Bring back hanging
You don't sacrifice scapegoats on altars btw, you banish them.
Apart from the poster mentioning that r4 said they can't compel brooks to appear not half an hour ago.
You can't help yourself can you?
Could simply substitute a question of whether NI are fit n proper to own any of BskyB
Oh, you were replying to a poster from 30 posts ago without quoting them. That's... helpful.
How long before Murdoch becomes 'unwell'? Though that would probably necessitate him standing down from running the company (or be a good excuse for doing so).
When Cameron was lying through his teeth about who told him what and when. He lied to Parliament. Miliband looked astonished, Clegg closed his eyes in quiet horror at the realisation that Cameron just brought his own government down so it's all been for nothing, and Osborne's already terrified visage took on an aura of total and uttter defeat.
It's beautiful. You have to watch it. Miliband was doing the horrified goldfish impression for a looooong time whilst Cameron lied and lied and lied.
Anyone know who this latest arrest is this morning?
i don't know why. you can get a perfectly good stake at any reputable diy store or garden centre. but if you want to wander up and down a beach looking for driftwood instead of spending a couple of quid at b&q don't let me stop you.
You don't sacrifice scapegoats on altars btw, you banish them.
Anyone know who this latest arrest is this morning?
Brooks absolutely can be made to appear before either of the select committees after them. Atm it's a process of invitation. If they decline the committees can takes steps to bring them in - ii think the final act is a vote in the house. Good time for some MPs to make a name for themselves.
I am a hopeless optimist killer b. If I wasn't, I'd not be able to drag myself out of bed for no apparent reason. But there has been more than a touch of comedy optimism about most of those posts, no? Or am I really just that shit at being funny?ymu - you've predicted the fall of the government roughly once a week for a year now.
i'd be delighted to see you proved right, but i'll believe it when the taxi pulls away from number 10, and not before...
They werent' clear, Clegg, R4 this morning what exactly can happen if she still refused to attend.
Hintt: nothing.
You can do what you like with a scapegoat. I don't think it matters much, except to the goat.
Not true at all. There is a process they can start on that will compel her to appear. It's a pain in the arse and rarely used, but it exists.
According to this the goat was traditionally driven into the wilderness.
'And the Goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a Land not inhabited.' (Leviticus XVI, 22)
I don't think Cameron can survive this though. Clegg was still on the ropes from the local/regional elections before this - there'll be massive pressure from inside his party to do the obvious thing and walk out whilst they can still take some credit for bringing the govt down - and the Tory attack dogs in the media just lost a whole row of teeth, which makes the propaganda nonsense a very tough sell indeed given the number of U-turns they've had to do without this kind of pressure on them.