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Palestine solidarity demos in the UK

quite sure their are genetic markers in the Palestinians population for Canaanites dna

who been their longer is a tricky subject
More photos of Brixton London rally.

Police arrested someone because they didn't like the persons placard.

Police van was surrounded IMG_20231202_150517.jpgIMG_20231202_150329.jpgIMG_20231202_151155.jpgIMG_20231202_150958.jpgIMG_20231202_151036.jpgIMG_20231202_151025.jpg
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tbf jews were in palestine before ww2 1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia and of course everyone got on swimmingly :rolleyes: .
The international community created israel and the surrounding arab countries promptly attacked and lost,

That is not what happened.

The attacks on Palestinian villages/ murder of Palestinian men and expulsion of villagers started before the creation of Israel.

Haganah and other Zionist groups started this once they realised the UN partition would leave them with a lot of Palestinians.

Zionism is about demographics and land. The UN borders were generous to the Zionists. But for them it was not all about land it was about land and demographics.

Coming to nearer present its why they did not annex West Bank straight away in 1967. It would mean making a lot of Palestinians Israeli citizens.

The intervention by Arab countries was to little to late for many Palestinian villages and towns in 1948. Only happened after end of Mandate.

British looked on as Zionist paramilitary groups started expelling Palestinians

The King of Jordan did have agreement with Zionists he could have West Bank as long as he did not interfere with them in rest of Palestine.

When the Zionist paramilitary groups found they were so successful they did make moves on West Bank.

The Jordanian army ( one of the better in the region) put up stiff resistance and stopped them.

Israel was built on ethnic cleansing.
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At the Windrush square rally for Palestine this local Cllr Abrams spoke. A Jewish left wing Cllr now under threat of deselection by the ruling right of party in Lambeth.View attachment 402710View attachment 402711
View attachment 402712

Every now and again on these threads about Gaza posters pop up to accuse those who support Palestinians of anti semitism

When this is posted up- A Jewish Cllr under threat of being de selected for his support of Palestinians and a ceasefire there is silence.

I find it more than distasteful that a local party can try to get rid of a left wing Cllr in this way.

For a Labour group that fell over themselves to have a go at Corbyn for anti semitism trying to de select a Jewish Cllr because he supports a ceasefire does not show imo that the right wing Labour group had any genuine interest in opposing anti semitism.
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Join the factory pickets!​

The UK is one of the main exporters of arms to Israel. Companies such as BAE Systems and Elbit produce the weapons that are currently killing thousands of Palestinians, and also make the ongoing occupation and apartheid system in Palestine possible.
A few weeks ago a group of 400 workers, trade union members and Palestine solidarity activists went to Kent and shut down one of these arms factories for a day by holding a peaceful picket blocking the road into the factory. Production was stopped for the day.
On 7 December we are going to organise peaceful pickets at as many arms factories as we can across the country, as part of an international day of action.
Let's not wait for the British government to grow a conscience and stop these arms exports. Let's shut down the arms supply to Israel now.
Will you join us?
Security and safety info: Your info provided via this form will be securely processed by Workers For a Free Palestine and only accessed by a small number of people in our mobilising team.
Once you have signed up, you will be contacted via email to provide you with relevant further information. We have a full legal briefing which will be provided to all that are confirmed to attend and there will be various opportunities to understand the logistics and plans for the day.
A frequently asked question is what are the risks for taking part in this action. We view the risk to arrest to be LOW for this action. While we cannot predict police behaviour, we are mitigating and de-risking wherever we can. We have a team of Legal Observers and Police Liaisons who will be there to de-escalate and monitor police behaviour. If you sign up after 12:00 noon on Tuesday 5 December, we may not have capacity to contact you/fit you on coaches. We will try our best to do so and will also be in touch about future actions if we can't fit you into this one, so do sign up anyway.
Just seen this from PA, think it's still relevant as of right now:
POLICE STATION SUPPORT NEEDED! If you’re in London, head down to Charing Cross Police Station, Agar St, London WC2N 4JP. We have have 3 brave actions being held because they #shutelbitdown
Might seem a daft question so far into this, but is there a list of national and local demos anywhere? The PSC site has national actions, but I keep missing local stuff. I'm near Manchester at the moment but the Manchester branch site is a bit hit and miss in terms of listing future events.
Might seem a daft question so far into this, but is there a list of national and local demos anywhere? The PSC site has national actions, but I keep missing local stuff. I'm near Manchester at the moment but the Manchester branch site is a bit hit and miss in terms of listing future events.

There's a march in Manchester at 11AM apparently. Not seen anything online, just going off what I've been told.
Might seem a daft question so far into this, but is there a list of national and local demos anywhere? The PSC site has national actions, but I keep missing local stuff. I'm near Manchester at the moment but the Manchester branch site is a bit hit and miss in terms of listing future events.
Do you do any social media at the moment, and/or are there many social media things that you can view without needing an account?
This is the demo for tomorrow on instagram:
Or there's always WhatsApp if you feel like having more WhatsApp groups in your life?
This is very cool, I wonder what the workers in the factories are thinking about all this?
No idea, I've seen it suggested that there is at least some outreach work happening around Glasgow, but that's entirely vague and second-hand. I am also now wondering how generous arms factories are with closing down and giving everyone time off around the xmas period, or if there might actually be one that I can make it to while I'm off work.
Do you do any social media at the moment, and/or are there many social media things that you can view without needing an account?
This is the demo for tomorrow on instagram:
View attachment 403511
Or there's always WhatsApp if you feel like having more WhatsApp groups in your life?

No idea, I've seen it suggested that there is at least some outreach work happening around Glasgow, but that's entirely vague and second-hand. I am also now wondering how generous arms factories are with closing down and giving everyone time off around the xmas period, or if there might actually be one that I can make it to while I'm off work.
Ta very much. And fits in with the football. :)
Im not blaming PSC for the route but its going through the City which is deserted on weekend.

Its almost like the march has been put into a quarantine.
There are more people in the city on weekends these days than you suggest. But it's a peculiar route, going along fleet street and down the embankment will be largely deserted even during the week.
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