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Osama bin Laden May Have Chartered Saudi Flight Out of U.S. after 9/11


Well-Known Member
OK I realise this post could appear to be "conspiraloonery", but I really don't intend to create another 9/11 thread of BS and bonkers conjecture. So I'll clarify the following:

  • I don't know what really happened on 9/11.
  • I find the conspiracy theories interesting, but on the whole unconvicing.
  • I think the US government is covering something up about the matter which goes beyond incompetence, perhaps even beyond criminal negligence.

...so having waded through all the crap about controlled demolitions and no-planes and faked telephone calls etc., I'm interested to gauge opinion here on the more compelling circumstantial evidence (like the shut down FBI investigations prior to 9/11), starting with this one from yesterday which I find downright bizarre:

Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today released new documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) related to the “expeditious departure” of Saudi nationals, including members of the bin Laden family, from the United States following the 9/11 attacks. According to one of the formerly confidential documents, dated 9/21/2001, terrorist Osama bin Laden may have chartered one of the Saudi flights.



*ducks flames*
I realise that it follows on from the story put forward by Michael Moore in F9/11 that Saudi nationals (Bin Laden family included) were rushed out of the country after the attacks, but this newly declassified document shows the FBI themselves stated the plane MAY have been chartered by Osama Bin Laden himself... or at least that's how I understand this. I'm not saying this is proof of a conspiracy - I'm saying it's weird shit. :eek:
I think Osama bin Laden murdered the real Barack Obama, had extensive plastic surgery and voice training and is right this minute trying to be democratically elected as the next President of the United States. I heard this from a very reliable Republican source. ;)
If you watched the collapse closely, you could see him taking off just as Gadget got there...

"'ll get you next time, Gadget. Next time! ..."

doopy doopy doop inspector gadget doopy doopy doop ahh hah...
Theres so much we don't know about what happened that day.It'll probably be a hundred years before we know it
I wonder what the anti conspiracy people have to say about this.Even they must think that something weird happened with this plane
skunkboy69 said:
I wonder what the anti conspiracy people have to say about this.Even they must think that something weird happened with this plane
That's why I posted it. I can understand people getting worked up about some of the bullshit theories that get spread around, which inevitably will make one tire of the whole subject, but stuff like this should be treated separately IMHO.
Well I can see a few things that I immediately predict "Truthers" skipping:

  • This flight seems to have been on 19/09/2001, so not during the time all planes were grounded.
  • "May have" - does not mean jump up and down and shout "see, proof Bush did it!".
As I say though, this is still very strange in the sense that the FBI did not seem all that keen on investigating the flights, and especially strange that OBL's name was apparently redacted from the original documents.

eta: I'm thinking more along the lines of CYA than anything else right now. I realise I'm dancing on thin loonery ice here - I honestly don't know what to think about this.
skunkboy69 said:
No doubt some people still won't believe it even though the FBI have these documents

Do they actually have them though? I mean some internet image of a crappy photocopy is pretty inconvincing, and some people think the FBI have all sorts of things from spaceships to OBL himself.

Not that I necessarily think it's untrue, but this standard of proof isn't gonna convince anybody that doesn't want to believe it anyway.
J77 said:
ed would've known to bin this from the title -- has no-one directed the OP to the one and only 911 thread?

e2a: http://urban75.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=187912
I mentioned in my post that I "don't intend to create another 9/11 thread of BS and bonkers conjecture". I read this story on the front page of DU (not some Prison Planet shit) and was interested to see what people here thought. The title of the post is the same as the original headline and I don't see what this has to do with conspiraloon nonsense just because it's on the same general subject.

I don't think I can do anything now to stop this thread going horribly wrong, but please understand I had honest intentions in posting it. :oops:
Well it's interesting that all the flights occured after the no-fly restriction was lifted. This was new to me. The only suspicoious thing I think is why they mention Osama bin laden might have chartered the flights, why would they suspect this? Otherwise the full documents go into how a bunch of Saudi and UAE nationals chartered planes to fly out of the US, and the FBI checked their identities, interviewed many of them and decided they weren't worth arresting (the old "not being a suspect or suspected of doing anything illegal" defense!). This doesn't seem too suspicious, it would be slightly unreasonable for the US to stop any arab looking person from leaving the country.

Flight data recorder does not correspond with full flight animation report shown to 911 commission.

The 911 conspiracy lives on. Interesting how hundreds of professionals around the World, think the Bush administration is not being totally forthcoming with what happened on that horrendous day.

The above link is one of a series of clips.

Also $3 000 500 000 000, yes trillions misplaced by folks at the Pentagon
your mistake, wreckhead, was acting as if you have to suck up to the heads-in-the-sand brigade. Where's your balls? :)
And those heads-in-the-sand brigade might want to look at themselves here. I mean, here we have a purported FBI document which states that Osama Bin Laden, mankind's enemy no.1, was permitted to charter a plane out of the USA!

But oh no, must be some mistake surely, nothing to worry about
torres said:
And you're the expert on making embarassing mistakes on threads like this - so heed those words wreckhead...
I have made no such mistake! I stand up for what I believe in, you think I give a flying fuck what you think about it?
Jazzz said:
I have made no such mistake! I stand up for what I believe in, you think I give a flying fuck what you think?

You've made no mistakes on any thread ever. No sirre. None at all. Especially where your loopy theories are concerned. No mistakes.
your mistake, wreckhead, was acting as if you have to suck up to the heads-in-the-sand brigade. Where's your balls? :)

...well it may appear that way but all of the "usual" conspiracy theories strike me as being complete tosh: stretching of the facts and clutching at straws, so I am posting my genuine opinion. I've seen the sites which make "truth seeking" some kind of cult and it sickens me, given the subject matter.

However something is being covered up by the powers that be; connections with the Saudis, that type of thing, is all accepted discourse amongst even those most hostile to conspiracy theorists on the political left, or so I thought. I have always been confused as to how the Bush admin was able to make what appeared to me to be a catastrophic intelligence balls-up into a campaign slogan.
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