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    Lazy Llama

Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

dont you remember squidgygate - everyone loved phone hacking back then

To be fair, you didn't need to hack analogue cell-phones, you just needed a scanner capable of scanning the necessary bands. I bet the poor cunt who heard Chuckie fantasising about being Camilla's tampon dropped his!
Ah, your old fallback. Start accusing BA of being a pisshead.

Your problem is that he makes more good sense pissed than you do sober.

He doesn't half know some serious stuff tbf .. same as lots of you guys.
It's difficult sometimes for the working class to keep up especially when folks answer questions with more questions !!
It makes you feel like a right clown sometimes .. cos you know you're just not getting it and you can't pretend you do cos folks will only laugh at your posts.
Ha ha .. he's only trying to ask questions n all lol :oops:
when checking out tom watson's expenses record, was anyone else unsurprised to note that he'd claimed the full amount available for food each year?
Looks like the FBI are going to look into the 911 thingy. And there may be some kind of shareholder class action thingy too against father and son.

Why would I post a link to a link? Who knows where it would end? :eek:

You calling me a fucking vegetarian, you cunt? :mad: :mad:

When will you people get it through your heads that like every other ursine, we're omnivorous? We likes our steaks, our meat pies and our bacon sangers! :mad:
I merely meant a link to ba's post. And you're meant to eat all that stuff but don't. That's why you're fat.

Anyway...more serious shit hits the fan....link Britain's most senior plod hired ex-dep-ed of notw Neil Wallisas an advisor during the attempts to reopen the case 2009-10.
Last night the Met was unable to say whether Sir Paul, who is ultimately responsible for the phone hacking investigation, had told deputy assistant commissioner Sue Akers, the officer leading the day-to-day inquiry of Mr Wallis’s professional relationship with the force.
We discussed with his colleagues (not him personlly) Got his apparent permission by something he'd not said himself. What colleagues? One's leaking how his mental state might be effecting him? Loyal Brownites?

"On receipt of the information, The Sun approached Mr Brown and discussed with his colleagues how best to present it.

Those colleagues provided quotes which were used in the published piece which indicated his consent to it."

that's brilliant. if you say anything, that's considered consent
That means...notw finds out everything the police are doing in a clear and precise manner, btw. One single, easy line of communication during a difficult period for both.
when checking out tom watson's expenses record, was anyone else unsurprised to note that he'd claimed the full amount available for food each year?

Was I surprised or unsurprised ? Well I wonder exactly how much one man needs to eat in one year ? Does a politician really need three full meals + snacks and that per day ?
Maybe folks would like to think about that ?

To be fair, you didn't need to hack analogue cell-phones, you just needed a scanner capable of scanning the necessary bands. I bet the poor cunt who heard Chuckie fantasising about being Camilla's tampon dropped his!

they were the days. back to my earlier point (that most people are getting bored) is this the crux of it, phone hacking just isnt that bad - sure most people draw the line at hacking dead teenagers phones, but as corporate scandals go, this is hardly bhopal or enron or even the gulf spill, it was a bit naughty and a bit out of order, but no-one died

and where did this whole right to privacy bullshit come from anyway
Fat or no, Tom Watson's anecdote about Cherie Blair is very good (apologies for using the Mail picture, but I cant find a quote online and cant be arsed to type it out):


edit: its from the second of the Chris Mullin diaries, btw
they were the days. back to my earlier point (that most people are getting bored) is this the crux of it, phone hacking just isnt that bad - sure most people draw the line at hacking dead teenagers phones, but as corporate scandals go, this is hardly bhopal or enron or even the gulf spill, it was a bit naughty and a bit out of order, but no-one died

and where did this whole right to privacy bullshit come from anyway

I think you misjudge the outrage.

Hacking Millie Dowlers phone during a missing person's hunt, deleting messages!

Hacking the phones of the families of war dead.

Illegal and outrageous..

And what more will emerge from the 4,000 details, who knows!
Thought Brown was fairly weak today, blaming others for no enquiry, saying various people blocked it at the time- He was PM ffs, he could have said something - just proved how weak he was tbh
they were the days. back to my earlier point (that most people are getting bored) is this the crux of it, phone hacking just isnt that bad - sure most people draw the line at hacking dead teenagers phones, but as corporate scandals go, this is hardly bhopal or enron or even the gulf spill, it was a bit naughty and a bit out of order, but no-one died

and where did this whole right to privacy bullshit come from anyway

Its not just 'a bit of phone hacking'. Its a massive media organosation carrying out industrial scale surveilance on everyone of note. Aside from snooping on slebs and ordinary people in the news - carried out with the aim of gleaning gossip for their rags - they were also keeping tabs on leading MPs, police officers and fuck knows who else (judges? business rivals?) - and using the information gathered to blackmail, destroy or reward anyone who could help or hinder the cause of Rupert Murdoch. That makes him into a gangster. Thats a vile cancer at the heart of our so called democracy.

The man held (oh the joy of using the past tense!) a huge amount of power that was utterly unaccountalbe and used purely for furthering his own self interest.
I have a question about the clearance the Prime Minister's personnel must have to work at Downing Street.

I am asking because I still can't get my head around the fact that Cameron employed someone whose background check should have produced funnies, and we are talking about the Communications Director who, during his employment, must have had access to sensitive and/or classified information/documents whilst his background was questionable at best criminal at worst implicating the PM himself given that he had authorised the employment.

Don't they have something like a Yankee White clearance the purpose of which is to, in the long run, proctect the President's office from potentially toxic people?

This scandal just keeps giving and giving...
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