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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Presumably the laughably shallow and childish remarks are typical of these ugly shysters?
Their close protection personnel (if they have any morality, brains and conscience) must be quite conflicted. 'How do I protect a man who said' let the bodies pile high' in the middle of a once in a century endemic. An organization which fucked the whole economy (Brexit) so their hedge fund mates could make billions buying up distressed assets at firesale prices. And finally kill the NHS and the public sphere.
I ponder when society really starts to crumble and money starts to lose its value how these cunts think they'll be able to maintain their personal safety. Because the ex SAS guy on the circuit insists on getting paid right.
Just watched pmq's and Johnson saying he was sickened and furious at the Stratton clip.
Didn't he say he hadn't seen the clip when asked at the COVID briefing? I think it was in response to Pippa crear?
He’s a psychopath and a liar (goes hand in hand really). She’s certainly dodgy too because she knew his record and married him anyway. We’re not talking about George Bailey here. This is one of the most disgusting cunts the world has ever seen. And he’s not even physically attractive. He’s a stumpy, podgy little dickhead with a weak mouth and shit hair.
ETA: Talking about his current wife. Not poor Pippa.
The police saying they won’t be investigating because there’s a lack of evidence is one of the most most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. That’s not how stuff works is it. And they have the guest list don’t they.
Tbh I don’t very much care about the party but the police joining in the mad brazen lying is bad.
The police saying they won’t be investigating because there’s a lack of evidence is one of the most most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard. That’s not how stuff works is it. And they have the guest list don’t they.
Tbh I don’t very much care about the party but the police joining in the mad brazen lying is bad.
I thought their job was to investigate to find evidence? And a party of 40 in a public building with cctv, building security access pass logs, catering staff, etc must surely have evidence to be found, if they wish to try 🤷‍♂️
Police don't investigate government shock.
It’s the brazenness of it. At PMQs lunchtime yesterday Johnson said he was going to hand over evidence to the met so they had to rush to say they would not be investigating, to make sure there’d be no evidence . Idk maybe it’s naive but am surprised by the absolute in your faceness of the mets mad statement.
If that Twitter lawyer is right, then it’s because the consequences of investigating would potentially be pretty serious not just for those who attended but for those who lied to parliament about it.
It’s the brazenness of it. At PMQs lunchtime yesterday Johnson said he was going to hand over evidence to the met so they had to rush to say they would not be investigating, to make sure there’d be no evidence . Idk maybe it’s naive but am surprised by the absolute in your faceness of the mets mad statement.

Cresida knows where the bodies are buried, she's probably buried em.

Gongs in her retirement are due
The Met is bent as fuck. The rot starts at the top. The Daniel Morgan enquiry confirmed this. Dick, who oversaw the murder of Jean Charles DeMenezes is looking to her peerage and it would appear that epic piss-taking by the people in charge when they should have been leading by example is of little consequence.
Thinking about it a bit more, it’s that they are willing to say such obviously mad lies (we aren’t investigating cos we don’t have evidence, despite there being a million cctv cameras plod on the door every night etc) and they know perfectly well that the public won’t believe a word of it because we are not quite that stupid but they don’t give a solitary shit, like they know people don’t trust them anyway so fuck it.
It’s the brazenness of it. At PMQs lunchtime yesterday Johnson said he was going to hand over evidence to the met
...theyd only have shredded it
not investigating is good time-saving on behalf of the Met.
Cresida knows where the bodies are buried, she's probably buried em.

Gongs in her retirement are due
Oh, I think her account for "services rendered" (or is that "useful idiocy"?) is going to be pages long. And she'll need to be somewhere she's got plenty to lose from, just in case her faith/loyalty starts to wobble.
Well one BBC journalist seems to be doing his job.

My 5 year old grandson is better at denying his misdeeds than Boris that was pathetic even by his standards. If there hadn't been a party they could have just come out and said straightaway. "There wasn't a party, this was some stupid joke made at the press conference briefing that has gotten out of hand, here are the attendance logs for the day of the so called party"
As it is every time one of the daft fuckers opens their mouth they dig the hole even deeper. "There was no party but if there was all the rules were followed" come on that's pathetic.
I'm expecting any moment mobile phone footage of Boris hitting on some hapless female staffer.
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