Wall...a bit overhyped on the hooligan front, especially the Panorama Harry the Dog, meet with Tottenham, who they've never had a good track record with apart from League Cup '72..they're dying to get Tottenham by the way, especially after the pre season friendly early 2000s.
anyway. just back from Strabane for semi later today, as close relative, mixed heritage, plays for 'em.
So, have gone to a lot of their games last few years.
My view is that of course lazy journos will target them; their fans were not in the least surprised, Racist? you gotta look at Bermondsey, Lewisham, Deptford...and the traditional white working class that lived there, ( that series about London street slum clearance, one focusing on Bermondsey was good). Participating in their forums for a few years, lived in Woolwich mid 80s, there is definitely a feeling of 'white working class get persecuted'. Frequently there are posts highlighting white lads called for racism, and 'ethnics' not getting called. Threads are often turned to issues of race from where they didn't start from. A factor in this is that many seem to know those that got done for Stephen Lawrence and think they weren't (all) the ones that did it.
Often they will sarcastically ask 'what does Saint Doreen think about this?' When my relative joined them, the first thread was 'how many bluds do we need?'
However, despite being called a cunt so many times by his own fans, he has never experienced racism (at every other club he's played for, he has, by his own fans). To slag your own players is a Millwall thing. Yeah there's some old time, ignorant, backward views ( I did laugh when one old fella, watching a youth match, with 9 'black fellas in Wall's team said 'how can they call us racist when we've got 9 coons playing for us?')'
Overall it seems they hate anyone getting the media sympathy as they glorify, or just accept they will always have, media hatred. Liverpool are called 'Victimpool'. Threads predicting a minute's silence are commonplace.
Despite the Telegraph trying to use 2 so called wall lads threatening trouble against Thatcher death party 2m, most seem very opposed to Thatcher...and I'm talking about proper lads. Save Lewisham hospital gets a lot of support too.
They were keen to publicise Tiny's death a couple of months ago...legendary Black hooligan, not only for them, but respected across London; the sentiment, that 'don't matter who you are if you're Wall'
and the few that give outright racism on their forums get proper threatened and stick...'if you had said that to any of our real wackers who were black, you wouldn't be around' etc.
Millwall seems to me, to be a reflection of how entrenched the white working class can be if top down strategies 'Kick it Out' etc are imposed from without (anti fascists will know this from Lee Jasper's attempt at getting funding from having a march in Bermondsey in the 90s with (deliberately) no groundwork). Those with more time to research might look at Roger Hewitt's (?) 'Routes to Racism' research in that area early 90s, as to how white youth were separated from other ethnicities.
Poorly managed reactions can have a more adverse affect. In an attempt to assuage the media, their chief exec placed a 14 year old on an anti racism programme this year, after banning him....far from being racist, consensus was that he called Marvin Sordell 'a whale...Nemo or something'...that he abused a black player was taken as racist by the player on twitter and subsequently the media. That helped to entrench the 'one law for them and for us' mentality wrt racism.
The next month, El Hadji Diouf got respect from Wall fans for saying that.although constantly abused, it wasn't racist, despite the Mail egging him on to say it was.
Favelado..Liverpool has its own cultural racist legacy, with many of its fans...and Hooligan 'problem'?...not a major force, but, The Urchins?