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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

speaking to a yuppie tory voting coke user today, he seems to be quite unconcerned as it's all just bullshit to generate some headlines that'll appeal to people like his parents & it's never going to actually affect him. not scared of losing his passport.
He's 100% correct, not one single person is going to get their passport suspended under this policy.
Sadly, I don't think this is going to get the cunt, though I wouldn't be surprised if he's forced into announcing he won't be PM beyond the next election (say, within the next 6 months).
Losing Shropshire North next week might get him.

Despite what the Graun and co might say, I think losing this seat is highly unlikely. I'm from round there - I hope I'll eat my words, but it's always been dyed in the wool blue. Paterson might have muddied the waters but he hasn't poisoned the well.
Losing Shropshire North next week might get him.
Don't see it myself, not while the polls are so good for them (I know they are about even with Labour, but that's astonishingly good given the month/18 months they've had). It's not about right and wrong and avoiding lying to parliament is no longer sacrosanct), it's about winning. I doubt that many of them are up to the psychological and political point where they trigger a period of internal party chaos. The other thing is of course... kieth. They know Labour can't win.
Might add - and it's a statement of the obvious - that much of johnson's bumptious bouncey, 'gosh, let's biff brexit' glitter has worn off. He looks tired, uncertain and aware that he can't necessarily blag everything. But... Labour can't win. You could just about see some kind of centre left project to be had, an unapologetic promotion of public services in particular. But the failure of Corbyn(ism) stopped all that and the present leader is just shit.
Might add - and it's a statement of the obvious - that much of johnson's bumptious bouncey, 'gosh, let's biff brexit' glitter has worn off. He looks tired, uncertain and aware that he can't necessarily blag everything. But... Labour can't win. You could just about see some kind of centre left project to be had, an unapologetic promotion of public services in particular. But the failure of Corbyn(ism) stopped all that and the present leader is just shit.
This is true, but Johnson going doesn't mean there will be an election anyway, except within the Tory party.
Javid chickened out of doing the broadcast media rounds this morning, and they couldn't find another minister to replace him.

Health secretary Sajid Javid has pulled out of interviews this morning following the emergence of leaked footage showing government aides joking about a festive gathering last year.

In footage obtained by ITV News and released on Tuesday evening, the Prime Minister’s then-press secretary Allegra Stratton and adviser Ed Oldfield, along with other aides, were filmed laughing about a “fictional” Downing Street party in December 2020.

Ms Stratton is seen answering questions at a mock press conference on December 22 about a party the previous Friday – the date of the alleged Covid rule-breaking gathering which is said to have been attended by dozens of colleagues while social mixing indoors was banned in London under Tier 3 restrictions.

i never watch PMQs but a bit tempted to have a look at the state of it today. unless he is suddenly unwell / lost at sea or something.

Haven't been following too closely - has there been any info on how come this story about their xmas party took a year to be the news?
i never watch PMQs but a bit tempted to have a look at the state of it today. unless he is suddenly unwell / lost at sea or something.

Haven't been following too closely - has there been any info on how come this story about their xmas party took a year to be the news?

I've not seen anything. But the fact there were 'dozens' of people there makes it very likely someone is going to break cover surely. I also note the timing of the dropping off this video, the night before PMQs. Boris' usual strategy for dealing with crises like these is to dodge the media but fortunately he can't weasel out of PMQs.

And given the Met provides security to No.10 and would have had quite a few officers on site, surely they're in the firing line too.
i never watch PMQs but a bit tempted to have a look at the state of it today. unless he is suddenly unwell / lost at sea or something.

Haven't been following too closely - has there been any info on how come this story about their xmas party took a year to be the news?
I care more about that than the party. You only have to have the briefest glance at history to see who get to keep on troughin' even say, during war related rationing. Some of those 'a free press is democracy! truth to power!' shitheads were there and have said fuck all for months.
I care more about that than the party. You only have to have the briefest glance at history to see who get to keep on troughin' even say, during war related rationing. Some of those 'a free press is democracy! truth to power!' shitheads were there and have said fuck all for months.
Not to mention the cops who admit people to downing street and appear to have been complicit in illegal activity rather than detecting and preventing crime
The other thing is of course... kieth. They know Labour can't win.

If they think Labour can't win with Starmer in charge then they're more likely to boot him out surely. I don't think Johnson is particularly popular within the party tbh and he doesn't bother to pretend he gives a fuck about most of them in order to keep them on side. They'll put up with him anyway if they think they need him to keep power but if they don't then a lot of them will be more than happy to stick the knife in when it comes to it.
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