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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

The combined talents of Brass Eye, The Thick of It and The Office couldn't do justice to this. We must have been hearing about the Ethics feller for a while now but your brain just can't take on board any more absurdities. Then suddenly, there it is in all its glory: 'Boris' had/had an ethics adviser.
Depends how you are doing in the north poles.

I looked into the e-thicks role, it involves checking the state of Dorries tweets.
I do hope Labour nominate Dominic Cummings for the New Year's Honours List. Lady Barbara Castle and Lord Barnard Castle would be the ultimate Lords power couple.
I do hope Labour nominate Dominic Cummings for the New Year's Honours List. Lady Barbara Castle and Lord Barnard Castle would be the ultimate Lords power couple.
She's been dead for nearly 20 years but I dont think that stopped her going for a drive to make sure.
She's been dead for nearly 20 years but I dont think that stopped her going for a drive to make sure.
Yes, but she turns in her grave having been replaced as MP for Blackburn by Jack Straw, which makes her considerably more animate than Cummings.
He doesn’t have a conscience. He’s a psychopath like most of his organization. And the sooner the non-psychopathic end of the spectrum start realising this the better off we’ll all be.

He's a selfish twat.
Who deludes people because he's found a weird way of flattering them into liking him.
He's a selfish unprincipled twat.
He's a selfish unprincipled thoughtless twat.
He likes being liked but he likes power more.
He's a selfish unprincipled thoughtless twat who's succeeded in being liked
I would like to fully endorse my support for Boris Johnson continuing as p.m. The longer he is there the more damage he can do to the Conservatives. He should not be allowed to go quietly.
The longer he is there the more damage he does to the constitution and the whole country.
That's not to say his Tory successor will be anything but worse.

Has the next Labour Prime Minister been born yet?
Unfortunately not - its a poorly worded paragraph (perhaps on purpose) - Labour are 6 points ahead in a national poll, not in a constituency poll. They only bother doing constituency polls when it's a labour seat that they think the tories might win. :hmm:
lib dems most likely challengers apparently. possible they might win given the shit show of the last seven days.
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