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Newcastle United 2021/22


Well-Known Member
Another season under the aimless, sweaty-palmed stewardship of Mike Ashley lumbers into life.

While Fat Mike holds out for his £300m (plus Nectar Points), we can once again enjoy the amiable, baffled management of Stevie Bruce, the Winnie-the-Pooh of the Premier League.

This season, we no longer have the top-knotted delight of Mr Andrew Carroll, thug of this parish, though we do have the services of Joseph Willock, a reasonably adept entertainer. May his loins be unleashed - but not to play West Ham today, because someone forgot to complete the transfer formalities. I'm looking at you, Penfold.

Will this be the season we defenestrate Fat Mike and feel the loving embrace of blood-soaked Middle-Eastern money? Will Stevie Bruce finally read the Penguin Book of Footie Plans? Will Newcastle soar high and stuff its silverware cabinets?

No. Because this is Groundhog Day.

It's Groundhog Day every day in Newcastle United.

"...They say we're young and we don't know, we won't find out until we grow..."

Good luck, everyone. :thumbs:
I have no idea what Winnie-the-fucking-Pooh said in his half-time team-talk, but it motivated them to give away 3 goals.

He is like the Despair Squid of Tyneside.

the kids are now desperate to support a team they have a connection to for some reason. i have advised them that the toon isnt a wise choice
Brucie's quote after the game:

"I thought we were excellent throughout."

"If you want to be critical we've missed big, big chances..."

"But we're not having any luck at the minute. We've got to keep bashing away and I'm sure it'll change."

Bad luck? Really?

This week's penalty given away at 90'+6 for that extra, last-second kick in the fleshy underparts.

Two points thrown away.
One goal let in at 45+2 minutes, another at 90+2.

The concentration problem seems to be as bad as ever.

Saw the first goal but not the last one. The keeper was at fault which was a pity as he had coped quite well before, he sort of half parried/scooped the ball to Ronaldo who just tapped it in. Didn't watch the second half as the sycophantic ' honoured are we to walk on the same ground as Ronaldo ' in the first half was just too much to bear to be frank. Up until then for all Man Utds bluster they really hadn't laid a finger on Newcastle who themselves had a couple of half chances but looked out of sorts when it came to at least hitting the target .
i dont mind wolves to be fair. they deserved this i think. NUFC would explode into action under a new manager I reckon. Bruce is bringing them all down. leave man, just fuckin leave, you dont need the money and you dont need a coronary. let someone else get involved.I dont bear any ill will to Bruce really, but this isnt doing anyone any good
i dont mind wolves to be fair. they deserved this i think. NUFC would explode into action under a new manager I reckon. Bruce is bringing them all down. leave man, just fuckin leave, you dont need the money and you dont need a coronary. let someone else get involved.I dont bear any ill will to Bruce really, but this isnt doing anyone any good
I'm sure a few beheadings will sort things out.
Football stadia have long been used to corral, torture abd execute enemies of the state. These days it would be described as alternate use secondary revenue generation .
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