tories being Tories somewhere between 6 and 18 months down the line Johnson will be dispatched along with almost all of this cabinet. They will anoint a leader in their 40s with a northern accent no one here has ever heard of, full the cabinet with ex Etonian/Harrovion elder statesmen ( and they will mostly be men) and come out with the line ‘ we are dreadfully sorry about that last shower, nothing to do with us. The grown ups are back in charge at the Conservative Party’ and have a good chance of winning the election.
Trouble is Tories being Tories somewhere between 6 and 18 months down the line Johnson will be dispatched along with almost all of this cabinet. They will anoint a leader in their 40s with a northern accent no one here has ever heard of, full the cabinet with ex Etonian/Harrovion elder statesmen ( and they will mostly be men) and come out with the line ‘ we are dreadfully sorry about that last shower, nothing to do with us. The grown ups are back in charge at the Conservative Party’ and have a good chance of winning the election.

Not sure that there are any Tories with a northern accent. But on the substantive point, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. The only question is when. If I was them I’d wait to knife Johnson until the latest fuck up over omicron can also be pinned on him. So probably next spring/summer
Not sure that there are any Tories with a northern accent. But on the substantive point, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. The only question is when. If I was them I’d wait to knife Johnson until the latest fuck up over omicron can also be pinned on him. So probably next spring/summer
Do you not watch telly? there’s fucking loads now.
I don’t think many people give a toss what the Tories get up to. The anger relates to the hypocrisy: ordering the rest of us to stay at home and not see our families and friends while they were on the piss. It’s not too hard to see why that might anger people is it?

I get that, but compared to the other shit Johnson and his mob routinely pull I fail to see what is particularly scandalous about their COVID orgy
I get that, but compared to the other shit Johnson and his mob routinely pull I fail to see what is particularly scandalous about their COVID orgy
Cos a relatable story. Millions of people had a quite miserable Christmas and these wankers were blithely ignoring the rules they set for the rest of plebs. So its cut through to the wider population and they are very pissed off.
Cos a relatable story. Millions of people had a quite miserable Christmas and these wankers were blithely ignoring the rules they set for the rest of plebs. So its cut through to the wider population and they are very pissed off.

I mean just a few weeks ago Johnson was walking around a hospital without a mask on. A few days before he was sitting next to somebody in their 90s without a mask. He went around shaking COVID patients hands. Him and his gang have, at every turn, shown themselves to be callous maniacs of the highest order. This shit is par for the cause for them.
If there was a party where a load of people from different departments gathered in a room with drinks and music and whatever, that's one thing. If a load of people, working together in person daily, sat in their offices doing a zoom quiz, at the end of a work day, with some Christmas decorations and drinks at their side, then that's something different, and it seems hard to get outraged about. For people who like BJ it won't be seen as a big deal.

For people who like that evil cunt Johnson, they could watch him skip along a line of twenty tied down kittens kicking each of them in the face, and they won’t see it as a big deal.
If there was a party where a load of people from different departments gathered in a room with drinks and music and whatever, that's one thing. If a load of people, working together in person daily, sat in their offices doing a zoom quiz, at the end of a work day, with some Christmas decorations and drinks at their side, then that's something different, and it seems hard to get outraged about. For people who like BJ it won't be seen as a big deal.
All tomorrow's last year's parties:

It's more he lied to parliament about it, then lied more when called out on it. Now has been caught out and possibility there is more to follow. Plus is the whole snowball effect of it chipping away at his 'The Ledge' status as just a buffoon with the wider non-politics following public.
It's like most cons or con-artists. They a great until the start to fall from their duplicity starts to become clearer and then it start to all go wrong every quickly.
There are millions of people who didn't get to go and see their families last Christmas, but did have low key gatherings at workplaces, with the people that they work with every day. The other day I was talking about this downing st party with someone who's a schoolteacher; she said they'd done the same last year, cheese and wine in the staff room on the last day of term and called it a "meeting".
When you are putting these posts together, do you neglect entirely that johnson is responsible for 10s of thousands of deaths?
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