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Middle class anxiety

Yeah, but (and this may come down to the weird way we talk about class round these parts), when I rented for years and years and years, I wouldn't say the majority of the BTL'ers I ran into (renting from them) were middle class. I mean, In terms of Marxist analysis, then on that level at least they were clearly not working class... but by the signifiers most people seem to use they didn't always seem that way.

In terms of Marxist analysis, such people are by definition bourgeois, as well as being (to update Marxist terminology) shit-eating rentier fucks.
More anxiety this morning as I find out my single estate extra virgin olive oil has run out.:eek: No idea what I can use to dress my Quinoa salad with now.:confused:
It annoys me that it's assumed working class people don't post on here.
Well you did because you asked if I meant current LibDem voters previously critical of the coalition. Which I didn't (or at least not in isolation).

It can't be that obvious because you completely misunderstood it

Cheers. They're not stereotypes if they're true though. I've personally witnessed many unhinged middle class people with stalls and blue and yellow balloons and every news broadcast outside parliament is punctured with lone weirdos shouting.

It doesn't suggest zebras are mammals either. The title is middle class anxiety. The topic is contemporary middle class political anxiety and why it is apparent now over this political event but absent from other, significantly materially detrimental, recent political events. That would have been a long title though.

That'd the colours of the EU flag tho

I'm sure lots were. But if you read my posts again, I talk about the tone of press coverage and the level of political outrage. If you think the middle class response to austerity was even a fraction of its response to BREXIT then you're fucking mad

It's a good thing I was talking about society generally rather than one tiny weird internet backwater then

The middle class doesn't exist, ok cheers

No, people voted lots of different ways for lots of different reasons, although there is a wealth of data out there about which NRS categories etc voted what. It's interesting stuff, you should google it.

Categorically yes, really

Probably, I don't know them all to ask. It's more about social phenomena than the individual. For clarity, like.

This was a proper entertaining post, cheers.
Note now the latest floated "emergency" "centrist" lash-up. An "interim" government led by Clarke or Harman.

More talk, and its just talk right now, but this "Clarke or Harman should lead an emergency interim government and not the leader of the opposition, Corbyn" stuff is more of the trend from the "centre" to suggest bypassing Party politics/ideology etc, in favour of mere management on behalf of capital.

That it's being cheerled by sections of the so-called progressives - under the guise of "stop brexit at all costs" is an interesting development. Much in line with the direction of travel the EU/troika etc.quite fancy going in.

Wording it clumsily I know. But there's a direction of travel if we look at Greece, at Monti, and now at some of the suggestions floating around the bubble...
Apparently it's Clarke and/or Harman because they are 'father/mother of the house' and nothing to do with their shitty failed politics, great substitute for any sort of democratic choice that
Apparently it's Clarke and/or Harman because they are 'father/mother of the house' and nothing to do with their shitty failed politics, great substitute for any sort of democratic choice that

As if they'd suggest Dennis Skinner were their swearings in the other way around.
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