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Middle class anxiety

More talk, and its just talk right now, but this "Clarke or Harman should lead an emergency interim government and not the leader of the opposition, Corbyn" stuff is more of the trend from the "centre" to suggest bypassing Party politics/ideology etc, in favour of mere management on behalf of capital.

That it's being cheerled by sections of the so-called progressives - under the guise of "stop brexit at all costs" is an interesting development. Much in line with the direction of travel the EU/troika etc.quite fancy going in.

Wording it clumsily I know. But there's a direction of travel if we look at Greece, at Monti, and now at some of the suggestions floating around the bubble...
Who chose there?
I did realise that - wasn't confusing the yellow in the EU flag with LibDem yellow!

The thing is, I think you're conflating a group of pretty fanatical remainers (said flag-wavers/FBPEs) with an enormous section of society, just under half if you use the research industry standard ferrelhadley quoted, a lot more than that if you use the Marxist definition of not owning the means of production. The whole situation is a lot more nuanced than that.

A lot of working class people will have voted to remain. If you add the issue of BAME voters into the mix, a majority of them voted to remain.

This is from Parliament's own analysis (it actually surprised me as I would have thought that there would have been more of a link between poor socio-economic conditions and voting to leave, simply because of the - understandable - desire for change and the perception of a vote to leave as a protest vote against the status quo):

There is no obvious relationship between the proportion of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance, and the proportion of people voting Leave in a local authority. Likewise, there is no obvious relationship between the proportion of children living in low income households in a local authority, and the proportion of people voting Leave.

This suggests that votes for Leave and Remain are not strongly related to this set of socio-economic indicators individually.

The Lib Dems seem to have opted for 'hazard warning label orange', since the last GE. Their rhomboid signs reminded me of the old chemical hazard labels. Not entirely sure what message they're trying to convey with those, yellow made sense, as it's between red and blue, but orange…? I suspect they're trying to distance ncce themselves from the coalition, and appeal to (ex) Labour voters.
The Lib Dems seem to have opted for 'hazard warning label orange', since the last GE. Their rhomboid signs reminded me of the old chemical hazard labels. Not entirely sure what message they're trying to convey with those, yellow made sense, as it's between red and blue, but orange…? I suspect they're trying to distance ncce themselves from the coalition, and appeal to (ex) Labour voters.
But you've just said one part - your lib dems and non tribal tories. It's a winner all round. Or all non-tribal tories and that. You get the IDEA though?
Do you actually have any thoughts of your own about anything, or are you just a bot that reposts random links and twitter posts on threads with vaguely relevant sounding titles?

(If you are a real human then as well as adding a comment of your own, it would be polite to delete all the tracking shit in the URL too)
I was mildly intrigued so looked up the article; the questioner also has two mortgage-free properties, one of which generates rental income. So, yeah.
I couldn’t access the story as it was in the paid for section of Apple News. But I guessed from the wording “£500,000 in cash” that there were other assets too.

Just cash alone, they’ve got £21k per year until the state pension kicks in. That’s without interest, without taking into account private pension they may have, or indeed any other assets.

So yeah.
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