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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Gove has decided that instead of buying xmas presents this year that he will just send people drugs instead.
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dogs know :thumbs:
And what are Labour saying about it? (Sorry if this is thread diversion.)

Yvette Cooper, the shadow home secretary, said: “Too often the government makes grand promises, but then fails to deliver or does the opposite. Drug use is up, serious violence is up, antisocial behaviour is up. More and more offenders are getting away with their crimes as overall prosecutions have plummeted. Any action from the government must be substantial enough to undo the damage they have caused.”
So they’re basically saying nothing, other than ‘the tories suck’, with a subtext of ‘we haven’t got an alternative policy’. Brilliant.
i listened to yvette cooper on the toady programme this morning, where she said nothing more than it must be efficient. as you say, they have no alternative - if they had any sort of innovative or exciting policy it's been thrown through the shredder
From that quote, it sounds like Cooper would like to double down on the punishment element, while saying nothing about treating drugs as a health issue. Labour trying to out Tory the Tories!
From that quote, it sounds like Cooper would like to double down on the punishment element, while saying nothing about treating drugs as a health issue. Labour trying to out Tory the Tories!
No great surprise there though.

Did you really expect anything different?
No great surprise there though.

Did you really expect anything different?
would be a golden opportunity to challenge the whole nonsense of drug prohibition. An argument that could actually be won (especially large numbers of powerful people within policing, health and politics privately agree with it) . Corbyn's labour wasnt much better tbh - filling it under a "royal commission" IIRC.
If drugs end up having the same status as alcohol then doesn’t there need to be a big programme of employment and driving drug tests, so your crucial surgery isn’t carried out by off their face doctors?
I suspect Labour with Yvette Cooper are going to go back to war on drugs style approaches. I remember her husband Ed Balls being asked to account on election night in 2010 for why Labour had lost the election. He said "Voters punished us because we got it wrong on cannabis by moving it to class c". Obviously that line came from Gordon Brown, given the man could never admit his own failings, and he was also a hardline war on drugs person, but I suspect Yvette Cooper is cut from the same cloth. Such a shame.
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