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Manchester Arena incident - many reported dead

From a friend's facebook

21 years ago, terrorists attacked my city. Manchester. A 3,300 lb truck bomb took out a huge section of the city center on a busy Saturday afternoon. There were no fatalities, but the IRA wanted to destroy infrastructure, not kill innocents, and gave a warning that got tens of thousands evacuated in good time.

But what happened on the following Monday morning is, to me, the greatest example of the Mancunian spirit. There was a huge exclusion zone, as the shock wave had shattered windows for a half mile in every direction, and falling glass was a real danger. The police were turning everyone away at the edge of the exclusion zone. I was talking to one of the policemen about access (I had clearance into the zone because of my job at the time), and he told me that the crowds of people showing up to go to work were so overwhelming, and so steadfast in their desire to continue with their daily routine, that they were calling in riot officers to control the ever growing crowds.

Imagine that for a minute... a city devastated by one of the largest bombs ever detonated in the UK, and the growing concern to the police was the residents somewhat forceful desires to get on with life as normally as possible.

In the face of terrorism, do not be terrified, but instead hope.
In the face of death, do not acquiesce to fatalism, but instead live.

And throughout the bombing, and since the rebuilding, to this day, there stands a letter box. It stood strong, literally 100 feet from the bomb, and protected the mail inside, which was delivered unharmed.

It did not falter.

Just as the people of Manchester did not falter.

They will not falter now.



And, as I do on every trip back home, I hugged that letter box just last month. Because it's a fucking bad-ass.
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What a terrible thing to wake up to, those poor little children. My 7 and 13 year old daughters love her, we were thinking of taking them to see her for one of their birthdays, could so easily have been there. Just little kids seeing their favourite pop star, with no idea what any of this even means.
From what I gather (ie the MEN Arena's statement that it happened in a public area), it seems likely that they waited outside for the exit doors to open. No need to worry about searches, just wait for the crowd to come to you

There's a massive foyer, just outside the doors, with steps leading into Victoria Station. Usually there's loads of stalls selling merch.

I'm pretty certain that's where it was. Anyone can just walk up from the station. It's horrible to think this cunt calmly walked up those stairs, stairs I've walked up so many times myself, stood there and waited for these happy excited kids and their parents,.

It feels worse to me than the others. Because it's my home I suppose. It feels personal.
People like Katie Hopkins thrive on publicity and the controversy they create. Stop rising to her trolling and she has no reason to exist and will fade away to nothing.
There's a massive foyer, just outside the doors, with steps leading into Victoria Station. Usually there's loads of stalls selling merch.

I'm pretty certain that's where it was. Anyone can just walk up from the station. It's horrible to think this cunt calmly walked up those stairs, stairs I've walked up so many times myself, stood there and waited for these happy excited kids and their parents,.

It feels worse to me than the others. Because it's my home I suppose. It feels personal.
If it's where I think it is, I passed through that very area a few weeks ago. It's so spine-chilling to imagine what happened there - someone who's beliefs negated any sense of compassion towards their fellow human being.

It feels worse than others to me as well, Manchester is my home too, and also the fact the victims were so young. As I said earlier I thought it was be only a matter of time before there was at least an attempted attack in Manchester, but I mainly thought they would target the public transport network.
Surely the kids at the HI are old enough to tell the people there who they are, and who needs to be contacted about them?
I briefly tuned into GMB this morning to see Piers Morgan saying very similar. 'We don't need any more candlelight vigils, we need action'

What action would that be Piers?

He probably means 'we' should go and bomb a load of their kids or something to even the score. Oh wait..

Anyone that fails to see the cyclical nature of this shit is thick as fuck.
Surely the kids at the HI are old enough to tell the people there who they are, and who needs to be contacted about them?

Stupid kids, eh.:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Shocked distressed horrified children. Chaos on all sides. Increased concerns regarding the safety of those children. Panicked parents. No existing infrastructure for getting the relevant information to the correct people..... Who'd a thunk it, eh Bungle73
Surely the kids at the HI are old enough to tell the people there who they are, and who needs to be contacted about them?

The horrible thing is that the parents meeting then to pick up these stray kids may be among the victims. I feel sick just thinking about it.
Terrorism's goal is to spread hatred and intolerance, quoting Piers, Hopkins Paul Joeseph Watson et all, is making the situation worse.

21 years ago the IRA detonated a 5,000lb in Manchester, Manchester didn't give into hate then, please dont do so no.

Yep. Also if someone wants to read the likes of Hopkins, Morgans tweets fine stop inflicting it on the rest of us. We all know how to use Twitter if we want to look for that crap.
Surely the kids at the HI are old enough to tell the people there who they are, and who needs to be contacted about them?

Shock and or injuries including temporary deafness not to mention emergency services stretched to the limit and confused parents unsure of where to go.
Shock and or injuries including temporary deafness not to mention emergency services stretched to the limit and confused parents unsure of where to go.
add in pressure on mobile networks etc and it's no wonder it takes time to get people reunited

I keep coming back to this thread and feel so fucking helpless. Helpless and angry. Kids, kids being kids. Kids with their lives yet to play out. Fucks sake :(
Surely the kids at the HI are old enough to tell the people there who they are, and who needs to be contacted about them?

The missing children are pretty likely to make up a decent chunk of the 22 killed. Heaven forbid their parents are holding out hope that they're not waiting for identification eh?

Din't be so fucking insensitive.
My kids are very upset at this - I think for the first time they can connect with how shit this kind of thing is and how the selfish arseholes who feel the need to do it actually think. Master NBE is going to a gig tonight n London, so direct resonance there. Awful. Kids as well.
add in pressure on mobile networks etc and it's no wonder it takes time to get people reunited

I keep coming back to this thread and feel so fucking helpless. Helpless and angry. Kids, kids being kids. Kids with their lives yet to play out. Fucks sake :(

I have family in Omagh, they didn't lose anyone but they remember the terror confusion and rumours that lasted late into the night
Reports that Take That Are unlikely now to be playing the MEN this week and Ariana Grande postponing 02 gig, the terrorists have won if this happens, better to get on with it and carry on as normal surely.

I fear that the Champions League final is Cardiff next week may well be a target now.
People like Katie Hopkins thrive on publicity and the controversy they create. Stop rising to her trolling and she has no reason to exist and will fade away to nothing.

they do it because they can get away with it - and by doing it they legitimise bigotry and hate. They absolutely should be condemned, made social pariahs and those that pay them shamed into sacking them.
Oh fuck off. Trust this forum to use any excuse to attack someone for making simple observation.....and in a thread about a massacre in a UK city too. You fucking disgust me.
I'm wondering if my daughter's school is going to do some sort of silence. Is anything planned? I kinda hope not because I'd rather she didn't know, or at least if she has to find out I'd prefer it to come from me.
Reports that Take That Are unlikely now to be playing the MEN this week and Ariana Grande postponing 02 gig, the terrorists have won if this happens, better to get on with it and carry on as normal surely.

I fear that the Champions League final is Cardiff next week may well be a target now.
not sure it's immedaiately possible for ariana when fans you've met - like georgina callander - are among the dead.
Reports that Take That Are unlikely now to be playing the MEN this week and Ariana Grande postponing 02 gig, the terrorists have won if this happens, better to get on with it and carry on as normal surely.

I fear that the Champions League final is Cardiff next week may well be a target now.

Yup don't forget Al Qaeda's stated aim was a worldwide Caliphate and a ban on Take That reunion gigs. Are you and bungle playing a game to find the least sensitive angle to focus on this tragedy?
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