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Manchester Arena incident - many reported dead

Which of course doesn't explain those Muslim states or states where there are a significant Muslim population who also have problems with Islamic terrorism

Precisely, and it doesn't explain how rich bastards like Bin Laden got into the terror business. Of course, the cunts on the bottom rung of the Jihadi food chain are usually alienated losers, but it's not alienation that's the common denominator when it comes to extremism, it's ideology.

That ideology is Salafism/Wahabism, and instead of challenging the biggest promoter of this ideology worldwide, Saudi Arabia, we suck up to their filthy royals, selling weapons to them so that they can continue to bomb the shit out of Yemen, torture dissidents and execute women who accidentally show a bit of ankle.
And the Top Chops are also really, really not happy:

Following reports in the US media, the statement below has been issued through the National Police Chiefs' Council.

A National Counter Terrorism Policing spokesperson said:

“We greatly value the important relationships we have with our trusted intelligence, law enforcement and security partners around the world. These relationships enable us to collaborate and share privileged and sensitive information that allows us to defeat terrorism and protect the public at home and abroad.

“When that trust is breached it undermines these relationships, and undermines our investigations and the confidence of victims, witnesses and their families. This damage is even greater when it involves unauthorised disclosure of potential evidence in the middle of a major counter terrorism investigation.”

Manchester incident: Update
To claim that this kind of thing has nothing to do with Islam is beyond absurd. There are many ways of interpreting the ideology of Islam, and the concept of Jihad, as keeps being pointed out. These actions arise from one particular interpretation.
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To claim that this kind of thing has nothing to do with Islam is beyond absurd. There are many ways of interpreting the ideology of Islam, and the concept of Jihad, as keeps being pointed out. These actions arise arise from one particular interpretation.
No one said that though.
Which of course doesn't explain those Muslim states or states where there are a significant Muslim population who also have problems with Islamic terrorism
And it isn't even true that this society regards all Muslim males as terrorists-in-waiting. The reaction to Manchester and every other recent atrocity, has seen both the public in general (as far as can be seen), nearly all mainstream politicians, and most of the media saying the exact opposite. As for the adventuring abroad, that same public consistently votes for the politicians who enable it.
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Okay it's theory time. What if it's not possible for Muslims to challenge the grip of their religious leaders from within and tthe religious leaders imposing of strict religious education and sectarian traditions. What if the state needs to step in and undo isolationism, step in to give women full rights and insist on secular education.
Okay it's theory time. What if it's not possible for Muslims to challenge the grip of their religious leaders from within and tthe religious leaders imposing of strict religious education and sectarian traditions. What if the state needs to step in and undo isolationism, step in to give women full rights and insist on secular education.
Whatever anybody's opinion, it's likely to remain a 'what if?'
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Okay it's theory time. What if it's not possible for Muslims to challenge the grip of their religious leaders from within and tthe religious leaders imposing of strict religious education and sectarian traditions. What if the state needs to step in and undo isolationism, step in to give women full rights and insist on secular education.
History of turkey, france, etc shows it doesn't work - alienates people more, pushes practices underground.
What might be a positive step is if the state stopped selling arms to/being so sycophantic towards Saudi Arabia. If they stopped funding and listening to religious conservative "community leaders" over women, young people, working class people. If they stopped funding religious "free schools" (and properly fund comprehensive education instead). Lots of muslim women i know are fighting for their rights in various ways - but the state is often actively working against them
Okay it's theory time. What if it's not possible for Muslims to challenge the grip of their religious leaders from within and tthe religious leaders imposing of strict religious education and sectarian traditions. What if the state needs to step in and undo isolationism, step in to give women full rights and insist on secular education.
Firstly, there are many different Muslims with many different experiences - not all of them feel oppressed or under the influence of strictly controlling religion leaders. Generally speaking, you only get to hear of the bad cases. No one reports on the moderates - that's not newsworthy.

Secondly, anything the state did to curtail religious influence, such as with regard to secular education, would have to be done equally to all religions. So it would affect catholic, C of E, Jewish, etc, schools just as much as Islamic ones. Personally I think that would actually be a good thing, but that's only cos I don't agree with any religious influence. Many others, from other faiths, would no doubt feel differently.

And with regard to women's rights - they're already enshrined within British law. We don't need more legislation, we need the existing laws to be adequately enforced.
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