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Plane crashes onto A27 at Shoreham Air Show

Horrible, scary thing is I've sat at the junction in traffic jams when there's been air shows on in Shoreham a few times in past years. I was hoping the pilot had managed to miss the road or at least overshoot the traffic lights if they were red.
From what I can gather from the TV vids etc, it looks like it was juuuust about on the south side of the road, in the tree line, so not directly on top of cars but I suppose the explosion flung loads of flames and wreckage over a fair distance.
Innocent as in unwitting maybe. The road users not signing up to the increased risk that those attending the airshow would have accepted.
This ^.

One of the definitions of "innocent" is someone caught up in the consequences of an incident, but not directly involved or responsible for it. It's like you've never seen the word used in this way before. :confused:
Were there fighter jets in the Second World War? Must have been the very first to roll off the production lines if there was.
Innocent motorists? :confused: you have a strange way with words sometimes.
Often attendants at a motor race or air show will have bits of paper thrust at them with their tickets saying something like Air Shows are dangerous you accept all risks associated with your attendance. Certainly I can remember the last time I went to Goodwood there was one and I think also at Duxford also. So people attending the show have somehow accepted the risk. Passing motorists however have not. That was my intention with the word innocent, but I accept it was less than ideal.
I'll stop. I don't want a fight. I think it's worth thinking about though. No-one ever agrees with me on it so it's me I suppose.

No-one wants a bunfight, not on this thread, now THAT would be tasteless.

Not everyone can find words to express the inexpressible, I will say that much, and I know I don't much like to see honest but clichéd responses to tragedy, BUT wouldn't have a go at someone for it. Like sitting round in my nanna's front room waiting for the hearse with about 10 old dears all saying "it's a sad day", "yes, very sad, a sad day" for half an hour was so bad I had to go out for a quick short at the boozer, but it was just the way it is, not everyone's F. Scott Fitzgerald (thank fuck).

last year on twitter someone posted a photo of a man somewhere, I forget where, just about to be hanged in front of a large crowd including his young daughter who was forced to attend, and the photo was him smiling at her encouragingly with literally seconds of his life left. You could write a novel about that photo, that one moment, and what went round in my head for days and days afterwards like a mantra so it ending up stripped of all meaning was "He smiled at her." An emoticon will do when it's impossible to say anything as meaningful as you want.

It was written about the boxer Sonny Liston that despite accusations of him being inarticulate, he was in fact merely "inarticulate in the way we all are when more has happened to us than we know how to express" (James Baldwin). An emoticon can get around that, and register at least something to show we're affected.
I bet trying to own a flyable surplus jet fighter/trainer becomes harder as this is the 2nd to crash in the last few weeks.
they are currently allowed as relatively simple to repair maintain anything supersonic is banned but they are still way more complex than a spitfire.

off my lists of things to do when I win the lottery killing myself doing something stupid fair one wiping out some poor sods on the ground when my luck runs out not so much:(
Should antique jet fighters be doing stunt flying over the public? Probably not. Airshows over the sea are a better idea imo
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