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Paxo v Brand starts in 5 minutes

these ideas are actually already what people talk about.

to a point - people are getting a bit of pleasure in hearing their general thoughts expressed on tv for once - but also heres a comment from what i always thought of as a fairly apolitical mum of two that came up on my facebook:
he put into words what I struggle to say, thank you
...and there's plenty more in a similar vein on my feed.

not everyones talking politics all the time, or ever even... the video has clocked up over 4million views in 2 days, thats a lot of people with a vast range of states of mind: some of whom find it trivial, some of whom find it spot on, some for whom it expresses something they feel but havent verbalised, and no doubt a bunch of other variables

im not against the depth of analysis of this video and brand - thats why i love urban - id expect nothing less! - but if you take it as just 10 mins of telly he did good without a doubt. what next, if anything, is another subject.
to a point - people are getting a bit of pleasure in hearing their general thoughts expressed on tv for once - but also heres a comment from what i always thought of as a fairly apolitical mum of two that came up on my facebook:
he put into words what I struggle to say, thank you
...and there's plenty more in a similar vein on my feed.

not everyones talking politics all the time, or ever even... the video has clocked up over 4million views in 2 days, thats a lot of people with a vast range of states of mind: some of whom find it trivial, some of whom find it spot on, some for whom it expresses something they feel but havent verbalised, and no doubt a bunch of other variables

im not against the depth of analysis of this video and brand - thats why i love urban - id expect nothing less! - but if you take it as just 10 mins of telly he did good without a doubt. what next, if anything, is another subject.
ska, you have put into words what i struggle to say. thank you.
Still not answering the question. Would you be so supportive of someone like David Icke if he was on Newsnight merely because he said a few things along the lines of "greed is bad/people power" etc?
You should start a thread about that. This one is about Brand on Newsnight.
So was that reply - what a nice world brand supporters will build.

I listen to what you say...and what you promote. Very good lots of it.

Then I look at the way you talk to people, the way you treat people. And I think you're not actually much different from any arrogant tory cunt on the news.

I really don't fancy the world you'd build. Not at all. People like you in charge...not much different to the people currently in charge. It's a lose lose situation for people like me.

Judging by the way you treat people. On here.
I find watching Brand when he is manic quite alarming because it reminds me of what it is like to be manic and that is quite unsettling. He is undoubtedly quick witted and I will grant he can be entertaining. But I recall him from when he was doing the big brother satellite show in which he basically talked crap at supersonic speeds, because of that I still find it hard to take him seriously even when these days he seems increasingly to do so. Good luck to him.
I find watching Brand when he is manic quite alarming because it reminds me of what it is like to be manic and that is quite unsettling. He is undoubtedly quick witted and I will grant he can be entertaining. But I recall him from when he was doing the big brother satellite show in which he basically talked crap at supersonic speeds, because of that I still find it hard to take him seriously even when these days he seems increasingly to do so. Good luck to him.
agree with that a lot, and he seems manic all the time...its partly why i dont get annoyed by him as much as by other people who are just ego-driven, as that manicness seems like a real condition - he's kind of out of control of his own life i think... it must be very exhausting for him
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well fair fucking play to Russell Brand. I have always said that he is a thinker with good political ideals and that he may be a person to kickstart the revolution that England badly needs. I have repeatedly said this on here and people laughed at me, well laugh away, i knew i was right, and i'd LOVE to hear your ideas....

Im also glad that Urbanites that have previously slagged him off or wrote him off as a hapless comedian -which he has never been by the way - are now crawling out of the woodwork to salute him for outclassing a desperate and hapless Jeremy Paxman during that interview

One thing to ALWAYS remember is that Russell is someone who is PROPOSING a revolution (no one else has been massively vocal about it) and he does not or have NEVER posited himself as a revolutionary to lead the people. The haters really need to get a grasp on that. As he explains to Paxman (although well obvious before....) he does not claim to have a manifesto, or any plans to create one (he is probably capable with others like him, more revolutionary leaders are needed) - i have always said he is not enough, but he is important to get this thing started!!.. So fuck anyone who slags him off for his rhetoric. He did it brilliantly, and articulated what many angry people feel. That is the START.
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well fair fucking play to Russell Brand. I have always said that he is a thinker with good political ideals and that he may be a person to kickstart the revolution that England badly needs. I have repeatedly said this on here and people laughed at me, well laugh away, i knew i was right, and i'd LOVE to hear your ideas....
Cheesypoof "he may be a person to kickstart the revolution"

Yes I liked the interview it was a good piece of agitation.

To be fair Brand has always got on my wick.

He is of the bubble, by the bubble. Nothing more.
I'm pretty pissed off to learn that he gave loads of p's to the 'not an anti semite, honest' Icke. Thats not excusable
I'm pretty pissed off to learn that he gave loads of p's to the 'not an anti semite, honest' Icke. Thats not excusable
Doen't Icke believe in things like lizards? .. a nutter surely

Though a quite sane friend talked of him, perhaps he didn't know about the lizards!
He's obviously got some linguistic gifts. I think its good if actors, musicians etc have a go at the unsatisfactory present system. Be interesting if he carries on harranguing the establishment. Do I like him? I'm not sure. I think he could have a positive role.

I'm pretty pissed off to learn that he gave loads of p's to the 'not an anti semite, honest' Icke. Thats not excusable

Did he? Still give him a chance. Maybe he is just a well known fella with a podium trying his best.
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