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Mass stabbing at Southport Kids’ Club 29/7/24

First and foremost it just breaks your heart to hear what has happened and then also see the victims that the news has reported. The more you think about it, the more it sinks in and you just cannot imagine what the parents must be going through to lose a child 😢

I almost don't want to give any thought to anything other than the victims, the families and anyone else affected but can't help but think what must be going through the mind of someone to commit such an act?

You think they must be mentally ill to want to do it but then think they must be sane to have planned to do it, where is the line? What turns someone from not doing things like that to being able to carry them out?

RIP to those girls who were right at the beginning of their lives, no words or actions I think will ever help the parents deal with something like that 😞 I'm not a parent but I don't know how I'd carry on.
First and foremost it just breaks your heart to hear what has happened and then also see the victims that the news has reported. The more you think about it, the more it sinks in and you just cannot imagine what the parents must be going through to lose a child 😢

I almost don't want to give any thought to anything other than the victims, the families and anyone else affected but can't help but think what must be going through the mind of someone to commit such an act?

You think they must be mentally ill to want to do it but then think they must be sane to have planned to do it, where is the line? What turns someone from not doing things like that to being able to carry them out?

RIP to those girls who were right at the beginning of their lives, no words or actions I think will ever help the parents deal with something like that 😞 I'm not a parent but I don't know how I'd carry on.
You don’t lose the abilty to do things (mostly) when you’re mentally unwell. Some people ended up catatonic but other people end up in a kind of parallel world, living in our world. It’s hard to understand if you haven’t been there.
You don’t lose the abilty to do things (mostly) when you’re mentally unwell. Some people ended up catatonic but other people end up in a kind of parallel world, living in our world. It’s hard to understand if you haven’t been there.
Thanks, I'll admit I don't understand it. I wish the human brain was a bit simpler as in most people will not want to attack or hurt children, what turns that thought into "I'm going to carry this attack out"? :(
Thanks, I'll admit I don't understand it. I wish the human brain was a bit simpler as in most people will not want to attack or hurt children, what turns that thought into "I'm going to carry this attack out"? :(
I know and it’s a bit more complex than that because you look at people like Ian Brady, who carried out their actions over a long period of time and were able to carry on normal life while doing so.

Anyway this is all speculation like most stuff at this point.
I think poor mental health is a very weak defence for pre-meditated attacks like this and the Nottingham murders. I totally understand why the families of the Nottingham murder victims feel they haven’t got justice.
You may feel like it’s a poor defence but that doesn’t necessarily take away from the fact that a good way to prevent these kinds of attacks is well resourced and well funded mental health services. I’m not talking about what happens to the perpetrators necessarily, I’m talking about how to prevent this kind of attack.

Edit - were the Nottingham attacks premeditated? I haven’t read enough coverage.
I think poor mental health is a very weak defence for pre-meditated attacks like this and the Nottingham murders. I totally understand why the families of the Nottingham murder victims feel they haven’t got justice.
fundamentally where Mental health is used as a Defence / Mitigation/ reason for Hospital Order rather than a Prison sentence it's generally because the individual is Delusional and /or Psychotic

then there is the myth that being on a Hospital Order especially in High Secure or Medium Secure is somehow 'cushy' compared to Prison time
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I think poor mental health is a very weak defence for pre-meditated attacks like this and the Nottingham murders. I totally understand why the families of the Nottingham murder victims feel they haven’t got justice.

The legal test is mens rea, or guilty mind. Did he know it was wrong, or did he have some sort of delusional belief system where he thought he was killing the devil (or something)

Condolences to the friends and family of six-year-old Bebe King who died in hospital yesterday of the injuries that she sustained during the attack at Hart Street, Southport, that morning.
fundamentally where Mental health is used as a Defence / Mitigation/ reason for Hospital Order rather than a Prison sentence it;s generally becasue the individual is Delusional and /or Psychotic

then there is the myth that being on a Hospital Order especially in High Secure or Medium Secure is somehow 'cushy' compared to Prison time

Its also worth noting that reports about the Nottingham attacks and the review into how the case was handled include stuff like:

The report also called on the government to consider changing the categorisation of homicide into three tiers - first degree murder, second degree murder and manslaughter - as recommended by the Law Commission nearly 20 years ago.

Personally I can entirely understand why victims relatives are unhappy with a verdict that doesnt involve the word murder. But I have no problem whatsoever with the mental health realities being looked at properly when trying to understand why a particular criminal act happened, and where it is appropriate to put the guilty party.

Thinking of the families at this time.
Three lovely little innocent lives gone... it's unfathomable how their parents and families will cope with this horror.
Not able to write much else.
There is too much violence against women and girls and now little girls just out trying to learn to dance and have a nice happy day.

Its also worth noting that reports about the Nottingham attacks and the review into how the case was handled include stuff like:

Personally I can entirely understand why victims relatives are unhappy with a verdict that doesnt involve the word murder. But I have no problem whatsoever with the mental health realities being looked at properly when trying to understand why a particular criminal act happened, and where it is appropriate to put the guilty party.
The families were told Caldocano had murdered their children even though the CPS knew they’d never make a murder charge stick.

You can still be a murderer if you have MH problems. It feels wrong that it isn’t the case. nottsgirl - he tooled up, got a train from London and went on his killing spree.
The families were told Caldocano had murdered their children even though the CPS knew they’d never make a murder charge stick.

You can still be a murderer if you have MH problems. It feels wrong that it isn’t the case. nottsgirl - he tooled up, got a train from London and went on his killing spree.
I find it very hard to reconcile the idea of true premeditation with a psychotic episode. But like I said, I have not read much more than the basics in the papers.

My point wasn’t about the ins and outs of the legalities though.
Did he actively "target" the girls, or was he out to do some damage and come across them as a target of opportunity?

It's way too soon to speculate about his motivation.
He got a taxi from his house to the venue where the class was being held. He didn’t pay for the taxi and had conversations with the male taxi driver and a couple of other blokes before he headed off to the back of the centre where the class was being held. There was nothing opportunistic about this attack.
He got a taxi from his house to the venue where the class was being held. He didn’t pay for the taxi and had conversations with the male taxi driver and a couple of other blokes before he headed off to the back of the centre where the class was being held. There was nothing opportunistic about this attack.

Someone can be psychotically delusional and able to order a taxi. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Those poor sweet little girls and their families.

Purely my impression, not intended as actual speculation, but I think that, as well as it obviously being misogyny, sometimes people want to kill the most obviously innocent and defenceless because they're innocent and defenceless. A hatred for the world, so wanting to get rid of the "nicest" parts.

FWIW saying "children" seems fine to me at this point, though, because it is actually possible there were boys injured, even though it's 99.99999% likely the killer chose the group because of their gender.

Stating his ethnicity also somewhat has the effect of ruling out other people who might be being rumoured to be involved. Giving his name will help more, and presumably they will at some point even though he's a minor, it'll just take longer.

And even though even that will only somewhat help, due to other loons who want an excuse to blame their pet hate group, it will still help.

Stating his ethnicity also somewhat has the effect of ruling out other people who might be being rumoured to be involved. Giving his name will help more, and presumably they will at some point even though he's a minor, it'll just take longer.

And even though even that will only somewhat help, due to other loons who want an excuse to blame their pet hate group, it will still help.
name might be released the start of the trial or might only be released on conviction

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You think they must be mentally ill to want to do it but then think they must be sane to have planned to do it,

Not at all, people who suffer from paranoia, delusions etc are often still capable of planning and executing quite complex things.

A friend of my ex's thought that the government were going to send tiny little drones through the sewers to kill him, so he took the doors off all the bathrooms and bogs in his (very big) house, so that he could see the drones coming, and bought himself an air pistol so he could shoot them down.

Then he used the doors to board up some of the windows, to stop them spying on him, and covered the rest with tinfoil to reflect microwaves away from the house.

He was mad as a box of very mad frogs, but his DIY was excellent.
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