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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

They fundamentally believe that the electorate generally is right wing and socially conservative don't they. That they really want the Tories but Labour can maybe get in occasionally if they fuck up enough.
They fundamentally believe that the electorate generally is right wing and socially conservative don't they. That they really want the Tories but Labour can maybe get in occasionally if they fuck up enough.

Is there any evidence that they’re wrong though? When was the last time a government you’d consider socially progressive and left wing was voted for in this country?
would be a golden opportunity to challenge the whole nonsense of drug prohibition. An argument that could actually be won (especially large numbers of powerful people within policing, health and politics privately agree with it) . Corbyn's labour wasnt much better tbh - filling it under a "royal commission" IIRC.
Agree 100%, I just don't expect anything like that from Labour, whoever is the Leader or Home Secretary
The paradox and also huge problem for the Tories is that the coke users are mostly tory voters, ( as well as tory MP`s ). 😁
They fundamentally believe that the electorate generally is right wing and socially conservative don't they. That they really want the Tories but Labour can maybe get in occasionally if they fuck up enough.
I think it's more that their focus groups tell them that the swing voters that decide English general elections tend to be small 'c' conservative on 'drugs'.

As all they care about is winning elections they'll happily double down on the failed war on drugs, in the full knowledge that it's a disastrous policy that can never work, so as not to alienate the people they see as their route to power.
This drugs in the Houses of Parliament stuff is quite humourous - did the speaker honestly believe no-one was doing a line or more in the bathrooms?
Could it be that coke makes people vote Tory? Or is it more likely that the sort of people who vote Tory are fans of coke? :)
The second one. Of course there are all kinds of people who use it, but tories are one sort. Is Goblin Gove going to have his passport taken off him? Not a chance!

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I have nothing against drug use. I am just being silly, I should read a book or something instead.

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Quote * I understand why No.10 kept the footage of a cute doggie jumping on Johnson with uncontrollable excitement in the official video of today’s raid. But considering it’s a police sniffer dog, maybe cutting it would have been smarter. ~AA * 🤣
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