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Manchester Arena incident - many reported dead

thats whats so so great about the aftermath of a massacre isn't it, certain things scurry into the light. People get emboldened to say things they normally would keep to themselves, happily using a tragedy to air their shit. Over in twitter land you've got Hopkins calling for a race war (to men, come back with your shield or on it etc) and some twonk at the Times calling for the internment camps.
no, that's not what i said. don't put words into my mouth, chuck.

YOU said YOU sounded like dandred when you were fifteen. i never said i sounded like him.
Seem to be talking at cross purposes here. I never said you did. what a strange thing to be disagreeable about.
Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority".

Quran (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden). But if they turn renegades, seize them and slay them wherever ye find them; and (in any case) take no friends or helpers from their ranks."
All provided without any context and yet somehow you expect these to explain modern political outcomes and events, such as terrorism.
I know some proper fucking cunts who are athiests.
I know a LOT of cunts who are atheists. Most of the people partaking in the 'great debate' community online are insufferable alt right peddling wankers of the first order. Just look at scumbags like Phil 'thunderfoot' Mason, or that shitbag from Swindon, Carl Benjamin - aka Sargon of Akkad.
This is a good article on BuzzFeed. I agree with most of it. This is an important point:

ISIS Has A Strategy To Create A Media Frenzy And News Outlets Are Struggling To Disrupt It

"Sometimes, the seeking of attention and “upping the ante” of victims is instinctive, as with young school shooters. Such mass murderers often meticulously collect clippings of media from past such incidents and obsessively follow the coverage. They "admire" and seek to emulate those who increased the numbers of victims. The Sandy Hook mass murder, carried out not by ISIS but by a disturbed young man in the US, seemed to do just that: target children, as a sick "one-upping" of sensational mass murder. In the case of ISIS, this stems not from instinct, but from a strategic understanding of the need for escalation to increase the coverage and horror.

And again and again, we are playing into their game, on their terms.


Don't go into loop mode. Mention names of killers sparingly. Avoid their photos, manifestos, and coverage they left behind for us except in brief mentions. Don't overreact. Report news when there is news. Don't retraumatize victims."
Those who take up violence against the infidels are by definition being good Muslims.

Most religions have some version of smite the infidels, blasphemers bollox, which few comfortable and safe adherents give two hoots about.

It's only important when it's in someone powerful's interest to pour enough energy into making anyone take it seriously. Peace can only come through eroding the reasons for and power to do it.

In the meantime, how to stop the randoms who take up the cause?
Exactly, people who choose to believe in these kind of fairy tails are cunts of the highest order.

You dont think people would find some other reason to kill?
You think atheists dont kill?
Humans kill...maim...murder...and they do so for a miriad of reasons...and religion is one excuse used...but there have been many other reasons throughout history...such as property, land, precious metals, slavery.... and one of the biggest murdering cunts in history mao tse tung declared religion was poison whilst killing 45million of his own people over 4 years.
This is a good article on BuzzFeed. I agree with most of it. This is an important point:

ISIS Has A Strategy To Create A Media Frenzy And News Outlets Are Struggling To Disrupt It

"Sometimes, the seeking of attention and “upping the ante” of victims is instinctive, as with young school shooters. Such mass murderers often meticulously collect clippings of media from past such incidents and obsessively follow the coverage. They "admire" and seek to emulate those who increased the numbers of victims. The Sandy Hook mass murder, carried out not by ISIS but by a disturbed young man in the US, seemed to do just that: target children, as a sick "one-upping" of sensational mass murder. In the case of ISIS, this stems not from instinct, but from a strategic understanding of the need for escalation to increase the coverage and horror.

And again and again, we are playing into their game, on their terms.

Avoid their photos, manifestos, and coverage they left behind for us except in brief mentions. Don't overreact. Report news when there is news. Don't retraumatize victims."


Granted BuzzFeed's business model is almost the opposite. But this article is a good one. The carrier is perhaps ironic, but I hope the message spreads.

If the BBC can't do it I don't hold out much hope for the advert-dependent media, where clearly juicy details of the terrorist means more clicks and ££.
Remember the Boston marathon bombing? Rolling Stone put that cunt on the cover - presumably cos he was good looking in a rakish rockstar way.

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It's just what Jesus whould have wanted :D
No because the whole point of Jesus was to overturn that.
Sadly the Muslims didn't have the Romans to construct a tame antidote to radicalism for them ...
Perhaps that's WHY Islam came to be - because they sort of knew the Romans had diluted the horrors of the Old Testament ...
... that said I encounter a lot of literalist "Christians" online who talk the OT talk - even if thankfully they don't act it out ... they're trapped into keeping the OT attached to the new so the "prophecies" make sense ...
I know a LOT of cunts who are atheists. Most of the people partaking in the 'great debate' community online are insufferable alt right peddling wankers of the first order. Just look at scumbags like Phil 'thunderfoot' Mason, or that shitbag from Swindon, Carl Benjamin - aka Sargon of Akkad.

I'll see you and raise you Jon Gaunt. His twitter stream is a sewer of half-witted bullshit.
I'll see you and raise you Jon Gaunt. His twitter stream is a sewer of half-witted bullshit.
Indeed. He's a disgusting pustule on society's backside.

The Sun's headline about Corbyn and McDonnell is the most vile thing I've ever read.

I was speaking of my experience dealing with online atheists (of which I am one), and they are all content to use misognystic homophobic language while pretending to give a damn about morality. they are just repulsive.

I would happily throw Jon guant off a cliff.
Fairies don't have tails!
Incorrect. Elf women of Norway & Sweden were said to have cow's tails, only visible from behind. A woodcutter seduced by such a creature would only realise her true nature once they got down to it and he glimpsed the tail. Of course running away at this point wouldn't do him much good and he'd be torn to pieces by the elf maiden.

Not sure why Dandred is bringing this up now mind, you'd have to ask him
No because the whole point of Jesus was to overturn that.
Yeah I was just making the point that it's easy to pick out dodgy lines from religious texts and use them as a stick to beat every follower of the religion with.

I used to have a Muslim colleague, a chap I sat next to for 2 years. He was a devout Muslim, prayed several times a day, did the whole ramadan thing. I spoke to him at length about the issues facing Islam - as far as he was concerned the Quran preached peace & tolerance, and he abhorred any violence. I've not read it myself, so I had to take his word for it. I imagine, like most ancient texts it can be interpreted in a wide variety of ways, usually based on the prejudice of the reader.
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