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Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

Gordon Brown says relationship between NI and Nu-Labour was never "cosy and comfortable" and also says that Tory line on media issues was formed in complicity with NI to achieve the same ends, about less regulation and associated media attacks on him, Tory's are getting well lairy, Bercow told one to sit down or clear off.
Gordon Brown says relationship between NI and Nu-Labour was never "cosy and comfortable" and also says that Tory line on media issues was formed in complicity with NI to achieve the same ends, about less regulation and associated media attacks on him, Tory's are getting well lairy, Bercow told one to sit down or clear off.

Ignores fact that the relationship might have been prickly at times, nevertheless the relationship existed and was cultivated.

(comment on brown not PT)
The Tory benches are being particularly restless towards Brown.

The newest boys, could be Rory Stewart or the older one Graham Stuart - has been asked to leave if they cannot shut up.
Is it? How big is his holding elsewhere? What brings the money in? (gen question, my assumption that it's more over there)

IIRC I heard someone say that only 13% of NewsCorp revenue came from British newspapers, and that this was a dwindling proportion. Hence the cut and run rumours I suppose.
I'm watching the debate at the moment and trying to take it all in.
However, it's good to see a strident speaker.
Well done.
Ignores fact that the relationship might have been prickly at times, nevertheless the relationship existed and was cultivated.

(comment on brown not PT)
well, he's clearly trying to put some blue water between himself and any notion that he allowed the easy ride for NI to continue, building on the emotive issue of his kid's health problems. i think that's why the tories are getting so upset, because this is a blame game aimed at NI, the police, the tories, the civil service, everyone but him having had any responsibility whatsoever.
Graham Stuart points at smearing Lord Ashcroft, Brown smacks him down by pointing out this is about the innocent victims etc - and that if he was so concerned then, why didn't he point out his concerns considering Coulson.
i think he's got a point, insofar as corporates like google controlling what other media one can consume, as well as the ease with which people give away personal information unwittingly, whether through things like facebook or through collection of search items/terms in search engines. social media is changing the game in many ways, let's just hope his underlying intent isn't for more regulatory overlay.
i think he's got a point, insofar as corporates like google controlling what other media one can consume, as well as the ease with which people give away personal information unwittingly, whether through things like facebook or through collection of search items/terms in search engines. social media is changing the game in many ways, let's just hope his underlying intent isn't for more regulatory overlay.
Didn't take you 15 minutes to get to it.
i think he's got a point, insofar as corporates like google controlling what other media one can consume, as well as the ease with which people give away personal information unwittingly, whether through things like facebook or through collection of search items/terms in search engines. social media is changing the game in many ways, let's just hope his underlying intent isn't for more regulatory overlay.

I'm not sure that point makes any sense when you consider what access to the news was like before the internet. 100% controlled by the media barons isn't much better. But it was better than the days before the printing press when few people could read and relied on the village priest.

Internet privacy and security is a huge issue. But the existence of google isn't actually a problem. Baby/bathwater etc,
I'm not sure that point makes any sense when you consider what access to the news was like before the internet. 100% controlled by the media barons isn't much better. But it was better than the days before the printing press when few people could read and relied on the village priest.

Internet privacy and security is a huge issue. But the existence of google isn't actually a problem. Baby/bathwater etc,
there's a heap of people in china, for eg, who might not entirely agree with your last point. the fact of google itself isn't a problem, who controls what it does, and for what reasons, can be.
I had an email from 38 degrees trying to claim victory over the bskyb bid...

What are they voting on after this anyway?
Should Sam Cam take Dave away for a nice weekend in Guernsey? Yes or no, you decide.... it's like a 38 degrees summer special....

yes, i had the same email claiming victory as well.
there's a heap of people in china, for eg, who might not entirely agree with your last point. the fact of google itself isn't a problem, who controls what it does, and for what reasons, can be.
You read my post as an endorsement of interference in the delivery and accessibility of information? Really?

Not a lot of point wasting my time responding if you're only going to engage with imaginary posts. Cheers for that.
IIRC I heard someone say that only 13% of NewsCorp revenue came from British newspapers, and that this was a dwindling proportion. Hence the cut and run rumours I suppose.

more like 5% - in terms of profits & market value it's even less, less than 1% of the overall total
Of course "historically [the papers have] maintained cordial relationships with the security [and intelligence] services", in much the same way as they have with the police - that's the point, surely?

That whatever quid pro quo is superficially offered as a justification for these sorts of things, inevitably and swiftly they degenerate into symbiotically, corrosively corrupting clusterfucks of clubbability, self-interest and powerbrokering - at the expense of any public benefit.

Because these sorts of relationships, shaded from public oversight, hidden from hoi polloi by self-selecting overseers, can only ever degenerate into back room carve-ups, back alley bungs, scratch-my-back-and-I'll-scratch-yours secret deals, where the privileged gnostics always end out on top, invariably at our expense.

Of course. That is the point of all that back-scratching, and you don't even need to roll up your trouser leg. :)
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