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Military insider reveals 9/11 stand-down!

kyser_soze said:
I think we're in the same boat on this TBH - don't believe the official account, but don't think the conspiracy types have a credible narrative or evidence to support it.

yep. Any vague attempt on my part to try and consider the inevitable elements of bullshit in the official account get blocked by the conspiraloon stuff. It does the government's work for them :(
editor said:
So, how come none of his many, many work colleagues are lining up to back him up and corroborate his amazing story?

And if it was all a big invisible-missile-explodin' conspiracy and this guy is supposedly blowing the lid on it all, why haven't the govt shut him up in double quick time?
I think you answered your own question
Another factor - this is often the case - is that it's because he is no longer with the military that he feels free enough to speak. If he was still with the military, he would certainly lose his job and pension etc, maybe be court-martialled too, I don't know... all those who are still in the military would have a much tougher time whistle-blowing. However,

"Mr Chavez has since been informed that the computer company he now works for, as information security manager, has been receiving threatening phone calls demanding his dismissal. Mr Chavez is another example of someone who is bravely putting his career, reputation and life on the line to get the truth out about the 9/11 cover up."
Is the company he's working for prepared to go on record with that? Have they taken any kind of legal steps to address this? Has he signed any legally binding documents asserting his testimony, or filed corroborative documentation with a lawyer? You need to give more than an unsourced quotation!

I've met real whistleblowers before Jazz, and the one thing they are most concerned with is supporting all the claims and allegations they make - supplying evidence of meetings, minutes, phone records, invoices...all the things that make up the paper and electronic trails, the money trail (which was how Nixon was caught out at Watergate), the small and little people that make genuine cover-ups and conspiracies function.

Oh, and one last thing:

Have you ever tried putting in a FOIA request?

Not in the UK I haven't, but I know plenty of people who have and who complain that the biggest obstacles are either not enough personnel to deal with the enquiries, or the old Whitehall reaction to anyone asking for information about government!

And given that this is in the US, I'd suggest you talk to a certain Noam Chomsky about how good America's FOIA is, since one of the reasons his work is so unassailable is because ALL the government docs he uses are REAL.
Dubversion said:
yep. Any vague attempt on my part to try and consider the inevitable elements of bullshit in the official account get blocked by the conspiraloon stuff. It does the government's work for them :(
Ain't that the word. Jazzz doesn't seem to realise what an unwitting asset he and his ilk are to BushBlair :( :rolleyes:
axon said:
It's just a mighty shame that this guy's military record is faked. The truth-seekers really are getting desperate.

Despite early (and healthy) reactions claiming this may be a hoax designed to poison the well of the 9/11 truth movement, Sergeant Chavez has now provided us with evidence of his credentials, his honorable discharge documents showing the military installations he was located inside. The last station he held was inside United States Central Command in Tampa

Despite early (and healthy) reactions claiming this may be a hoax designed to poison the well of the 9/11 truth movement,

I'm not sure a well is the best analogy for something that brings forth a neverending supply of horseshit...
Check out the Conspiracy Theories forum on James Randi's website, there'a a whole thread there showing how parts of the guys record have beeen doctored. You can clearly see where they have cut and pasted parts and moved them around. I would post the enlarged images up here showing the faked bits, but can I find how to crop an image in Illustrator, can I bugger.
This poster has also asked some pertinent questions about Chavez:
Now that Mr. Chavez has answered some softball questions put forward by his conspiracy theorist friends, how about he answer some real questions:
1. Why does his DD-214 list no foreign service, despite his claim to an 8 month tour in Afghanistan?
2. Why does his DD-214 omit many ribbons that he should have automatically (not merit based requiring his commander to submit them) based on his service, including 1 NDSM, an NCO Professional Development ribbon, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal and a NATO medal?
3. Why does his DD-214 list a 14 week Special Forces Q course, despite the fact that the course is considerably longer, and makes no mention of SFAS or Airborne training, both prerequisites, and does not list a Special Forces MOS?
4. Why, even though he claims expertise with explosives does he claim that thermite, an incendiary, is an explosive and a component of C-4?
5. Why does he suggest that Afghan soldiers could not have flown the hijacked planes, despite the fact that nobody has ever claimed they did?
6. Why does he claim to have spoken with a "good buddy" Lieutenent General, who was a former commander of the Army Corp of Engineers at CENTCOM in 2001, when the only 3 star assigned to CENTCOM at that time was Lieutenent General Michael P. DeLong, a Marine?
6. Why does he claim he flew in an uparmored C5 into Kabul on September 25th (or September 26th his story changes) 2001, when Kabul was securely in Taliban hands until it was liberated by the Northern Alliance on November 13th, 2001?
7. Why does he claim to have pulled "roving guard" on an oil pipeline in 2001-2002, despite the fact that this pipeline is still in the planning stages 5 years later?
8. Why does he repeatedly claim that he received a Chapter 13 separation discharge to enter school, when a Chapter 13 is a discharge for "unsatisfactory performance"?
9. What type of shoulder fired weapon causes could cause the type of damage seen at the Pentagon, as he mentioned in a radio interview this morning?
10. Why does he repeatedly claim that Dick Cheney was appointed head of NORAD in 2001, when the commander of NORAD at that time was actually Air Force General Ralph Eberhart?
Answer those questions, and I will start to take you seriously.
Chavez has now flounced off that forum. Here's part of his flouncing message. I've emphasised the interesting parts:
Honestly, you know what - I’m done with all of this. Every time I log onto this site, it just makes me sick. I cant believe I actually told myself this was the right thing to do. You all proceed on with your investigative studies - I'm going to continue to tell my story to people who actually care; not people who question the questioners. I'm on your side - remember?

Look - I spoke with Alfons yesterday from Veterans for 911 truth - honestly, I cannot prove anything.

I cannot prove that I saw a document stating the scenarios for our exercise.

I cannot remember the name of the officer that told me and about 8 other people there was an order for NORAD to stand down.

I cannot prove either of those things - but I heard them with my own ears.
I'm sorry, but the language used in the OP by this man gives me good cause to disbelieve that this is bona fide.

It basically follows a genre, as given away on the first line where he tells his listeners/readers 'not only that.... but...'.

He's out to persuade others of his message, and of his worthiness as the messenger. Not a good thing to do if you have truth and reality on your side. Just tell the story; if you're trying to sell it, invariably there's something wrong...
You all proceed on with your investigative studies - I'm going to continue to tell my story to people who actually care; not people who question the questioners.

Yeah, how dare they ask questions, what the hell kind of truth-seekers are they? :D
Oh dear, does look like he's dodgy. Don't know what he thought he was doing. Shame.

Jesus, have you seen the language used in some of those posts? Some of the egos on those sites are incredible...especially Alfons, who appears to see him'herself as a leading light in the 'movement'...

fela - it was when he started talking about 'turning to a buddy who said 'That's a controlled demolition' that it started to smell for me; too many 'buttons' being pressed.
Jazzz said:
Oh dear, does look like he's dodgy. Don't know what he thought he was doing. Shame.

Notice how others have had to do your own basic checking for you again? After all these years I'd have thought you'd have the pattern noticed by now.

Why don't you try doing it yourself sometime, just for the novelty value like.
Jazzz said:
Oh dear, does look like he's dodgy. Don't know what he thought he was doing.
In his never-ending desperation to believe any old conspiraloon shit posted up on the internet, Jazzz makes a total and utter cock himself once again.

Why the fuck can't you research anything first?

You've gone beyond a laughing stock recently mate. I mean, no-one here's is going to forget your citing fantasy sci-fi holographic planes from a make-believe book set in 2025 as proof of a WTC conspiracy, and then there's all the other lunatic shit you've posted here.

Get a grip for fuck's sake.
to be fair, ed, this is about the first time i've seen Jazz put his hand up to being wrong, so i think rather than pouring scorn, we should give him props for not trying to wriggle out of it. It might be the start of something beautiful :)
Dubversion said:
to be fair, ed, this is about the first time i've seen Jazz put his hand up to being wrong, so i think rather than pouring scorn, we should give him props for not trying to wriggle out of it. It might be the start of something beautiful :)
The problem is that he starts from a position of absolute belief in any dubiously sourced claim (e.g. "Military insider reveals 9/11 stand-down!") and then relies on people to research his idiotic stories for him.

But if people here can't be bothered to keep on correcting his nutjob stories (and Lord knows it's a tiresome business), then urban would end up being used by the conspiraloons to promote and propagate their weird fantasies.

And I don't want that, thanks.
don't misunderstand me, i'm all for correcting him. I just reckon the fact that for once he hasn't squirmed and wriggled is progress :)
Dubversion said:
don't misunderstand me, i'm all for correcting him. I just reckon the fact that for once he hasn't squirmed and wriggled is progress
Yeah, but imagine if people hadn't bothered to research the 'facts' and forced him to admit that he was talking utter bollocks?!

Because that's the way it works with Jazzz and his "truth-seeking" chums: even the wildest, evidence-untroubled, incredible yarns are pronounced as 'fact', no matter how dubious the source - no need for corroborating credible evidence!

I kinda hoped that he would have learnt from his endless humiliations here to exercise caution in his quest for the truth, but it seems his desperation to find a conspiracy means that we're going to have to put up with yet more of his bollocks.
slaar said:
Why don't you check things out and use some critical thought before you post?
Because he's a "truthseeker" on a higher mission and as such has no need to trouble himself with trifles like research, credible sources, evidence, facts, corroborated statements etc etc.
Jazz you muppet, how stupid of you not to notice that his documents had been cleverly photoshopped. :mad:

Come on gang lets all flex our cyber muscles and stick the boot in eh. :rolleyes:
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