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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

They're such lovers of freedom that they've just pushed this through.
Pushed it through like a morbidly constipated man finally pushing through a turd after a laxative in a Japanese squat hole toilet

Pushed it through like a morbidly constipated man finally pushing through a turd after a laxative in a Japanese squat hole toilet

Now there's an image
I found China and Japan a bit trying when there was a public trough in the ground and you had to squat in front of all comers. The best were the Japanese techno toilets - much better than the squatters.

Dunno about China, but we don't have public troughs in Japan. There are squat toilets though, but tend to avoid them on account of the acrobatic endeavour involved.
Dunno about China, but we don't have public troughs in Japan. There are squat toilets though, but tend to avoid them on account of the acrobatic endeavour involved.
Maybe you're right, there were squatters in individual but secluded toilets in the land of the rising sun. On my trip to Beijing and the Great Wall I was forced to squat in front of a crowd of Chinese guys and I was basically constipated and in agony the whole time,.
I see the evil Tories are phasing out their meagre £20 top up in hopeless pound sterling to the 3 million (or more) unemployed. That's jolly decent and civilised of them as they live in palaces with wardrobes full of luxury suits.

I see the evil Tories are phasing out their meagre £20 top up in hopeless pound sterling to the 3 million (or more) unemployed. That's jolly decent and civilised of them as they live in palaces with wardrobes full of luxury suits.

It's only fair....to the legacy claimants who haven't received this top up.

Now everyone can be fucked over by the cunts equally :(
God he's a cunt
I nearly made the grave error of turning on BBC2's Politics Live and looking at that 18th century cesspit of a House of Commons but fortunately saved myself and watched a black and white war film on Film Four as I ate my salad for lunch instead. Every time I see that chamber I want to cry and riot simultaneously. I tweeted Hannah Bardell MP and told her I disagree with Scottish independence completely but that the SNP are one of the sanest parties around. I was amused when she got a football out in the House. She still had to say an oath to Queenie like all the rest of them though.unlike Charles Bradlaugh.

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I nearly made the grave error of turning on BBC2's Politics Live and looking at that 18th century cesspit of a House of Commons but fortunately saved myself and watched a black and white war film on Film Four as I ate my salad for lunch instead. Every time I see that chamber I want to cry and riot simultaneously. I tweeted Hannah Bardell MP and told her I disagree with Scottish independence completely but that the SNP are one of the sanest parties around. I was amused when she got a football out in the House.
The houses of parliament nineteenth century, the previous ones burned down in the 1830s
Quite good for an MP; expect she nicked it, though?

View attachment 277383

Johnson variant as a phrase has been around for a while. What happened today is that Labour actually decided to use it, Starmer mentioned it during PMQs, the Labour party twitter account used it, there is a hashtag for it that they want to get trending etc.

I dont think they've picked up on the idea of using Javid-19 yet.
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Johnson variant as a phrasehas been around for a while. What happened today is that Labour actually decided to use it, Starmer mentioned it during PMQs, the Labour party twitter account used it, there is a hashtag for it that they want to get trending etc.

I dont think they've picked up on the idea of using Javid-19 yet.
I meant the donor quip tbh.
What a shocker - Johnson cleared over the Mustique holiday
"Standards committee says Johnson's lack of candour over Mustique holiday 'regrettable', but clears him of breaching code"
"It is unsatisfactory that neither [David Ross, the Tory donor who facilitated Johnson’s stay on a villa in Mustique] nor Mr Johnson explained the arrangements to the commissioner until last autumn and that Mr Ross only provided minimal information on the arrangement this spring and in response to our own enquiries. Mr Johnson has stated himself that it is “regrettable that information has been provided to the commissioner in stages”.

This matter could have been concluded many months ago if more strenuous efforts had been made to dispel the uncertainty. Given that Mr Johnson was twice reprimanded by our predecessor committee in the last parliament in the space of four months for “an over-casual attitude towards obeying the rules of the House”, we would have expected him to have gone the extra mile to ensure there was no uncertainty about the arrangements."
What a shocker - Johnson cleared over the Mustique holiday
"Standards committee says Johnson's lack of candour over Mustique holiday 'regrettable', but clears him of breaching code"
"It is unsatisfactory that neither [David Ross, the Tory donor who facilitated Johnson’s stay on a villa in Mustique] nor Mr Johnson explained the arrangements to the commissioner until last autumn and that Mr Ross only provided minimal information on the arrangement this spring and in response to our own enquiries. Mr Johnson has stated himself that it is “regrettable that information has been provided to the commissioner in stages”.

This matter could have been concluded many months ago if more strenuous efforts had been made to dispel the uncertainty. Given that Mr Johnson was twice reprimanded by our predecessor committee in the last parliament in the space of four months for “an over-casual attitude towards obeying the rules of the House”, we would have expected him to have gone the extra mile to ensure there was no uncertainty about the arrangements."
Just like all those cops getting cleared of the 1788 deaths in police custody since 1990

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