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Osama bin Laden May Have Chartered Saudi Flight Out of U.S. after 9/11

wreckhead said:
It doesn't completely explain away this oddity, but it occured to me that maybe someone who typed "Saudi Royalty Family" may well have it in them to make a mistake and put the wrong Bin Laden.
Perhaps the FBI are simply 'not ruling out' the possibility that Osama chartered it.
TAE said:
Perhaps the FBI are simply 'not ruling out' the possibility that Osama chartered it.
In the sense that they aren't ruling anyone out?

It's just strange that they should name him as they did... assuming this is true and what it appears to be.
It does sound like they had some reason to think that he might might have chartered it.
Editor, when you closed the mammoth 911 thread you said only new evidence would be considered. Fair enough. I started a thread on the pilots study which is (1) new information and (2) shows that either the flight data is wrong or flight 77 didn't hit the pentagon. Clearly you believe flight 77 did hit the pentagon so what is your explanation for the Flight 77 FDR data


sparticus said:
Editor, when you closed the mammoth 911 thread you said only new evidence would be considered. Fair enough. I started a thread on the pilots study which is (1) new information and (2) shows that either the flight data is wrong or flight 77 didn't hit the pentagon. Clearly you believe flight 77 did hit the pentagon so what is your explanation for the Flight 77 FDR data


There's a bit of a difference between suggesting no plane hit the pentagon (given the implications of such a thing - cover up, what happened to the passengers, what would be the f-ing point etc.) and an official document showing the FBI suspected Osama Bin Laden may have chartered a flight full of his family members out of the country soon after the event.
sparticus said:
Editor, when you closed the mammoth 911 thread you said only new evidence would be considered. Fair enough. I started a thread on the pilots study which is (1) new information and (2) shows that either the flight data is wrong or flight 77 didn't hit the pentagon. Clearly you believe flight 77 did hit the pentagon so what is your explanation for the Flight 77 FDR data

1. I didn't close that last thread. Fridgemagnet did and clearly said so.
2. Until someone comes up with a remotely credible alternative story that explains what supposedly hit the Pentagon (if not the airliner), and explains what happened to the incredible vanishing pilots, vanishing crew, vanishing passengers and vanishing plane, how the calls were faked and why so many eye witnesses clearly saw the plane, I'll continue to find the mainstream story the most believable.

The notion of invisible men in suits planting bits of pretend aircraft around the lawn and no one noticing while a fucking huge aircraft invisibly and somehow silently roars by air-dropping more bits of pretend aircraft with laser precision is so fucking ludicrous as to be insulting.

Oh, and what's all this got to do with this thread, please?
sparticus said:
Editor, when you closed the mammoth 911 thread you said only new evidence would be considered. Fair enough. I started a thread on the pilots study which is (1) new information and (2) shows that either the flight data is wrong or flight 77 didn't hit the pentagon. Clearly you believe flight 77 did hit the pentagon so what is your explanation for the Flight 77 FDR data


Don't know, I'm not a pilot. You could look at the PPRune forum, the pilots on there have managed to tackle various threads on 9/11.

Meanwhile you could look at 9/11 Research (commonly quoted as a source by the conspiracy theorists) for all of the witness comments about the plane striking the pentagon. Link.
MikeMcc said:
Meanwhile you could look at 9/11 Research (commonly quoted as a source by the conspiracy theorists) for all of the witness comments about the plane striking the pentagon. Link.
There's at least four pilots on that list of eyewitnesses saying that they clearly saw a passenger plane.
But no doubt sparticus and co will completely ignore their testimony, just like they don't trouble themselves to come up with a remotely sane and credible explanation as to what happened to 'real' plane, passengers, pilots etc etc zzzzzzzzzzzz
I closed that last thread because the post was basically trying to start a ruck. You see it all the time in the politics forums, someone posts a link and says "so what do the trots/wiberals/neocons/Zionists/Islamophiles/etc have to say about THAT then, eh?" This indicates a thread designed for people to throw insults and repeat dogma. That impression was also based on previous style and content. Just FYI.
I heard that while OBL was piloting Air Force One stuffed-up from cockpit to tail with Saudis he sent a message to Bush:

"Hi Prez, I iz in ur plane ezcaping teh Statez. We haz big fun watchingz teh towerz burn."

Wordly. It came in my mailbox via the internets, it must be true.

Aldebaran said:
I heard that while OBL was piloting Air Force One stuffed-up from cockpit to tail with Saudis he sent a message to Bush:

"Hi Prez, I iz in ur plane ezcaping teh Statez. We haz big fun watchingz teh towerz burn."

Wordly. It came in my mailbox via the internets, it must be true.

I don't think anyone is seriously doubting whether Judicial Watch is a reliable source, are they?
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