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    Lazy Llama

Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

Confiscation of assets for a compensation and reparations fund wouldn't be unreasonable, would it?
I predict that their act will get increasingly humble as they wake up over the next few days. This could be interesting. Trying not to incriminate themselves whilst also trying to charm the pants off everyone with false contrition. I reckon.
Ever wondered howa powerful person looks when they know they're going down?

Example 1: Rupert Murdoch

Example 2: Bernard Madoff
You don't get it, do you. This isn't about hacking. It's about Murdoch wielding power over parliament and police force, using the methods of the mafia to intimidate people into silence and to buy favours, to spread police smears and the securuty agenda, to make five Prime Ministers (at least) and ten or more governments and parliaments accede to his political agenda.

And then he exported it to America in a new form. Fox News, with tabloidisation of their much better media in the planning.

It's not about hacking. Really.

I blame the prime ministers and the fucking governments the fuckin useless bunch of clowns.
And I kind of think it was based on a fallacy .. I don't think Murdoch stopped Kinnock getting into power. I think Kinnock fucked that up himself unwittingly enough tbf. And I don't think Tony Blair or David Cameron had to arse lick him to get elected either.
Even if I'm wrong I don't reckon I'm as wrong as the likes of Blair or Cameron who ostensibly get elected as leaders of their country and not as fucking dithering idiots kowtowing to a poncy tabloid owner !
It's no wonder the likes of Murdoch feels invincible when he's dealing with halfwits for politicians and supposed leaders of a nation.
Like he'd really have been worried if Ed Milliband became Prime Minister .. he'd laugh his arse off more like.
Fackin country is a joke .. two world wars one world cup and a bunch of dozy thick priviliged tossers !!
And for my final Canuck (where is he?), this bears reposting (thanks to whoever posted it earlier, I'd been wondering where Rowson'd been hiding!). He is a genius. This was published before the Murdoch's caved.


Copper with his pants down, shrivelled near naked Murdoch, Cameron with a bloody nose, James hidden behind Rebekah who is standing on a pile of unsold tabloids on top of a pile of shit. Tom Watson is taunting her with his phone.

And that's only half what's in there. :cool:
OK, not final. Useful AP interview with Nick Davies and how he broke the story, from the Sydney Morning Herald.

He broke the story that destroyed a 168-year-old newspaper, humiliated one of the world's most powerful media moguls and cast a spotlight on a phone hacking scandal that has embroiled politicians, police and journalists.

And he says there is more to come.

Guardian journalist Nick Davies spent years investigating phone hacking claims in the face of police indifference and ridicule from rivals.

"It's a great story about the abuse of power," Davies told The Associated Press. "That's what all journalists want to expose, isn't it? The abuse of power."


"When I wrote the story about Milly Dowler, I sent an email to [my] editor saying I think this is the most powerful story so far. But I did not foresee the extent of the emotional impact," Davies told the AP.

"It was almost unreal to watch ... The Prime Minister, who had been so close to Murdoch and keen to defend the BSkyB and defend Coulson suddenly flipped his position."

Rupert Murdoch has attacked Gordon Brown in a fierce defence of News Corporation's handling of the phone hacking scandal. Murdoch accused British MPs of lying about allegations of corrupt practices at his newspapers.
"The Browns were always friends of ours" until the Sun withdrew its support for Labour before the last general election, he told the Wall Street Journal, his flagship US paper.

On Twitter, Murdoch's biographer Michael Wolff said he "seemed genuinely distressed about Gordon Brown not liking him anymore.
He admitted "getting annoyed" about the negative media coverage of the scandal but said: I'll get over it."

Awww. :( And awww at getting annoyed about the negative media coverage.


Well that's a good start to the hearings - accuse MPs of lying. It also suggests a sort of more hands-on approach. To accuse them of lying he's sort of saying he knew about the day-to-day running of the papers. And if he repeats that at the hearings and is proved wrong then he'll have lied to the hearing. :)
Ever wondered howa powerful person looks when they know they're going down?

Example 1: Rupert Murdoch

Example 2: Bernard Madoff

oooh its just like an episode of Lie to me :)

If the 9/11 stuff turns out to be true then thats the point where I think the Murdoch empire will start to feel it. this stuff over here is like pissing in the wind
Somewhere out there is a huge encrypted file containing all the damning emails that prove 9/11 victims had their cellphones hacked.

Only a matter of time before it ends up on Wikileaks, and then Assange can solidify his position as noble liberator of info with the American people.

The thought of Fox News going off-air and Bill O'Reilly losing his job is most arousing.
You don't get it, do you. This isn't about hacking. It's about Murdoch wielding power over parliament and police force, using the methods of the mafia to intimidate people into silence and to buy favours, to spread police smears and the securuty agenda, to make five Prime Ministers (at least) and ten or more governments and parliaments accede to his political agenda.

yeah, but we knew all that, all we're seeing is some (and only some) of the mechanics of how power operates

the only big shocks were millie and pulling the screws, they were last weeks story

i'm not saying its not important, just commenting on why this story appears to have gone off the boil a bit for most people (which in fairness, it might not have done, not everyone agrees it has)

i thought the newsnight focus group summed it up, everyone was like yeah its bad. no-one was sticking up for murdoch, but theres not much else to say, and beyond westminster and the media it doesnt look like much is going to happen that will actually have any impact on peoples lives
Apols if anyone's posted this already - the Digger interviewed post NOTW-closure on all this here . Some of his comments border on...well.....check it out and see what ya reckon.
the newsnight focus group? the group explicitly chosen from people who didnt have an opinion? oh dear oh dear Way to miss the point, smoky
I already do. Well, selected journalism and comment pieces online anyway, as I do the Independent, the Mail, the Telegraph, The Morning Star and so on. Continue to pickle in the jouissance of self-loathing and other stimulants of choice you Sun reading thick tosser.

:D Have you been made up for entertainment purposes?
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