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    Lazy Llama

Missing Milly Dowler's voicemail "hacked by News of the World"

the house of commons rowing team's triumph over the house of lords was the high point of what i caught of the debate anyway - was it better earlier on?
Things may not go well over the pond....

Prosecute News Corp.
The U.S. government should go after Murdoch's media company for its corrupt practices and revoke its TV licenses if it's found guilty.
By Eliot Spitzer
Updated Tuesday, July 12, 2011, at 4:09 PM ET

News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch and News International CEO Rebakah Brooks
Bribery, illegal wiretapping, interference in a murder investigation, political blackmail, and rampant disregard for both the truth and basic decency. The behavior of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. in Britain has shocked even his closest allies and cynical British journalists. The Murdoch empire is falling apart—criminal behavior and disregard for basic ethics having permeated its highest ranks. News Corp. executives' claims of a full and thorough investigation and that there were only a few bad apples have been exposed as feeble and false. The pseudo-investigations conducted by Scotland Yard are likewise proving to be corrupt and unreliable. Meanwhile, Prime Minister David Cameron's government is running for cover, but it cannot escape the untoward relationship that it had with Murdoch....

'pseudo-investigations' lol :D

Thirteen police officers are to be charged with perverting the course of justice, 21 years after they allegedly "moulded, manipulated and fabricated" evidence to secure convictions against three men wrongly accused of killing a prostitute.

Trial now on. The police

Gafoor, who was finally jailed for killing White in 2003, was giving evidence at the trial of eight police officers accused of shaping and fabricating evidence to make a false case against the Cardiff Three. Asked if he knew any of the three men wrongly convicted of his crime, he replied: "No".

Shaping? Is that a legal term?
btw butch, dunno if you saw c4 news, but they claimed revenues from sky pretty much equal the revenues of the rest of newscorp combined - that would suggest to me that even with only a 39% stake that makes britain his most important market.
btw butch, dunno if you saw c4 news, but they claimed revenues from sky pretty much equal the revenues of the rest of newscorp combined - that would suggest to me that even with only a 39% stake that makes britain his most important market.

Got it on. was burning my mouth on the tea, will check that on the playback later. Cheers for that - appreciate it.
btw butch, dunno if you saw c4 news, but they claimed revenues from sky pretty much equal the revenues of the rest of newscorp combined - that would suggest to me that even with only a 39% stake that makes britain his most important market.

Britain can never be an important market for a multinational. 1% of thr world's population, 2% of the consumption. It's one reason why it's so easy for large companies to stomp all over us. If they're not allowed to abuse the system, they're not that interested.

At the moment contagion in to the US seems tantalisingly just out of reach.

There's rumbles of course, but it's not gone epic and it seems - right now - that unless something like the 9/11 victim hack moves from alleged to tangible, the situation here will be something that few outlets want to cover in any significant way.

There's some crumbs of comfort - the NY Times getting on it - but until a week or so ago, most Brits didn't care *that* much. It was news, amongst alot of other news.

In the US, the tipping point hasn't happened. Maybe, somewhere in Mulcaire's notes, is *the bomb*. If that's what it's going to take, we may need patience, waiting for it to pop out. Here's hoping.
Britain can never be an important market for a multinational. 1% of thr world's population, 2% of the consumption. It's one reason why it's so easy for large companies to stomp all over us. If they're not allowed to abuse the system, they're not that interested.

depends how they're defining 'Sky' - the Murdoch satellite stations for most of Europe & South America are Sky
What's the spending power? Why aren't all things aimed at india and china? Because there's no fucking market

Can we have a ref for this btw?

Pretty sure you don't need a reference for the world or UK populations, or how to work out the %.

The consumer goods % comes from something I read a while ago. It may have been industry-specific - if it was, it's the pharmaceutical industry, which is a pretty good marker for the market in relative luxuries.

I've no idea why you think the numbers are implausible. World GDP is about £6k per capita and, IIRC, about £15k per capita in the UK. What is it you're taking issue with here? There aren't enough people in Britain for us to matter much as a market. I can't see how that is a controversial point.
Cheers paolo999

Maybe there's also the prospect of a can of worms over there which may go some way to explaining not a great deal of mainstream coverage....

at least so far.
I kind of get where butchersapron is coming from on all this but I'd rather he spelled it out a bit more for the benefit of some of us tbf
Seriously !!
Pretty sure you don't need a reference for the world or UK populations, or how to work out the %.

The consumer goods % comes from something I read a while ago. It may have been industry-specific - if it was, it's the pharmaceutical industry, which is a pretty good marker for the market in relative luxuries.
Come on.
butchers, a genuine query - what do you reckon Murdoch's medium or long-term game plan might be re all this shit?

There's seriously shady shenanigans going on, for sure!
btw butch, dunno if you saw c4 news, but they claimed revenues from sky pretty much equal the revenues of the rest of newscorp combined - that would suggest to me that even with only a 39% stake that makes britain his most important market.

Sky makes a £billion pound profit per annum

He wanted the whole lot so it could be a cash hoover - how much does Sky invest in British tv? I can't think of any British drama that they have produced

In the 80s he sucked out the profits from the Sun and used that to bankroll his expansion in the States
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