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Military insider reveals 9/11 stand-down!

RaverDrew said:
Come on gang lets all flex our cyber muscles and stick the boot in eh. :rolleyes:

what's this 'gang'?
there's hardly any of it that i can see, considering the fuck-up.. ANd it DOES betray Jazz's gullibility. Even if it wasn't photoshopped, it could still be faked.
RaverDrew said:
Come on gang lets all flex our cyber muscles and stick the boot in eh.
There's no "gang" here, just individuals who are utterly fed up with Jazzz posting up proclamations of 'what really happened' from idiotic loon sites read by gullible morons.

As well you know, if posters here didn't patiently take the time to research his claims and show people how ridiculous they are, some people might start accepting his bullshit as the truth.

As a bit of a 'truth seeker' yourself, surely you can see the danger in that?
Don't get me wrong, I think it is perfectly healthy to have people filter out the truth from the bullshit.

My comment was more aimed at the morons that have previously had nothing to do with the thread, jump in specifically to throw abuse at jazzz, especially after he has held his hands up and said he is wrong.

I feel that it can only encourage a bullying culture, that if seen as acceptable, could easily lead to others behaving like this on threads throughout the boards.
Ah come on Drew. If people didn't get on Jazzz's back then he may be encouraged to post more unsourced speculative nonsense. How many people have had to do his research for him in the past.

No plonker should be able to confidently exclaim 'this is dynamite' at the start of the thread and not expect a reaction when he's proved wrong for the umpteenth time. The repeated apologies aren't exactly showing genuine contrition or an ability to learn from his mistakes.

Bullying my arse. It's hardly hindering Jazzz's ability to post yet more wrongheaded nonsense confidently.
This story is true though. This guy did work at a command site on 9/11, he was a computer technician, one of the few people there who wasn`t a colonel etc.

9/11 was an inside job, lets move on now people and ask WHY?
Azrael23 said:
This story is true though. This guy did work at a command site on 9/11, he was a computer technician, one of the few people there who wasn`t a colonel etc.

9/11 was an inside job, lets move on now people and ask WHY?

You are the weakest link :rolleyes:
I listened to the interview, I`ve seen his credentials.

Why would he lie? :confused:

Unlike cheney and co. who have a history of mass deception.
Azrael23 said:
I listened to the interview, I`ve seen his credentials.

Why would he lie? :confused:

Unlike cheney and co. who have a history of mass deception.

Why? Perhaps you should consider that he did is a more relevant issue. :rolleyes:
Prove us wrong. You demand evidence from us, you never provide any yourself.

Listen to the interview you ignorant fool.
Azrael23 said:
Prove us wrong. You demand evidence from us, you never provide any yourself.

Listen to the interview you ignorant fool.

Read the bloody link given earlier you deluded twit.

(I think it's past Azrael's bed time, maybe his mummy will let him out to play again tomorrow. :()
Azrael23 said:
Prove us wrong. You demand evidence from us, you never provide any yourself.

Listen to the interview you ignorant fool.

Do you believe the stories on Jackanory?

Look at his military record. It's full of hole and lies you ignorant fool.
Read the links on P1 that show up all the holes in his statement, factual inaccuracies etc.

I would have thought you'd be first to agree that 'just because it's on TV it doesn't make it the truth'
Azrael23 said:
Listen to you all.... 3000 people died that day, guess what?


yes it does. it means a lot. what it means apart from anything is that an infantile, self-aggrandising prick like you is doing an astonishing disservice to the poor fuckers who died that day by constantly spouting utter fucking fairy stories which detract from any clear understanding of what happened.

you don't give a FUCK about what happened at 9/11 or 7/7. Or in any of the conflicts arising from them. This is all a silly little student wheeze for you, something for you to play out while meanwhile - outside your refectory window - people are dying over the same old shit - poverty, oil, religion and the like - which has precisely fuck all to do with the utter titwank you insist on inflicting upon us.

kyser_soze said:
fela - it was when he started talking about 'turning to a buddy who said 'That's a controlled demolition' that it started to smell for me; too many 'buttons' being pressed.

Have you heard of, or done, genre analysis mate?

There are so many clues from the language that a person uses when writing that help us on the believability-meter. Speaking too, but writing especially.
RaverDrew said:
My comment was more aimed at the morons that have previously had nothing to do with the thread, jump in specifically to throw abuse at jazzz, especially after he has held his hands up and said he is wrong.
Do you know how many times I've gone and dug up the facts only to have Jazzz ignore them for pages and pages? I've lost count meself. It's fucking disheartening. I can't recall you ever doing this but you seem quick to jump in and criticise others who really get fed up with Jazzz and these endless threads.

Trust me he'll be back soon with another unresearched claim.
Azrael23 said:
Prove us wrong. You demand evidence from us, you never provide any yourself.

Listen to the interview you ignorant fool.
You really are the biggest cock we've had on these boards for some time :D
But seriously, upon what basis do you believe that osama bin laden and the terrorist al-qaeda network was responsible for 9/11?

Some poorly shot videos? The laughable fat bin laden home movie? All released at perfect timing for the Bush - Cheney campaign.

Miraculously unscathed passports found at the towers?

Lets not forget 11 of the 19 hijackers were later found to be alive and well...

Surely its naive to go along with the flow.

Just follow the money, who made all the money from the put options on united airlines? none other than a firm part owned by vice secretary of the CIA, Mr Buzzy Krongard. Then we find that the money to fund Mr Atta and his brainwashed chums, came from General Mahmoud of the ISI. This was all in the media. :confused:
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